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Cuong Hung Ngo/ Thu Trang Anh Nguyen

Nov 29th, 2022
Why do more and more students prefer online education?
As a student myself, it is relatively easy to identify the underlying causes of
why university pupils are switching their preferences from direct to online
learning. Initially, online learning has only been ubiquitous recently due to the
outbreak of Covid 19 pandemic, which is substituting the conventional aspects of
education we used to be familiar with. However, online learning proved to offer an
ironically unique means of acquiring. With an average level of technical
knowledge, it is without difficulty for students to access the available resources,
communicate at a fast pace with other learners, and inevitably, systematize all
syllabi under one folder. Secondly, the availability of learning from home cuts
down waste expenses not only on traveling costs but moving time, as well. Many
students admit that this innovation is valuable since it helps reduce the tension
placed on their shoulders when considering the cost of living in big cities.
Therefore, the budget spent on traveling can be allocated to other important
sources such as English study, renting fees, etc. In conclusion, no matter how
various those grounds for this new shift of interest are, as long as students can
make the most out of this powerful creation of technology for their successful
study outcomes, online learning is still a practical revolution of the 21st century.

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