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Make a drawing related to a quote you like.

Take the words of wisdom from

someone else and turn them into something visually inspiring.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service of others.” –

Mahatma Gandhi

I like this phrase because it relates to my goal job of being a nurse. Nursing
school is difficult for me since you have to put in a lot of time and attention to
academics. Great universities prepare you for patient care through a rigorous,
intensive approach. There are tight deadlines to meet, lab skills to learn, and
difficult examinations to take. And attempting all of these actions or tasks will
leave you fatigued, stressed out, or defeated, we must be knowledgeable
about how we utilize time. However through all this hardship that is being
faced, as nurses take action in Community service helps us realize the core
values of passion, hard work and commitment. When a person feels his
actions bring about the good of others and result in relieving even a little of
widespread human suffering.

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