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There are only 14 days until Christmas. Isn't that exciting?

This is also the month when

everyone is busiest. Unfortunately, not everyone is looking forward to Christmas. Instead of
celebrating, people are complaining. Most often, you will hear "Gastos nanaman," "marami
akong inaanak," and "What should I wear for Christmas?" People tend to forget the real
essence of Christmas. As the holiday season approaches, let's fill our hearts with gladness and
thanksgiving. Consider all of the blessings we have received instead of focusing on what's
missing. This is the season to celebrate the prosperity we have because of the birth of Jesus
Christ. Remember what Jesus said in John 10:10, "I came that they may have life, and that they
may have it abundantly." The truth is, because of Jesus, we have everything. He gave his life for
us. He died on the cross so that we may gain love, joy, peace, forgiveness of sin, freedom,
healing, and eternal life. What more could we ask for? All the means to prosper are in Jesus.
This Christmas, let us change our mindset. Let us celebrate and thank Jesus for everything he
has done. Let's celebrate Christmas and continue to prosper!

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