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Author contributions

The paper was initiated within the framework of the COST Action FA1305, building
on a prior internal working paper. B.K. wrote the first version, provided by inputs
from J.J., T.R., M.V. and R.J. All authors provided valuable inputs and participated in
discussions. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Conflicts of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This research received funding from the German initiative “business meets science”
by The Federal Ministry of the Interior and within the framework of the COST Action
FA1305. The authors would like to thank Christoph van Ballegoy, Katharina Diehl,
Sven Lundie, Anett Kuntosch, Wolfgang Bokelmann and Werner Kloas as well as
colleagues from COST Action FA1305 for productive discussions and input.

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