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Little Book of Flows

Source Movement Yoga

Little Book of Flows

A little book of fun and challenging
flows for everybody and every body

by Source Movement

Yoga 1
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

Welcome to Source Movement Yoga’s Little Book of Flows!

We wanted to share some of our very best flows - the ones we use in our own classes
to build them from 4 people to 40, leaving everyone satisfied.

No matter what their level of experience, our students find these flows challenging,
yet fun and inclusive.

You will see notes and suggestions below each flow, however we invite you to explore
and use these in a way that suits your style of movement and teaching best!

That being said, these are the exact same flows that we teach to students who have
been practicing for many years as well as brand new Yogis - often times right next to
one another in class! In other words, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. These are
all time tested and proven. They are ready to practice and teach as-is.

Source Movement Yoga’s mission is to support yoga teachers and inspired students
on all layers – Physical, mental, emotional, relational, financial and spiritual. No matter
where you are on your journey, you have a place at Source Movement Yoga. Welcome
to the family!


Kisma and Nick (The Dark Yogi)

Check out our Facebook page:

If you like yoga, I’ve got a feeling you would LOVE our podcast, Kisma and The Dark
Yogi. It’s all about taking yoga off the mat and into your life. We provide a ton of
great information for yoga teachers and practitioners alike.

You can find us on iTunes, Stitcher and Soundcloud. Go to for more info. 1
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

1. Source Movement’s Happy Hips

This versatile hip opening sequence is one of our go-to flows because it’s
easy to modify the framework for many situations.

It works very well as the opening for a slower moving class, freeing up the
hips for more stability in a standing series.

It also works just as well as a warm-down for a vinyasa. After the body is
warm, it will be very receptive to deeper expressions of these poses.

You might substitute the pyramid pose with a half-split by lowering the
back knee, or even offer a full split for your bendy students.

Experiment and have fun! 2
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

2. Nick’s Energizing Vinyasa 3
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

2. Nick’s Energizing Vinyasa

This is essentially a Sun Salutation letter ‘B’ with some fun variations. This
flow is most effective as a warm-up toward the beginning of class. I
recommend repeating the flow 3-5 times.

The first time through you can hold each pose a few breaths (3 max), but
eventually it should move ‘one breath one movement.’

The quality and style of movement is especially important in a flow like this.
Keep it light, easy and smooth. It’s designed to get the blood and energy
flowing freely, so you can let the sequence do the work without obsessing
over specifics.

From fierce pose, twist to each side, then take a vinyasa.

The slash ( / ) simply indicates a new section of the sequence.

Moving from Crescent Warrior to Pyramid and then to a Low Lunge before
you step back may require a slight adjustment of the feet.

This can be done simply and effortlessly if you simply follow the intuitive
movement of your body and don’t over-think it.

The repeat simply takes you back to Down Dog to repeat the opposite
side. Hold the last down dog for 3-5 breaths before you go on the to next
section, returning to standing at the front of the mat to finish the cycle. 4
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

3. Kisma’s Inspired Vinyasa 5
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

3. Kisma’s Inspired Vinyasa

This flow is perfect to be inserted after a Sun Salutation ‘B’ in a Vinyasa

Suggestion is to go through it once slower, using as many breaths in a

consistent manner as necessary, allow the body time and space to meet
the pose. For instance, allow a few extra breaths to set up the side
bakasana at the beginning.

Use modifications for students and allow them to feel the adduction of
inner thighs and use of bandhas.

Note: Whenever you have an extra inhale in a pose, use it to expand, and
create more space.

Teacher tip: If this is described and set up clearly, when you move one
breath one movement, it will be flowing, even if one or two poses requires
that extra breath. In the case of this flow, always be clear on poses that
are arriving on an exhale but expanding on an inhale- the physical body
may be holding but the energy is moving!

There is so much room for creative expression

and experimentation within this framework
so have fun with it! 6
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

4. The Dark Yogi’s Presidential Slow Flow 7
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

4. The Dark Yogi’s Presidential Slow Flow

Approach this slow flow like a Boss!

This standing flow works great for a slower moving practice.

Hold each pose 5-7 breaths with a few exceptions.

The pose after the Slash ( / ) is skandasana. Move back and forth between
skandasana and the following pose (warrior 3 modification) 3-5 times,
moving one breath, one movement. This will build heat leading up to the
next portion of the flow.

With a slower moving flow such as this, it should be easy to include simple
modifications for all ‘levels’ of students.

At the end, simply rotate through center and then repeat the flow on the
opposite side. You’ll be facing the back of the mat this time around. 8
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

5. Kisma’s Kosmic Slow Flow 9
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

5. Kisma’s Kosmic Slow Flow 10
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

5. Kisma’s Kosmic Slow Flow

This Slow Flow is about TIME, SPACE, and DEPTH! These poses can be held
for 3 to 5 breaths and they burn!

Think about encouraging not just full inhalations and exhalations but subtle
energetic movement of the breath. Though these are static poses the body
can move slightly and find it's place in each. No Yoga Statues!

The indicated breaths are only a suggestion, and can be changed

according to your preference. Just remember to allow consistent number
of breaths for each pose.

This is a great flow to add words of encouragement about holding your

space at times where it seems difficult and challenging.

Teacher tip: When using this flow, remind your students how one hour of our
24 hour day can be life changing if you hang in there and show up in your
best no matter what! Let that hour be right now! 11
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

6. Kisma’s Courageously Vulnerable Balance Flow 12
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

6. Kisma’s Courageously Vulnerable Balance Flow

Balance should be fun! The interesting thing about balance is that
seldom looks like we imagine it in our heads. Sometimes we feel like we
might fall over, but getting back up is the real skill of living!

Try approaching this series with clear direction, giving yourself space to
be in each pose without obsessively thinking about where you’re going.

Notice in Warrior III we arrive on an inhale yet I give an exhale to be

there. You might do this flow holding for 3 or 4 or 5 breaths and that's

Feel free to add Bakasana here and play around! 13
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

7. The Dark Yogi’s Flying Crow Vinyasa 14
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

7. The Dark Yogi’s Flying Crow Vinyasa

This is a fun flow using big, sweeping movements to build energy. It works
nicely after a few Sun Salutation A’s and B’s since it expands on similar
movements while adding some fun variations.

Hold the poses 3-5 breaths the first time through. Then take it one breath,
one movement, gradually increasing the pace. Just remember, in a flow like
this, it’s not really about going faster necessarily, it’s meant to build
powerful energetic momentum.

While this may seem like a more ‘advanced’ vinyasa to some, I have used
this flow effectively with students of all levels of experience…At the same
time! Everyone was challenged to their capacity, but no one was left
behind. Trust yourself, and trust your students.

The most important thing to remember is

to HAVE FUN with it! 15
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

8. Divine Surrender Yin 16
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

8. Divine Surrender Yin

Surrendering to divinity is a very subtle practice. Indeed, it is the essence
of Bhakti Yoga. This yin series is meant to be a physical expression of Divine

If you are not familiar with Yin Yoga, it’s a softer approach and the postures
are held much longer than you might be used to. This approach allows the
more dense connective tissue (tendons and ligaments) to stretch.

Words really can’t describe the experience. You have to try it for yourself,
and this well-balanced flow will address all of the major areas of your
body and movements of the spine.

For more information on Yin Yoga go to - it’s an amazing


Believe it or not, this short flow is for a 60 minute class. Spend 3-5 minutes
in each pose. Aim for the same amount of time on each side.

For Dragon Poses, the back knee should be down. In general, the further
back the knee, the more intense the stretch. However, take it slow and allow
the body to unfold naturally.

In every pose, mindfully find the first point of resistance and then allow
gravity to do the work. Exit slowly. Your body will need some time to adjust.

Between poses, you might add a neutralizing pose like Downward Dog, but
always maintain a soft, receptive approach. 17
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

Closing Comments
We hope these flows will be beneficial for your personal practice, and fun
for you to teach.

Keeping it all in Perspective…

After interviewing and training many many yoga teachers, one honest
truth I’ve discovered is that the coolest flows, the best playlists, and
greatest assists and adjustments don’t mean a lot if you aren’t showing
up in your Full Potential to inspire your students to their highest and best.

Actions speak louder than words, so if you really want to have a powerful
impact in the lives of your students, all you have to do is model a deeply
authentic living yoga practice. Here are Source Movement’s three ‘ism’s
to help you out.

Radical Authenticity
In this crazy world we are constantly inundated with people telling us who
we should be and what we should do. It is a truly unique and powerful
person who is able to connect with the whispers of truth within and simply
be themselves.

Ruthless Honesty
The world is composed of pairs of opposites (dvandavas). Light and dark.
Honor and Dishonor. Truth and Lies. We must be vigilant to discern truth
from lie. How many times do we use a simple little lie to keep ourselves
small – Who am I to be heard? What I have to say doesn’t matter. I’m only
an imperfect human. Nonsense! You are infinite awareness! Be ruthlessly
honest with what separates you from your Divine nature. Just don’t be a
jerk about it. ;~) Do it with Love and you can’t go wrong. 18
Little Book of Flows
Source Movement Yoga

Courageous Vulnerability
Divine order masquerades as chaos, and chaos can be scary. It can be
scary to put ourselves out there and share from our heart, but the willingness
to be seen and heard is the doorway to meaningful human connection. The
world is starving for this connection. You will impact more lives than you
can possibly imagine simply by sharing the truth of your human experience

Here is how you can stay connected

Check out our Podcast Kisma and The Dark Yogi

A very heartfelt Namaste!! 19

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