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The purpose of the present study is to explore the relationship between the forced use of smartphones

and social interactions between users and to assess social isolation and social support among addicted
users. An opportunistic sample of 1431 young Kuwaitis aged 17-26 was selected. One questionnaire was
important tol which is used in this research. There are there are three parts of it: demographic
information, the use of social media by smartphones, and some scales like HSS (Health Symptoms
Scales) SPAS (Smartphone Addiction Scale) SSS (Social Support Scale) and SIS (Social Isolation Scale). We
have use SPSS for running the ANOVA test, regression Coefficient, and Pearson correlation test. Statistics
show that lower levels of social isolation mean more for smartphone addiction and overall and
psychological symptoms, while higher levels of social support mean less for overall health and
psychological symptoms related to smartphone misuse and social isolation is high. More smartphone
addiction; Overall health, psychological and somatic symptoms. In addition, the greater the source of
real social support, the lower the overall health, physical and psychological symptoms, the lower the
degree of use of social media and the higher the degree of involvement of youth in social groups and
The degree of use of YouTube will be just as high. Reducing the level of social support for young people
22 years of age and older. Smartphone Addiction, Social Support, Psychological and Somatic Symptoms,
and the degree of involvement in social groups, could be significantly predicted in terms of attachment
and level of social isolation. Technology has a profound effect on young people's behavior.

In the human life one process which is considered as 1 of the most significant process is known as
socialisation it has concentrable impacts on behavioural and social growth, as well as on the educational
abilities of individuals. Recently, with the increasing reliance of most people on the use of technical
devices and spending a long time with them, the social media and face-to-face communication have
diminished and have been replaced by these devices. Is. With the increasing use of smartphones among
young adults, associated with social networking sites (SNSs) applications such as Facebook, SnapChat,
etc., people are becoming less social and more isolated from their social environment.

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