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The earliest known civilizations

developed in various locations
around the world. The first
civilizations appeared in
Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq)
and the Indus Valley (modern-day
Pakistan) around 3,000 BCE. These
early civilizations were followed by
the Egyptians, the Minoans of The Roman Empire began in 27 BCE
Crete, the Phoenicians, the and lasted until 476 CE. The Roman
Mycenaeans of Greece, and the Empire was followed by the
Olmecs of Mexico. Byzantine Empire, which lasted
from 476 CE to 1453 CE.

The classical period of civilization The Middle Ages began in 476 CE

began with the rise of the Persian and lasted until the early modern
Empire in 550 BCE. This was period, which began around 1400
followed by the Classical period of CE. The early modern period was
Greece, which lasted from 480 BCE followed by the modern period,
to 323 BCE. The Classical period which began around 1750 CE.
was followed by the Hellenistic
period, which lasted from 323 BCE
to 30 BCE.

Dwayne G. Flor CCDI

GAS 11 – B Social Science

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