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Advantages of National Power and Foreign Relations

In describing national power and foreign relations, the national identity and national security are
advantages in a show case of power existence and relations to rest of the world.

National Identity

This can literally mean a sense of belonging to one state or nation represented by a distinctive tradition,
culture, politics, or language that makes one different from another person from another state or
nation. In some other terms it’s well known to be a psychological instinct in persons on a sense of
awareness of differences or sense of belonging to a nation or state or feeling of recognition as nationals
or the state. It therefore indicates that national power influences ownership of national property,
boundaries where protection is the major player in national identity as defined by Marxist theory.
National power is of great importance that it influences national identity that has elements of ownership
and protection of national property that makes the country known to the rest of other states hence has
opportunities for relationships. National Power in this sense is more important. For example, I am a
Ugandan and will always remain a Ugandan by birth with that national identity, I have an obligation to
protect national property no matter where I will be but will always be proud to be a Ugandan. Therefore
national power in terms of national identity plays a big role.

National Security

National Power means having national security for the country. Security is guaranteed once national
power is the topic. To build economic, social and political powers, one has to be assured of safety for the
protection of dominion over economic, social and political sovereignty. For example, having natural
resources like Gold, Diamond, Silver, Oil etc, the country has to have proper security to protect such
resources. Guyana-Venezuelan border dispute claims arise due to mainly mineral deposits around the
location such as discovered oil and gold deposits according to National Newspaper Kaeiteur News Sep
28, 2015 written by Leonard Gildarie from New York. Venezuela posed threat by building up military
troops along Guyana-Venezuelan border which was a show of National military power as in showing
their National security. In other words National Power contributes to the national security for the
protection of national property, assets, resources etc.

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