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Interview an Elder

First & Last Name:_Malik Hafez________________________ Block: B Period:


Summary: Is there a food that reminds you of a memory from when you were
younger? Can you think of recipes or flavors that have been passed down in your
family for generations? In this activity, you will interview an elder who you know
about a favorite recipe of theirs and why that recipe is meaningful to them.

Read: Food can be a pathway to our past, our heritage, and our history. One
way for us to understand how food can link us to our past is to speak to people
who have been around a little longer than we have. Think of an elder in your life
—they could be a family member, community member, or friend—and interview
them about their favorite childhood recipe or food.

Do: Interview an elder. Prepare your questions ahead of time. Sit down with your
interviewee or call them up. Then ask them your questions. Here are some
questions you might include, but feel free to add your own.
● What is one of your favorite recipes from your childhood? My favorite was

● What makes the dish special? The tomato sauce on it!

● How did you learn about the recipe? Watching my mom make it.

● Would you walk me through the recipe? Yes of course.

● How would you describe the flavors of the dish? It tastes very cheesy and

● What spices does it require? CHILI SAUCE!

● What memories do you have about eating or making the dish? I WAS SO

● What are the flavors, smells and ingredients that remind you of home? It
smells like tomato sauce and flavors are very chessy and ingredient are
olive oil, oregano, tomato, olives, mozzarella or other cheese, and many
other ingredients

Now, turn to the back and complete your written response.

This assignment is due to Mr. Scandinaro no later than: __oct 27
Write: Write a minimum of a one paragraph response to your questions.
Your written response should include:
● At least three things that you learned from your conversation.
● At least one thing you are still curious about.
● A question that you still have.

I learned a lot of things from the conversation. I learned about food and
dishes, Also a lot of Ingredients that can help me cook at home. Also i
learned a lot of rulers that can happen in a kitchen and how to prevent
accidents. I'm still curious about how is pineapple on pizza taste good. I
don't have any more questions._

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