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Argumentative Essay by Vinda Aprisca

Teenagers with Cigarette Smoking

People around the world are familiar with cigarette smoking. Some of them might

experience the smoking habits. In some countries, especially Indonesia, the number of cigarette

consumers are very high. Indonesia is also one of the largest tobacco producing countries in the

world. Nowadays, smoking habits to be a trend in teenagers’ lifestyle. Some of them are smoking

and enjoy their smoking habits in long-term. This cigarette smoking might danger for their

lungs’ health. Therefore, it is important to keep their lungs healthy.

Long-term cigarette smoking habits causes lungs cancer. Cigarettes contain of chemicals

that have the potential to settle in the human body and caused addiction. When the teenagers are

smoking, the smoke will enter their airways into their lungs. When the lungs are filled of smoke

in long-term period, their lungs are increased risk of lungs cancer. It is well known that cigarette

smoking can be very badly affected the lungs, such as lungs cancer.

As the solution, first, governments should make a policy for every cigarette producer so

that every cigarette package should be given a warning of the dangerous of cigarette smoking for

human health. By giving the policy, every cigarette producer will also have a responsibility to

appeal their consumers to reduce their cigarette smoking habits. In order to reduce cigarette

smoking habits in teenagers, teenagers who see the package of cigarette will know that cigarette

smoking habits are danger for their health, especially their lungs.

Second, there should be socialization about the dangerous of cigarette smoking in school.

Teachers should give an explanation about the bad effect of cigarette smoking to the students. By
giving socialization about the danger of cigarette smoking, the students will be more aware that

cigarette smoking can be very badly affected their lungs, and they will reduce their cigarette

smoking habits.

In short, cigarette smoking might danger for teenagers’ lungs’ health. Teenagers and

governments should cooperate to reduce the cigarette smoking habits in teenagers’ lifestyle. By

looking at those solution, the cigarette smoking habits in teenagers’ lifestyle could be reduced so

that they can keep their lungs’ healthy and far from lungs’ cancer risk.

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