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Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 141087

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Environmental assessment of a permeable pavement system used to

harvest stormwater for non-potable water uses in a building
Lucas Niehuns Antunes a,⁎, Enedir Ghisi a, Roni Matheus Severis b
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Department of Civil Engineering, Laboratory of Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Florianópolis, SC 88040-900, Brazil
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Department of Environmental Engineering, Life Cycle Assessment Research Group (CICLOG), Florianópolis, SC 88040-900, Brazil


• Potable water savings achieved with the

permeable pavement system was 69.6%.
• Electricity savings in the supply of
potable water in the operation stage
was 8.9%.
• The greatest damages were related to
the implementation and end-of-life
• Permeable pavement system had lower
environmental impacts in most catego-
• Fine particulate matter formation and
global warming had the greatest impact.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of this work is to present and to apply a method to environmentally evaluate a permeable pave-
Received 24 June 2020 ment system used to harvest stormwater for non-potable water uses in a building. Two pavement systems
Received in revised form 15 July 2020 were compared through life cycle assessment (LCA). The first system consists of a permeable pavement; in
Accepted 18 July 2020
this case, the stormwater filtered by the pavement is used for non-potable water purposes in a building. The sec-
Available online 24 July 2020
ond system consists of a flexible pavement (impermeable), with no stormwater harvesting, and with conven-
Editor: Huu Hao Ngo tional water supply in the building. The method was applied in a case study in a public building in southern
Brazil. Water consumption surveys were made and the potential for potable water and electricity savings in
Keywords: the building were estimated. In the inventory, input and output data related to each stage of the life cycle of
Permeable pavements the systems were gathered and quantified. In the impact assessment, it was found that, for both pavement sys-
Stormwater tems, the most significant damages were related to the implementation and end-of-life stages. The permeable
Life cycle assessment pavement system presented a lower potential for environmental impacts in most midpoint categories evaluated,
Environmental impact and also lower overall potential impact in the endpoint approach. The results also showed that the categories
with the greatest environmental impact for both systems were fine particulate matter formation and global
warming. The method proposed can be used as a basis for guiding planning and decision-making to improve
water infrastructure management through stormwater harvesting in urban centres.
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction urban drainage systems are becoming outdated. Also, global warming
may lead to an increase in short-term floods since there is a strong cor-
The increase of impermeable surfaces has caused an increase in the relation between peak rainfall intensity and high temperatures (Wasko
frequency of flooding in urban centres. Such fact shows that traditional and Sharma, 2015). As the number of floods has been increasing, it is
necessary to use new urban drainage systems, capable of restoring the
⁎ Corresponding author. natural hydrological cycle in urban centres. Permeable pavements are
E-mail address: (L.N. Antunes). examples of systems that fulfil this function, by treating water locally
0048-9697/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 L.N. Antunes et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 141087

and reducing the possibility of overloading stormwater distribution net- objectives, such as increasing water resources and reducing natural di-
works (Brunetti et al., 2016; Vaz et al., 2020). sasters and environmental impacts (Antunes et al., 2018). However,
Permeable pavement can significantly influence hydrology and the studies found in the literature are limited to performing the LCA
other environmental effects, since its porosity and permeability are only for the structure of the permeable pavement itself, not taking
high enough to percolate and temporarily accumulate the stormwater. into account the harvesting of stormwater and its use in non-potable
This reduces surface runoff without causing damage to the structure. purposes in buildings.
In this type of pavement, the structure is composed of the combination Thus, this work presents an environmental evaluation of using
of permeable sub-base, permeable base, permeable bedding layer and stormwater filtered by a permeable pavement system for non-potable
permeable surface. The base and sub-base are made of open grain mate- water uses in a building, compared to a traditional drainage system. Un-
rials with aggregates that do not contain fines or with a small number of like other studies found in the literature, this work presents an assess-
fines. It results in a relatively high void ratio after compaction, allowing ment of the permeable pavement life cycle, including the entire
the percolation of water (ABNT, 2015). According to Xie et al. (2019), a hydraulic system necessary for the use of stormwater in buildings.
typical permeable pavement may have a wide range of properties, for This study aims to contribute to the scientific advancement of state of
example, effective air voids of about 15% to 30%, permeability of 20 to the art related to the subject, bringing current data and a new assess-
500 m/day and compressive strength of 5 to 20 MPa. ment method. Moreover, it provides scientific instructions for choosing
Several studies have shown the benefits of using permeable pave- more sustainable drainage systems, which improves stormwater man-
ments. They can decrease the amount of stormwater runoff and im- agement in urban centres.
prove water quality concerning total suspended solids, phosphorus,
nitrogen and metals (Brattebo and Booth, 2003; Pagotto et al., 2000). 2. Method
Also, the problem of traffic noise and heat island effect can be attenu-
ated at the same time (Jia et al., 2012; Sansalone et al., 2012; Park The purpose of this method is to benchmark the environmental im-
et al., 2014; Knappenberger et al., 2017). pact of two scenarios through life cycle assessment. In the first scenario,
Permeable pavements have been studied by several researchers in it is considered the installation of a permeable pavement in the parking
many applications with worthy results. Pratt (1999) analysed a perme- lot of a building; stormwater filtered by the pavement is used for non-
able pavement used as a permanent reservoir in a rainwater harvesting potable water purposes in the building. In the second scenario, for the
system in a hostel in the United Kingdom, where the pavement stores same building and parking lot, a traditional drainage system is consid-
filtered stormwater as well as rainwater collected from the roof of the ered, that is, conventional pavement in the parking lot with no use of
building. Hammes et al. (2018) studied the use of stormwater collected stormwater, and all water uses in the building supplied by the water
from a permeable pavement in a university and concluded that the sys- utility. Thus, the environmental effects accumulated over the life cycle
tem could provide up to 54% potable water savings. Other studies have of the mentioned scenarios are compared. A summary of the steps in-
also evaluated the use of stormwater harvested from permeable pave- volved in the method is given in Fig. 1.
ments for non-potable purposes in buildings (Antunes et al., 2016; The method includes analysis of the potential for potable water and
Thives et al., 2018; Vaz et al., 2020). Such use provides potable water electricity savings. The environmental analysis is performed to deter-
savings, which encompasses the concept of new urban drainage sys- mine the initial embedded effects, operation effects, maintenance ef-
tems with the reduction of global water scarcity. fects and end-of-life effects. The input and output data related to the
The use of technologies necessary for alternative water supply sys- systems are catalogued in an inventory proposed for the quantification
tems requires the use of extra materials. Thus, the embodied energy of environmental effects. In the life cycle impact assessment phase, quan-
over the life cycle of these materials must be verified. There is also a tified data in the inventory are converted to environmental impacts.
need for a methodology capable of providing an accurate estimate of
the sustainability of drainage systems. This assessment cannot be linked 2.1. Scenario 1 – permeable pavement with the use of stormwater
only to environmental benefits related to the lifespan, being necessary
assessments in the previous and subsequent life cycle stages (Maiolo 2.1.1. Permeable pavement model
et al., 2017). The permeable pavement model consists of a draining asphalt con-
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is considered a valid method for verify- crete layer, a choker course layer and a reservoir layer, as well as a wa-
ing the environmental profile of a product or system. Through LCA, it terproof membrane, which has the function of preventing water from
is possible to quantify a variety of environmental impacts and benefits, passing through from the pavement structure to the subgrade. Fig. 2
enabling the analysis and comparison of projects. LCA has been applied shows the permeable pavement model adopted.
to assess the environmental performance of water infrastructures. The The draining concrete asphalt layer has a thickness of 5 cm and is
assessment takes into account the environmental impacts associated composed of aggregates of 4.8 to 9.5 mm and stone dust. The mixture
with the construction, operation, maintenance and disposal of various is made up of 5% ground rubber modified binder. The infiltration rate
green infrastructure technologies, such as permeable pavements (Li of the pavement is 80%, as shown in the study of Hammes et al. (2018).
et al., 2018; Mei et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2013; Spatari et al., 2011). The choker course layer is 3 cm thick and is made of 19 mm granite
Wang et al. (2018) compared, through LCA, the use of a conventional aggregate. The reservoir layer, in turn, is composed of gravel of 37.5 mm
pavement and a permeable pavement on a typical four-lane secondary and its thickness must be sized according to the calculations presented
road. They concluded that 73.5% of energy consumption, 46.7% of green- in Section 2.1.4. The porosity of the reservoir layer was obtained as an es-
house gas emissions, 98.3% of lead emissions and 99.7% of zinc emis- timate according to the literature review on the subject, which indicates
sions could be avoided by using permeable pavement instead of the possibility of porosity between 25% and 40% (Hammes et al., 2018).
conventional pavement. Sousa et al. (2012) evaluated the life cycle en-
vironmental performance of permeable pavements and bio-retention 2.1.2. Potential for potable water savings
basins (green infrastructures) comparing them to scenarios of water re- In order to determine the potential for potable water savings in the
tention and treatment using traditional drainage systems (grey infra- building by using stormwater collected from the permeable pavement,
structures). The authors concluded that due to the lower use of it is considered that stormwater is used for non-potable uses such as
electricity during the life cycle, green infrastructures emitted 75 to flushing toilets and urinals, cleaning outdoor areas, and garden
95% fewer greenhouse gases. watering. It is also considered that the volume of stormwater collected
LCA studies are essential in guiding urban drainage system planning. from the parking lot is stored in a lower tank and then pumped to an
Such studies assist in decision making when considering multiple upper tank. The Netuno computer programme, version 4, was used for
L.N. Antunes et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 141087 3

Fig. 1. Flowchart of the steps of the method.

the assessment of the potential for potable water savings for different electricity consumed by the public water treatment and distribution
tank capacities (Ghisi and Cordova, 2014). The programme was vali- system (kWh/m3).
dated by Rocha (2009).
Input data for the computer simulations are daily rainfall, the surface 2.1.4. Permeable pavement hydraulic design
area of the permeable pavement, daily average potable water demand The thickness of the reservoir layer, which is used as a temporary
in the building, stormwater demand (as a percentage of potable water reservoir for stormwater that infiltrates through the permeable pave-
demand), and infiltration rate of the pavement. The output data that ment, was calculated using Eq. (2). NBR 16416 (ABNT, 2015) recom-
were used in the work are the potential for potable water savings for mends that the rainfall return period should be at least ten years,
different tank capacities, stormwater consumption and amount of considering a minimum duration of 60 min.
stormwater spilled from the tank.
H max ¼ ðΔQ c R þ P– f T e Þ=V r ð2Þ
2.1.3. Potential for electricity savings
where: Hmax is the total thickness of the reservoir layer (m); ΔQc is the
The potential for electricity savings that could be obtained
excess precipitation of the contribution area for a given design rainfall
through the use of the permeable pavement was estimated using
(m); R is the ratio between the contribution area and the permeable
Eq. (1). These savings would be generated through the reduction of
pavement area (Ac/Ap); Ac is the contribution area (m); Ap is the perme-
electricity used in the treatment and supply of potable water,
able pavement area (m); P is the design rainfall (m); f is the soil infiltra-
which would be replaced with stormwater in non-potable uses in
tion rate (m/h); Te is the effective filling time of the reservoir layer,
the building. This would bring financial benefits to the public water
generally equal to 2 h (h); Vr is the void ratio of the layer
ES ¼ C sw  Ec ð1Þ
2.1.5. Additional treatment and quality of stormwater
where: ES is the potential for electricity savings (kWh/day); Csw is the NBR 15527 (ABNT, 2019) states that the quality of stormwater in
daily stormwater consumption in the building (m3/day); Ec is the urban areas must meet the parameters contained in Table 1 in order

Fig. 2. Permeable pavement model adopted in the study.

4 L.N. Antunes et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 141087

Table 1 2.3.1. Objective and scope

Minimum water quality parameters for non-potable uses. The method of this study is based on the study developed by Ribeiro
Source: ABNT (2019).
(2015). Herein it was used to assess the environmental impact of the
Parameter Value implementation of a permeable pavement system in a parking lot
Escherichia coli b 200 / 100 ml where stormwater filtered by the pavement is used in non-potable
Turbidity b 5.0 uT water purposes in a building. The method can be applied to any region
pH 6.0–9.0 in the world and to any types of buildings, whether these are in the de-
sign stage or already built, in different scenarios and configurations.

to be used for non-potable purposes. For this study, chlorination dosage Function identification. The system function was considered two-
disinfection was considered, as it is one of the cheapest and easiest fold. The first function chosen for the comparison of the two scenarios
forms of treatment. As stormwater is filtered by the permeable pave- was water supply in the building. The second function is the drainage/
ment, no waste disposal device or first flush disposal device were con- infiltration of stormwater that falls on the parking lot. In the first sce-
sidered in the stormwater system. The permeable pavement has the nario (with permeable pavement), the water used for non-potable
characteristic of removing pollutants from the first flush (Pagotto uses is the stormwater collected from the pavement. In the second sce-
et al., 2000; Brattebo and Booth, 2003). nario (parking with traditional pavement and conventional drainage),
the water used for non-potable uses in the building comes from the
water utility, while stormwater that falls on the parking lot is drained
2.2. Scenario 2 - traditional pavement, conventional drainage and water
to the public management system.
supply Time horizon. For the evaluation performed in this study, 20 years
In the second scenario, the traditional pavement model to be used in
was considered as the time horizon, as observed in other researches of
the parking lot is of the flexible type, with bituminous binder for the
hydraulic systems (Ribeiro, 2015; Vieira, 2012; Proença et al., 2011;
construction of the surface course. The pavement consists of two layers:
Chiu et al., 2009). The replacement of equipment and components
the base (subbase, reinforcement) and the surface course. Thus, the ser-
that have a lifespan shorter than such a time horizon was accounted
vices that involve the construction of the so-called traditional pavement
for in the evaluation.
in this study are earthwork, subgrade regularization, subbase compac-
tion, base and asphalt cover. Functional unit. The functional unit chosen for the comparison
The drainage of stormwater in this scenario is done through gravity,
between the permeable pavement and the traditional pavement was
through gutters, gratings and pipes that take the water drained through
the water supply (in m3) and the drainage of the parking area (in m2)
the pavement to the public stormwater management system. The build-
for the building over the time horizon of 20 years.
ing water supply for this scenario is the conventional type, i.e. the public
water utility. System boundaries. This is a cradle-to-grave study. Thus, the sys-
tem boundary comprises the production of materials and components
2.3. Comparison of the systems through life cycle assessment for the systems, including extraction of raw materials, processing and
transportation; replacement of components over the lifespan of the sys-
The comparison process of the two scenarios is based on the LCA tems; electricity consumption for system operation; and final disposal
guidelines, following the methodology proposed by the NBR ISO of components at the end of system lifespan.
14040 and 14044 standards (ABNT NBR ISO 14040, 2009; ABNT NBR Fig. 3 shows the boundaries of the system with permeable pavement
ISO 14044, 2009). The following steps are contemplated in this paper: and the boundaries of the system with traditional pavement. In each
objective and scope; inventory analysis; life cycle impact assessment; boundary there are two functions, i.e. function 1 related to the water
and life cycle interpretation. supply in the building and function 2 associated with the type of

Fig. 3. System boundaries of the scenarios: (a) permeable pavement with stormwater harvesting and (b) traditional pavement with conventional drainage and water supply.
L.N. Antunes et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 141087 5

pavement used in the parking lot and drainage or infiltration of Table 2

stormwater that falls on the pavement. It is noticed that in the perme- Midpoint impact categories considered in the study.

able pavement scenario, there is a connection between the two func- Categories of environmental impacts Units
tions since stormwater infiltrated in the parking lot is used in the Global warming kg CO2 eq
building. In the traditional pavement scenario, in turn, there is no such Stratospheric ozone depletion kg CFC-11 eq
connection, as stormwater is drained directly into the public manage- Ozone formation (Human health) kg NOx eq
ment system. Fine particulate matter formation kg PM2,5 eq
Ozone formation (Terrestrial ecosystems) kg NOx eq
Terrestrial acidification kg SO2 eq
2.3.2. Life cycle inventory Terrestrial ecotoxicity kg 1,4-DCB
The modelling of environmental inputs was performed using Freshwater ecotoxicity kg 1,4-DCB
SimaPro software (PRé Consultants), version 9.0.0, and Ecoinvent 3.5 Marine ecotoxicity kg 1,4-DCB
database (Wernet et al., 2016). Ecoinvent has an inventory of materials Human carcinogenic toxicity kg 1,4-DCB
Human non-carcinogenic toxicity kg 1,4-DCB
and processes coupled with environmental impact calculation tools. Land use m2a eq
Two scenarios were modelled in the SimaPro software, the “permeable Mineral resource scarcity kg Cu eq
pavement scenario” and the “conventional system scenario”. The input Fossil resource scarcity kg oil eq
of raw materials and energy obtained from the database was entered Water depletion m3
into the software, and as a result, the programme presented outputs
in the form of emissions in soil, water and air.
Environmental effects are divided into initial embedded effects, op- consist on characterizing the effects of midpoint impact categories on
eration effects, maintenance effects and end-of-life effects. The initial areas at the endpoint level. After the normalization stage, the ReCiPe
embedded effects involve the materials used in the systems; including method groups the midpoint categories into three endpoint categories:
components manufacturing and transportation. The operation effects Human health, Ecosystem quality and Resource scarcity.
include the electricity consumed for the operation of the systems in
the time horizon. The maintenance effects, in turn, involve the materials 3. Case study
and services used in systems maintenance (including maintenance of
the permeable pavement such as twice-yearly sweeping). The end-of- A public building and its parking lot located in the city of
life effects include the materials for final disposal, including Florianópolis, southern Brazil, were considered as a case study to
transportation. apply the method. The building consists of two blocks of two floors,
with a total area of 8025 m2 and a population of 271 people. Lifespan of system components. The lifespan of motor pumps, Section 3.1 presents the design of the permeable pavement with
pipes, connections, water tanks of HDPE (high-density polyethylene) stormwater harvesting, while Section 3.2 presents the design of the tra-
and devices used to improve stormwater quality were considered ac- ditional pavement with conventional drainage. It is noteworthy that
cording to the information provided by the manufacturers (3P both scenarios are theoretical and were modelled to determine the po-
Technik, 2019; Roebuck et al., 2011). The stormwater lower tank, tential for potable water and electricity savings and the potential envi-
made of reinforced concrete, as well as the structure of the drainage sys- ronmental impacts generated by each system.
tem, had their lifespan estimated considering the durability of the con-
crete (BS 7543, 2003). The traditional and permeable pavement lifespan 3.1. Design of the permeable pavement and stormwater harvest system
was considered to be 20 years (Mello et al., 2016; TXDOT, 2011; HIDOT,
2002; KCC, 2001; University of Maryland, 2016; Yong et al., 2013). 3.1.1. Rainfall data
Rainfall data were obtained from HidroWeb site – Hydrological In- Transport of materials and system components. The transport dis- formation Systems, National Water Agency. Fig. S1 (in the Supplemen-
tances between the place of manufacture of materials and system com- tary data) shows the daily rainfall of Florianópolis from 2002 to 2017.
ponents and the building under study are determined considering the These data were used in the simulations in the Netuno programme for
manufacturers located closest to the building site. the calculation of the potential for potable water savings. Fig. S2 (in
the Supplementary data), in turn, shows the average, maximum and
2.3.3. Life cycle impact assessment minimum monthly rainfall of Florianópolis for the same period.
After completing the life cycle inventory phase, the next step is the
life cycle impact assessment (LCIA). At this phase, all environmental 3.1.2. Stormwater collecting area
loads in the inventory are associated and characterized in terms of po- The area for collecting stormwater is 5800 m2, involving the side-
tential environmental impacts. walk areas (350 m2 of contribution area) and the parking lot area itself
The impact categories selected for this study were chosen because (5450 m2). The sidewalks, although not permeable, also contribute to
they are the most used in LCA research in the field of construction (Li runoff, flowing to the permeable pavement.
et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2018; Maiolo et al., 2017; Azarijafari et al.,
2016; Ribeiro, 2015; Sousa et al., 2012; Kalbusch, 2011; Huang et al., 3.1.3. Water consumption in the building
2009; Santero and Horvath, 2009). In total, fifteen midpoint impact cat- Fig. S3 (in the Supplementary data) shows the annual water con-
egories were selected. Table 2 shows the environmental impact catego- sumption in the building (between 2014 and 2018). Fig. S4 (in the Sup-
ries of the method adopted herein and the corresponding units of plementary data) shows the average, maximum and minimum monthly
performance defined in SimaPro, ReCiPe 2016 method. consumption. The monthly average for the same period was 227 m3.
For the relationship of the elementary flows of the selected catego-
ries, the ReCiPe 2016 method was used, with a hierarchical perspective 3.1.4. Potential for potable water savings
and average global reference data (Huijbregts et al., 2016). Simulations for different stormwater tank capacities were run. The
At midpoint level, all life cycle inventory parameters were classified maximum tank capacity assessed was 100,000 l, and the interval be-
and characterized into appropriate impact categories in the cause and tween each capacity was 5000 l. The infiltration rate of the pavement
effect chain of the environmental mechanism. These categories do not is equal to 80%, which is the result found for the permeable pavement
represent the final consequences of emissions listed in the inventory model tested by Hammes et al. (2018). The demand for stormwater in
but are a set of indicators of potential impact. Endpoint categories the building is equal to 82.0% (non-potable uses include toilet flushing,
6 L.N. Antunes et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 141087

urinal flushing, cleaning outdoor areas, garden watering and car was calculated by multiplying rainfall intensity (102.7 mm/h) with
washing). the drainage area (5800 m2). The effective drainage area (Aa) is
Table S1 (in the Supplementary data) shows the input data used in 5450 m2, as seen in Section 3.1.2. Thus, the specific output flow is
the Netuno programme, while Fig. S5 (in the Supplementary data) 4.55 mm/h.
shows the potential for potable water savings according to the lower R, the ratio between the contribution area (5800 m2) and the perme-
tank capacity. Using the difference between potentials for potable able pavement area (5450 m2), is equal to 1.06. The void volume (Vr) is
water savings equal to 0.5%/m3, a tank capacity equal to 50,000 l was 40% (Hammes et al., 2018). Through Eq. (2), the reservoir layer thick-
chosen by means of the Netuno programme. The potential for potable ness was found to be 26.2 cm. Fig. S7 (in the Supplementary data)
water savings achieved was 69.6%, which represents an average shows the reservoir layer thickness obtained for the permeable pave-
stormwater consumption equal to 5260 l/day. Regarding the ment in this case study.
stormwater supply, such a tank capacity completely meets the water
demand for non-potable purposes in 83.3% of the days in a year, par- 3.2. Design of the conventional scenario
tially in 3.2% and not at all in 13.5% of the days. The volume of
stormwater spilled daily is 16,864 l. The second scenario considers a traditional pavement model, with
In order to decrease the amount of stormwater spilled from the tank conventional drainage and therefore no use of stormwater in the build-
it would be possible to use a permeable pavement with partial infiltra- ing. In the traditional pavement sizing, the sidewalk and curb sizing
tion into the soil. In this case, the soil type of the subgrade and its per- were omitted, as these are identical for both scenarios.
meability should be evaluated (Hammes et al., 2018). Another Expected traffic to the parking lot is light. Therefore, a base of 15 cm
possibility would be the use of stormwater in nearby buildings, optimiz- and a surface course layer of 3 cm were adopted. The minimum value
ing the stormwater harvesting system. adopted for the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of the subgrade was 8%.
As for earthworks, the services preserve a minimum slope of 0.5% longi-
3.1.5. Potential for electricity savings tudinally and 1% to 3% transversally.
Fig. S6 (in the Supplementary data) shows the electricity consump- Subgrade and base regularization work involves the following ser-
tion for the water supply system in Florianópolis from 2004 to 2017. The vices: scarification and scattering of materials, homogenization of dry
average electricity consumption in water supply systems was 0.39 materials, wetting and homogenization of moisture, compaction and
kWh/m3. Through Eq. (1), the potential for electricity savings was finishing. The base is composed of granular material, with CBR greater
found to be 2.05 kWh/day. Therefore, the reduction of electricity con- than or equal to 40% and expansion less than or equal to 0.5%. The
sumption by the water utility would be 14.77 MWh in 20 years (system equipment used in these services is grader, disc harrow, water trucks
lifespan). However, the stormwater harvesting system requires a higher and road rollers.
consumption of electricity due to the extra motor pump used for For pavement priming, the diluted asphalt rate used is 1.2 l/m2. The
pumping stormwater, as explained in Section 3.1.6. asphalt binder indicated is CM-30 diluted asphalt. The equipment used
to perform the priming is a rotary mechanical broom, spreader truck
3.1.6. Electricity consumption for operation and manual spreader.
Table 3 shows the electricity consumption for the operation of the Regarding the drainage of stormwater, 150 mm diameter pipes were
systems in the two scenarios analysed. Considering that Scenario 1 (per- used, which, through gravitational and through gutters, receive the
meable pavement with the use of stormwater) requires the operation of water that falls on the pavement and send it to the public stormwater
two motor pumps (for the pump of potable water and stormwater), management system.
there is higher electricity consumption in this scenario due to the oper-
ation of motor pumps. However, considering the potable water savings 4. Comparison of the systems through life cycle assessment
obtained by the system, and considering the electricity savings in the
treatment and supply of potable water, it can be noted that Scenario 1 The results obtained for the case study comparison are reported in
consumes less electricity than Scenario 2 (conventional scenario). This this section.
difference is equal to 0.54 kWh/day and 3859 kWh over the 20-year
time horizon, representing electricity savings of 8.9% in the operation 4.1. Functional unit
The functional unit − parking area drainage (in m2) and water sup-
3.1.7. Permeable pavement hydraulic design ply (in m3) for the building over the 20-year time horizon − was calcu-
The thickness of the reservoir layer, which is used as a temporary lated based on the results shown in Sections 3.1.2 and 3.1.3. It totalled a
reservoir for water infiltrating the permeable pavement, was calculated drainage area equal to 5800 m2 and a water supply equal to 54,404 m3.
using Eq. (2). The average design rainfall intensity was calculated con-
sidering the minimum values recommended by NBR 16416 (ABNT, 4.2. Inventory phase
2015). As a result, a rainfall intensity equal to 102.7 mm/h was obtained.
The constant output flow is 24.81 m3/h, which corresponds to the In this stage, all input and output data of the systems studied in
discharge of 595.39 m3 of stormwater in 24 h. Stormwater volume the life cycle stages were compiled and quantified (from raw

Table 3
Electricity consumption for the operation of the systems.

Scenario Supply type Electricity consumption (kWh/day) Electricity consumption over the
20-year time horizon (kWh)
Water pumping Water treatment and supply Total electricity for operation

Stormwater 2.99 – 2.99 21,767

1 Potable water 1.51 0.90 2.41 17,544
Total 4.50 0.90 5.39 39,311
2 Potable water 2.99 2.95 5.93 43,170
Difference between scenarios 0.54 3859
L.N. Antunes et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 141087 7

material extraction to final disposal). Tables S2 and S3 (in the Sup- 4.3. Life cycle impact assessment
plementary data) show the specifications and quantities of the com-
ponents of the systems. The tables include the chlorination system 4.3.1. Midpoint impact categories
for the stormwater treatment, piping to handle overflow from the Fig. 4 shows the results of the normalized environmental impacts ac-
permeable pavement during large storm events and also piping and cording to the environmental effects observed in the life cycle stages of
valves to allow the non-potable water system to receive water each scenario under study. These results are normalized by the ReCiPe
from both the potable and stormwater sources. Table S4 (in the Sup- midpoint method in relation to the effects over an average citizen in a
plementary data) presents the distances of transportation consid- given year.
ered in the life cycle analysis. Waste generated throughout the life The results show that, in most of the categories evaluated, the initial
cycle of the systems was considered to be sent to an environmentally embedded effects, related to the extraction of raw materials,
licensed landfill, exclusively for construction debris, located approx- manufacturing and implementation of the system components,
imately 32 km away from the building. accounted for the most significant portion of the life cycle impacts.

Fig. 4. Normalized environmental effects observed in the life cycle stages of each scenario using the ReCiPe midpoint method (effects caused over an average citizen in a given year).
8 L.N. Antunes et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 141087

The high impact observed for the initial stage in most categories is emissions and 1.0 ton of zinc emissions. It was observed that the most
mainly due to a large number of materials and equipment required for significant reduction in emissions occurred over the operation stage.
the implementation of the systems (paving and hydraulic system). Fig. 5 shows a comparison of the total environmental impacts for
This generates a large number of extractions, impacting on the catego- each impact category and for each scenario evaluated by means of the
ries related to resource depletion, land use, toxicity, among others. ReCiPe midpoint method. Except for the mineral resource scarcity
Bhatt et al. (2019) evaluated the life cycle of green infrastructures category, all other categories had a more significant impact for Scenario
(bioretention basins and permeable pavements). The study showed 2 - Traditional pavement and conventional drainage.
that raw material manufacturing has the greatest impact (approxi- The mineral resource scarcity category had a 13.8% greater impact
mately 50%) on ozone depletion, global warming, air pollution potential, for Scenario 1. The iron mining operation had the greatest impact in
acidification, carcinogenic emissions, respiratory effects and fossil fuel both scenarios, with 197 kg Cu equivalent in Scenario 1 (42.5%) and
depletion. Such a result is similar to that found in this study. 154 kg Cu equivalent in Scenario 2 (38.6%). This result can be explained
The second stage with the most significant impact in most of the cat- by the fact that the scenario with stormwater use has two motor pumps,
egories evaluated is the end-of-life effects. We considered the simple one for pumping stormwater and another for pumping potable water,
disposal of materials in landfill as the final destination of the system while the conventional scenario has only one, used for pumping pota-
components, generating gas emissions without capture and treatment, ble water. Due to the small mass of motor pumps compared to the
making the disposal stage the second most impacting. rest of the system, the midpoint mineral resource scarcity category
The operation effects accounted for a considerable portion of the im- had little impact compared to the endpoint categories, as explained
pacts (in Scenario 1 from 1.0% in the land use category to 34.2% in the in Section 4.3.2.
water consumption category; and in Scenario 2 from 0.6% in the land Regarding the global warming category, the scenario with perme-
use category to 31.1% in the water consumption category). This stage able pavement and stormwater utilization presented a reduction of
considers the electricity consumed in the treatment and distribution 48.2% in CO2 equivalent emissions compared to the conventional
of potable water by the water utility and the electricity consumed by scenario. The “diesel burned in building machine” process was the larg-
the motor pumps in the building. This impact is higher in the categories est contributor of Scenario 1 to this category, with emissions of
of water consumption, freshwater and marine ecotoxicity, and strato- 1.74E+04 kg CO2 eq., accounting for 13.8% of total emissions. The high
spheric ozone depletion. The maintenance stage presented the lowest diesel consumption is due to the transportation of raw materials to
impact, mainly due to the small number of activities (i.e. twice-yearly the factory, transportation of materials from factory to building, and
sweeping in the permeable pavement and components replacement) transportation from building to final disposal (landfill). Scenario 2, in
compared to the other stages of the life cycle. turn, had the “heat production at hard coal industrial furnace” process
Wang et al. (2018) compared the use of a permeable pavement with as the most impacting for the global warming category, with
the use of a conventional pavement on 10 km of a highway. The use of 6.52E+04 kg CO2 eq. (26.8% of emissions). The high value found for
permeable pavement resulted in a reduction of 49 TJ in energy con- this process is mainly due to the production of hot mix asphalt
sumption, 6700 tons of CO2 equivalent emissions, 0.1 tons of lead (HMA), used as a conventional pavement surface course.

Fig. 5. Comparison of environmental impacts (characterization) of scenarios by means of the ReCiPe midpoint method.
L.N. Antunes et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 141087 9

Anastasiou et al. (2017) evaluated the life cycle of permeable pave- In the stratospheric ozone depletion category, the electricity genera-
ments compared to conventional pavements and concluded that the tion and distribution process accounted for the most significant impacts
total CO2 emission of the permeable pavement was only 17.7% of the in both scenarios. In the ozone formation category (human health and
traditional pavement production. It is noteworthy that such a study con- terrestrial ecosystems), the greatest impacts were caused by diesel con-
sidered only the pavements, not the use of stormwater for non-potable sumption in the transportation of raw materials, components and final
uses. disposal. High ozone concentrations lead to increased respiratory dis-
However, in the study conducted by Lu et al. (2019), in which the au- tress in humans, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
thors assessed energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions dur- ease. Ozone also has a negative impact on vegetation, including reduced
ing the life cycle of different pavement types, no significant difference growth and seed production (Huijbregts et al., 2016).
was observed between the impervious pavement and the permeable as- Diesel consumption was also the process with the most signifi-
phalt pavement tested. These results can be explained because, during cant impact on the terrestrial acidification category in both scenar-
pavement production, only the gradation of aggregates had a difference, ios. Consumption occurs mainly in the implementation and end-of-
while the other procedures during paving were similar for both types of life stages, due to the transport of materials. The permeable
pavement. pavement scenario achieved a 53.2% reduction in equivalent SO 2
In the fine particulate matter formation category, the impact for the emissions for this category compared to the conventional scenario.
permeable pavement scenario was 43.8% lower compared to the con- In the terrestrial ecotoxicity category, the “brake wear emissions”
ventional scenario. In Scenario 1, diesel processing was again the pro- process, related to the transport process in the implementation and
cess that most contributed to the impacts in this category, i.e. 50.6 kg end-of-life stages, had the greatest impact in both scenarios. In the
of equivalent PM2.5 (17.4%). In Scenario 2, the heat production process freshwater and marine ecotoxicity categories, the most impacting
again had the most significant impact, i.e. 132 kg of equivalent PM2.5 component was sulfidic tailing, which is related to the final disposal
(25.4%). The fine particulate matter formation category is related to air tailings deposited in the landfill.
pollution, having a substantial negative impact on human health, rang- Regarding the human carcinogenic toxicity category, the “slag from
ing from respiratory symptoms to hospitalizations and deaths, repre- unalloyed electric arc furnace steel” process has the greatest impact in
sented by the PM2.5 equivalent unit, i.e. particulate matter with a both scenarios. Such a process is related to the final disposal of slag in
diameter lower than 2.5 μm (Huijbregts et al., 2016). the landfill. In the human non-carcinogenic toxicity category, sulfidic
In the fossil resource scarcity category, the permeable pavement sce- tailing was again the most impacting component in both scenarios.
nario had an impact reduction equal to 36.4%. Oil production (extrac- In the land use category, the “road construction” process, related to
tion, transportation, refining and distribution) was the most impacting the construction of the parking lot (implementation stage) and the
process (with over 75% of impact in both scenarios), followed by poly- landfill (end-of-life stage), had the most significant impact in both sce-
ethylene production. Oil is widely used in both scenarios as a base prod- narios. In the water consumption category, the impact for the scenario
uct for various materials such as asphalt binder, asphalt blanket, diluted with permeable pavement and stormwater utilization was 14% lower
asphalt, petroleum asphalt cement, among others. Polyethylene is the compared to the conventional scenario. For both scenarios, electricity
main component of the tanks of the hydraulic systems of both scenarios. production was the process with the greatest impact.

Fig. 6. Comparison of scenarios 1 and 2 using the ReCiPe endpoint method (single score).
10 L.N. Antunes et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 141087

4.3.2. Endpoint impact categories It was found that in the scenario with permeable pavement and use of
Fig. S8 (in the Supplementary data) shows the normalized environ- stormwater, the potential for potable water savings reached 69.6%, which
mental impacts for the two scenarios, showing midpoint impact catego- is equivalent to an average stormwater consumption of 5260 l/day in the
ries with their contribution to endpoint categories. The most significant building. With the potable water savings achieved, electricity savings
impact categories for both scenarios evaluated were: fine particulate were also generated in the treatment and distribution of potable water.
matter formation, global warming (damage to human health) and fossil The potential for electricity savings, when compared to the conventional
resource scarcity. scenario, was 0.54 kWh/day and 3.86 MWh over the 20-year time hori-
Fig. S9 (in the Supplementary data) shows the ReCiPe grouping for zon, representing electricity savings equal to 8.9% in the operation stage.
the two scenarios under study. It is noted that the category of damage The reduction in water demand leads to significant environmental bene-
to human health is the most impacting, and that, in the three categories fits and decreases the stresses associated with public water suppliers.
evaluated, Scenario 2 – Traditional pavement and drainage, conven- The environmental impact assessment of the life cycle of the two
tional water supply – has the largest potential impacts. scenarios was performed using the ReCiPe method. The permeable
The ReCiPe endpoint method calculates a total score indicator, which pavement and stormwater use scenario had a lower potential for envi-
is a unique impact value considering different weights for each mid- ronmental impact in fourteen out of fifteen midpoint categories evalu-
point and endpoint category. Such a score does not only refer to the ated compared to the conventional scenario. Through the ReCiPe
final three categories but also takes into consideration the contributions endpoint method, it was found that in both scenarios the categories
of the midpoint categories that participate in the respective damage cat- that had the greatest environmental impact were fine particulate mat-
egory (Huijbregts et al., 2016). ter formation and global warming. From the single score calculated
Fig. 6 shows the comparison of the two scenarios in a single score. using the ReCiPe endpoint method, it was shown that the conventional
The result is the sum of weighted data from impact categories, which scenario has a higher overall impact than the permeable pavement sce-
aims to define which scenario has the life cycle with the highest poten- nario. Thus, taking into account the conditions of this case study, it was
tial for environmental impact. found that the scenario with permeable pavement and stormwater use
The life cycle of the traditional pavement and conventional drainage is more environmentally advantageous. Although these results are par-
scenario has a larger global impact than the life cycle of the permeable ticular to the case study in terms of region and building typology, the
pavement and stormwater use scenario. The most noticeable impacts method can be applied in any region by building designers to aid guid-
are related to the fine particulate matter formation and global warming ing planning and decision-making.
(damage to human health). The method provides an insight into where improvements are
needed to achieve better environmental performance for urban drain-
age systems. The results showed that the initial embedded effects (ex-
4.4. Life cycle interpretation
traction of raw materials, fabrication and implementation of the
system components) were responsible for the most significant part of
The hotspots, that is, the processes with the best opportunity for en-
the environmental damages. The end-of-life effects (final disposal in
vironmental improvements, are the following: diesel consumption, pro-
landfill) and operation effects (electricity consumption required for
duction of hot mix asphalt and oil production. These results show that
the operation of motor pumps and also for the treatment and distribu-
processes related to the consumption of diesel and asphalt materials
tion of potable water by the water utility) appear as stages with also
(both derived from petroleum) are the most harmful in the life cycle
great impact. The installation of a stormwater permeable pavement sys-
of both scenarios. Therefore, it is recommended that the impervious
tem requires additional equipment and components such as water
paving system be replaced with other forms of paving, such as the use
tanks, devices and motor pumps. However, such a system does not re-
of pavers or other interlocking blocks, which do not use asphalt as a
quire drainage devices, as in the conventional scenario, and uses in its
composition less amount of petroleum-derived materials, such as as-
Regarding the use of stormwater collected in the permeable pave-
phalt materials, which results in lower overall impact.
ment, even with the use of an extra motor pump and the implementa-
The method proposed herein can be easily adapted to different re-
tion of a reinforced concrete lower tank, the first scenario presented
gions and is important to enable the proposition of improvements to
the lowest environmental impact in fourteen out of fifteen midpoint
minimize the generated environmental impacts. The results of this
categories evaluated. In the three endpoint categories (damage to
study are also important for guiding planning and decision making to
human health, ecosystems and resources), the permeable pavement
improve water infrastructure management in urban centres.
scenario was also less impacting in all categories.
Considering these results, it is recommended to use permeable
CRediT authorship contribution statement
pavement with stormwater harvesting as a way to reduce the environ-
mental impacts from traditional paving and conventional drainage and
Lucas Niehuns Antunes: Conceptualization, Methodology, Soft-
water supply.
ware, Investigation, Writing - original draft. Enedir Ghisi: Conceptuali-
zation, Methodology, Writing - review & editing, Supervision, Project
5. Conclusions administration. Roni Matheus Severis: Methodology, Software, Writing
- review & editing.
This work proposed a method to evaluate and compare environ-
mentally, through life cycle assessment, two drainage systems for a Declaration of competing interest
parking lot: the first composed of a permeable pavement system, with
subsequent use of stormwater filtered by the pavement for non- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
potable water uses in the building; and the second consisting of a tradi- interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
tional pavement, with no use of stormwater and with conventional ence the work reported in this paper.
water supply in the building.
A public building with its own parking lot was selected as a case Acknowledgements
study. A public building was chosen because it is a building with high
water consumption in end-uses such as urinals, toilets, cleaning of out- The first author is thankful for Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de
door areas and garden watering, i.e. activities that do not require pota- Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) for the scholarship during the devel-
ble water. opment of this research.
L.N. Antunes et al. / Science of the Total Environment 746 (2020) 141087 11

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