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Group exercise – week 12

 Submit your work in the folder: Dropbox for Group Exercises/Week 12 on the google

Group name:
Member’s names:
Nguyễn Hoàng Chương - 22011977
Lê Quang Thắng - 2183064
Trần Khánh Huy - 2182947
I. Group exercise
 Task:
1) Discuss the importance of understanding tone of voice and body language in
comprehending the meaning of what people say. Give examples of how the same
words said in different ways have totally different meanings. Explain two types of
team-building activities described in this chapter and discuss their advantages and
When speaking with others, your tone clarifies and conveys meaning. A phrase as simple as “I
don’t know” can be taken in a number of different ways depending on how you decide to express
it. Your tone can not only affect how people perceive you but also their willingness to listen to
you – especially in the workplace.
List of Detailed Tone
Body language is a type of communication in which physical behaviors, as opposed to words, are
used to express or convey the information. Such behavior includes facial expressions, body
posture, gestures, eye movement, touch and the use of space.

Advantages of body language

Learning body language will help you connect with people better because it will allow you to
expand your communication abilities. If you can pick up on tiny gestures the other person makes
you can understand them better which leads to a better connection.

Disadvantages of body language?

Limitations of body language: Some notable limitations of body langeage are: Since it is a non-
verbal comunication,it is not relied upon completely and is used as a supportiva add-on. Written
or oral communications are taken more seriously. Body language is not effective in large

Advantages of tone of voice

➨It saves time in communication.
➨It is quick in obtaining feedback once delivered.
➨It provides complete understanding of communication delivered and there is chance to make it
more clear in case of doubts in interpretation of words or ideas.
➨It is more reliable method of communication.
Disadvantages of tone of voice
➨Emotions are visible and hence leads to trouble in certain cases.
➨It has no legal validity and hence will lead to problems in certain situations.
➨It does not provide permanent record unless it is recorded with modern means of storage.
➨It has issues when communicating with distant people.
➨It is difficult for certain people to understand speech due to various speech tones used in
verbal communication.

2) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of distributing project

Writen advantage. -Pernment record of message. ...
Written disadvantage. -feedback slower and more difficult. ...
Oral advantage. -get to know each other. ...
Oral disadvantage. -no record kept. ...
Body language advantage. -powerful tool. ...
Body language disadvantage. ...
Visual advantage. ...
Visual disadvantage.

3) Review the following scenarios, and then write a paragraph for each one
describing what media you think would be most appropriate to use and why. See
Table 10-2 for suggestions.
a. Many of the technical staff on the project come in from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00
a.m., while the business users always arrive before 9:00 a.m. The business
users have been making comments. The project manager wants to have the
technical people come in by 9:00, although many of them leave late.
 if the technical people could arrive on time, meeting is the best
media for this scenario’s communication, because the technical
people could discuss the project with the business users face to
face, and both of them could understand each other easily. The
technical people could make response to users’ questions
immediately. And the technical people also could understand users’
requirements better. This is good for developing the project.
Therefore, the project manager should try his/her best to ask the
technical people arrive on time.
But if the technical people could not arrive on time, then we choose
phone call as another communication media. Although it is not as
good as meeting, it is still useful for technical people and the
business users to exchange information. When business users
come, the project manager should answer their questions to the
best of his/her ability. If the project manager couldn’t answer the
questions, then he/she records users’ questions and requirements.
When the technical people arrive, ask them ring users to answer
their questions, or in terms of users’ requirements to change the
b. Your company is bidding on a project for the entertainment industry. You
know that you need new ideas on how to put together the proposal and
communicate your approach in a way that will impress the customer.
“b”, meeting is the most appropriate media to use. Now, I need
some new ideas, or some suggestions. Brainstorm is the best way
to get them. It means these ideas or suggestions should come from
many people. Therefore, meeting is the most appropriate media.
c. Your business has been growing successfully, but you are becoming
inundated with phone calls and e-mails asking similar types of questions.
“c”, web site is the most appropriate media to use. Since these
phone calls and e-mails asking similar types of questions, then their
answers should be similar. Using web site to publish these familiar
questions’ answers, and asking users or customers to look through
the web site to find their questions’ answers, it will reduce my
energy and time.
d. You need to make a general announcement to a large group of people and you
want to make sure they get the information.
“d”, e-mail is the most appropriate media to use. Since I only make a
general announcement and will give it to a large group of people, e-
mail is the easiest way to do it. I can send group e-mails to many
people, and use e-mail receipts to make sure all people get the

4) Why is having a proactive communications plan important for managing project

stakeholder expectations?
Proactive communication is assertive, honest, and focused on
objectives. It keeps the project manager in front of the curve,
enabling teamwork, effective decisions, and accountability
throughout the project. It allows the project manager to fulfill his
or her leadership role, actively pursuing project objectives from a
position of strength rather than a “reactive” position of weakness.
5) Suppose you are the mentor for a relatively inexperienced project manager who is
uncomfortable delivering news to a project sponsor. Based on the project
manager’s projections, it appears that the project is going to be six months late
and 40 percent over budget. Aside from looking for a new job, what advice would
you give this project manager to handle this situation effectively?
I will give advice to review the way of human resource management as well as make
a clear plan from the beginning as well as the goal to improve the vision and skills of
employees, then the project will be more effective. Little

6) Be sure to support your answers, using Figure 8.7 (The Communication and
Collaboration Matrix) answer the followings:
a. what is the best way for a project manager to deliver bad news to a project
sponsor or client?

Here are four common ways that project managers can share unfavorable news with
stakeholders. Depending on the situation, the group or team dynamics, and the implications of
the news, there are potential consequences to using one delivery technique over the others.

1. Be direct and to the point

The most simple and direct method has the potential to be the most damaging approach to
delivering bad news. Some people might prefer this, while others may find it to blunt or

When dealing with senior executives or project sponsors, it may be best to use this approach, as
their schedules are likely packed, and they may prefer a candid and concise conversation. 

This approach could also be used for delivering news relating to a merger or acquisition in order
to avoid a leak from other sources, which could generate fear and confusion. 

2. Wait and see approach

In some situations, project managers may choose to say nothing, hoping that if they instead take
action to rectify issues, things might improve. When the implications of a mistake are minimal,
this technique may actually be useful--if a project manager is confident that things can be
resolved quickly and effectively.

Note: This approach has to be evaluated carefully on a case-by-case basis, and only if the project
manager has a clear idea of the impact on the entire project, as this can be very tricky.
Experience with this approach is a must. 

3. Heads-up

If an issue exists that may or may not have a significant impact on your project, a project
manager might choose to give stakeholders a heads-up to help prepare everyone. 

In this type of scenario, it's important to come prepared with a plan to deal with potential issues
and provide reassurances about how it will be resolved--this gives everyone a chance to digest
the news and mentally prepare. Make sure to keep all stakeholders up-to-date as situations

4. Advance scenario planning

If several negative situations appear on the horizon, a project manager may choose to conduct
some scenario planning with relevant stakeholders to get the jump on issues. Discussing these
likely negative scenarios and asking all participants to be objective while obtaining their input
makes them part of the decision-making process. 
This approach is beneficial, as the participants can have more confidence and control, instead of
simply hearing that bad news is looming. When a team is able to have an impact on the decision
or solution, it enables them to get past the fear so they can utilize their energy in tackling the
issue faster.  

b. What would be the least effective?

Being late for work, living unprofessionally in the working environment, having a
very bad working style, or following his own ideas without consulting everyone
in the team

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