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Jyotish Shastra A Vedanga

This section aims at philosophical

background of Jyotish Shastra, which
literally means General Astrology.This
gives a broad traditional outlook as
described during Vedic period. The Vedic
scheme of knowledge comprises of Four
Vedas viz,

* Rig Veda,

° Yajur Veda,

° Sama Veda and

* Atharva Veda.

Vedas date back to more than 300

centuries before Christ. Our ancient Sages
/ Seers compiled this knowledge and
transmitted to the generations by Shruti
(Listening and Memorising) and Smriti
(Memory). The Vedic Knowledge is in the
form of Slokas in Sanskrit. This has been
disseminated from generation to
generation by oral transmission as no print
media was available at that time. The
knowledge has been transmitted orally to
the posterity and to the people of required
intellectual caliber. The Ancient Wisdom
has been categorized broadly in the
following way according to its importance:-

¢ Four Vedas

* Upanishads

¢ Bhashyas

* Puranas — Stories ~ Ramayana and


Sage Parashara, father of Astrology

described Bharatavarsha in the following

There are seven insular continents1

surrounded by Seven Great Seas 2. Jambu
Dweepa is the center of all; with Meru
Parvata (Golden Mountain) as its center.
This Golden Mountain is surrounded by
Four Countries.

© Bhadraswa (China) - East

¢ Bharatvarsha (Haimavata) - South

¢ Ketumala (Vankash) - West

° Uttrakuru (Altai Mountain) - North

(West) (Golden Mountain)

| +


Fig. 8.1 : Bharatvarsha

Note1: Pushkora, Saka, Krancha, Kusa,
Salmaii, Plaksha and Jambu.
Note 2: Jala, Dugdha, Dadhi, Sarpi, Sura,
Iksha and Lavana.

Bharatvarsha lies in the Northern side

of Meru Parvata (considered as modern
day Himalayas) wherein the descendents
of Bharata ruled and lived for thousands
of years. Bharatvarsha is also considered
as Karma Bhoomi, the Land of Performing
Action and enjoying all the fruits of human
life. Karma and Karma-Phala are the roots
of Karma Bhoomi. Here, the Penance and

Law of Nature (Vedic Wisdom)


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