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The gospel today talks about John the Baptist questions if Jesus is "the
one." When this question is put to Jesus, the Lord doesn't give a theoretical
answer; instead, He makes a reference to events that are already taking
place. Jesus rises to the challenge rather than hiding in fear or giving up.
He also doesn't just reply to their question by citing his royal ancestry or an
old prophet. The greatest way Jesus can respond to John and his followers'
challenge is to allow them to judge him according to his track record. In
other words, he wants them to pay great attention to his healings, miracles,
and messages of joy and hope. He instructs the disciples to report on what
they hear and witness. This gospel teaches us that our urge to rejoice
comes from the salvation that is offered for us by the person of Jesus
Christ. He enters this world to give us new reasons to be joyful, hopeful,
and present with one another. We find hope in a world that waits for
salvation from Jesus' first arrival at his incarnation through the way he
shows himself in our daily lives and as we wait for his second coming.
I realize that Jesus is our salvation and our hope. Today, I have the option
to choose peace instead of negativity by focusing on Jesus-centered
sounds and pictures. I'll start a lovely piece of Christmas or Advent music
and listen to it while reflecting on the lyrics and perhaps singing along and
may the trials and difficulties of our lives bring out life through our faith in
the remaining weeks of Advent and throughout the Christmas season.++
We must bear witness to and announce to the world what we have
witnessed through God's miracles. Have courage and do not be afraid,
since God has come to deliver us.

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