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Dred Scott

Dred Scott was a Missouri slave whose owner was a general. The boss and his wife moved to
Illinois and then to Wisconsin. After moving, Dred married a wife and started a family. Years
later, the general was enslaved with his wife, and Dreds family returned to Missouri, after which
the general died Dred attempted to buy his family freedom from the general's wife, but she
refused. Later, the general's wife refused to marry another man, leaving Dred and his family
behind. Dred tries to sue for his freedom, but the Supreme Court rejects him and he begins to
fight for his freedom.

In 1850, he regained his family's freedom. When Scott was trying to get his freedom, he argued
that he had moved to a free state and that at that point if a slave was in a free state the slave
was still free even when he was in a slave state. After the case, the government began to
debate it: "If a slave from the state of slavery passes from the state of freedom, does that
mean he is free?"

They started arguing about this because of the increase in domestic tourism. Scott has
eventually enslaved again and then the Louisiana Purchase took place this caused controversy
as to whether these new states were slave states or free states after the Missouri Compromise
was created. And civil war broke out, the north prevailed and everyone born in America was
officially free, regardless of color.

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