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Home Work 04/11/2020

1. Vision Practice: ​

2. Revise the lessons before and during the game.
3. Game Practice with ideas. DON’T PLAY FAST.

About Chess Board:

● Standing Lines are ​Files​, (​ 8) a to h
● Sleeping Lines are ​Ranks​, ​(8) 1st to 8th
● Slanting line are ​Diagonals​,
● Corner lines are called ​Rim​,
● Total Squares = 64
● Light Squares= 32
● Dark Squares= 32
● Center Squares = e4, e5, d4, d5
Pieces Name, Value and Notation:
1. King (0) - K= Ke5, Kxh3
2. Queen (9) - Q= Qg6, Qe8, Qxg6, Qxb6
3. Rook (5) - R= Rf2, Rf5, Rxh3
4. Bishop (3) - B= Ba5, Bb4, Bxd4
5. Knight (3) - N= Ne4, Nd6, Nxc6
6. Pawn (1) - e4, d4, g4, e5, exd5, cxd5
● Capture- X
● Check- +
● Checkmate- #
● Castling- 0-0 Or 0-0-0

What do Pieces like?

● ​Rook:​ Rook likes open file and ranks.
● Bishop:​ Bishop likes open diagonals and open game.
● ​Queen:​ Queen= Rook+Bishop
● Knight:​ It likes closed games. Knight is dim on the rim.
● ​King: ​King likes endgame and safety.
● ​Pawn:​ Pawns are defenders. Use them wisely
Minor pieces:​ Knight & Bishop
Major Pieces:​ Queen & Rook
Check:​ means attack on the king
Checkmate:​ When there is a check and the opponent can not stop it, it is
called checkmate.
Stalemate: ​When there is no check and the opponent can not play
anything, it is called stalemate.
Attack: ​means trying to capture an enemy piece.
Capture​: kill the enemy piece.
Defend​: Protect the piece.
Counter Attack: ​Defend your piece and attack on the opponent.
Hanging piece:​ the piece is about to die.

Rule: King can not move on the squares which are controlled by enemy pieces.

Purpose​ ​of the chess game: checkmate the opponent King and protect own King.

Rules for Win a games: (in all phases)

1. Do not lose your pieces for free.
2. Your pieces are your army person, if you would help them, they will help you.
3. When you are trading pieces, think for their value.
4. Always capture opponent pieces with your less value or equal value pieces.
5. Think minimum 30 seconds before playing any move.
6. Don’t leave your pieces without protection.
7. Always see the opponent's last move and then play your move. And before
playing your move think: “ Is it a good move?” “Can my opponent capture my
piece?” “Am I following the rules?”

Chess Game:
Chess is played in three phases/Stages:
Phase 1​ . Opening, ( Starting 10-12 moves)
What to do: (a) Center Control, (b) Development (c) Castling (d) Balance the game
(e) Try to checkmate.
Phase 2 ​ . Middle game (~20-30 moves)
What to do: (a) Exchange pieces for benefit (b) Pieces Improvement
(c) Balance the game (e) Try to checkmate.
Phase 3 ​ . Endgame (last 10-40 moves)
What to do: (a) Exchange pieces for your benefit (b) Involve the King
(c) Balance the game (draw) (e) Try to checkmate (Win).

Opening Rules: (for playing good moves in opening)

1. Control the center squares with pawns and pieces.
2. Develop your minor pieces towards the center.
3. Try to develop Knight before Bishop.
4. Develop your kingside pieces first ( for black we can develop Queenside pieces).
5. Don't play Queen early in the opening.
6. Castle your King within 10 moves.
7. Don't Play same piece twice without reason.
8. Try to develop new pieces every time with attack.
9. Don't play pawn unnecessarily.
10. Connect the Rooks.
11. Keep your pieces defended.
12. Try to stop the opponent's castling.
13. Have a plan for each move.

When your king is on check, then What to do?

1. Can I ​capture ​the checking piece? If yes then Capture otherwise-
2. Can I ​block ​the checking piece? If yes then block otherwise-
3. Move the King ​to a safe square.

How to find a good move?

Thinking Process: ​"OLM-C-C-A"

Step 1.​ See the ​opponent's last move​ and think,

" Why did my opponent play this move?" “What is my opponent’s plan?”
Step 2.​ Think for "​Forcing Moves​", There are three forcing moves:
Step 2a. ​Check​: Can I check the King? Is it a good check?
Step 2b. ​Capture​: Can I capture anything? Is it a good capture?
Step 2c. ​Attack​: Can I attack on anything? Is it a good Attack?
Step 3.​ If Forcing Moves are not there, then:
d. Improve your pieces position.
e. Think of the Pawn move/break.

Opposite side castling: Class 16.11.2020

Kingside castle vs Queenside castle
● When your opponent castle is on the opposite side, start moving your pawns that side
for opening the lines.
● Do not block your pieces.
● If any Double pawns are there on your side then try to fix it.
● If the opponent is offering a free pawn on your castle side, don’t capture it.
● Do not give unnecessary checks.
● Do not make the same mistake twice.
Castling Rules:

● The king and the rook may not have moved from their starting squares if
you want to castle.
● All spaces between the king and the rook must be empty.
● The king cannot be in check.
● The squares that the king passes over must not be under attack, nor the
square where it lands on.
Chess Rules: (Real Board)
1. Touch to play: If you touched your piece and you could play that piece, you
2. If you touched your opponent’s piece and you could capture it, you HAVE TO

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