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Social Feasibility

A thorough investigation of interpersonal relationships inside a system or

organization is known as social feasibility. A social impact study's goal is to discover and

examine these effects in order to gauge the project's societal ramifications' breadth and


SDG Goals Attainment

Boss Gons Coffee House address these two Sustainable Development Goals, the

Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger can be achieved, which calls for ending

hunger, achieving food security, enhancing nutrition, and promoting sustainable

agriculture which highlights a basic human need: how to guarantee that everyone has

sustainable access to wholesome food. A well-functioning food and agricultural system

will be dependent on a number of factors, including the empowerment of the local

farmers, increased agricultural productivity and farmers' livelihoods, rising consumer

awareness, increased agricultural investment, and knowledge sharing in Yati, Liloan,


Boss Gons Coffee House and other companies may help address these issues, end

hunger, and enhance food and agricultural systems. The achievement of SDG2 will

depend on the implementation of environmentally friendly methods and collaboration

with other sectors along the entire value chain of agriculture (including input, production,

distribution, and retail).

Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, which emphasizes the idea of

more efficient resource use with fewer resources. The Boss Gons Coffee House team

must identify fair and just ways to accommodate diverse needs and aspirations while

maintaining mindful of the environment. In order to satisfy science-based emissions

reduction objectives, resource limitations, or the rising demand for essentials like food,

water and sanitation, and access to energy, sustainable production techniques will not be

sufficient. Additionally, it is anticipated that the demand for materials will overrun

ecosystem functions that are currently under stress as well as outstrip improvements in

supply chain efficiency. Thus, Boss Gons Coffee House implements and utilize an eco-

friendly packaging unlike plastic since it is reported that one of the main sources of waste

in the world is plastic packaging, only 14% of which is collected for recycling because it

is hard to recycle plastic multiple times. With this, the company is able to reduce the use

of plastic packaging and is getting the most out of its contribution to protecting the

mother earth in order to align with the developmental goal that they aim for.

Impact Assessment

Finding novel approaches that enable sustainable patterns of consumption and

production is in the business's best interest. It is necessary to have a greater grasp of the

environmental and social effects of products and services, as well as how usage within

lifestyles affects product life cycles. A critical initial step is locating "hot spots" within
the production process where changes have the most chance of enhancing the system's

overall environmental and social effect. The business may then use its creative capacity

to provide relevant solutions that can inspire and enable people to lead more sustainable

lifestyles, minimizing negative effects and enhancing well-being.

Boss Gons Coffee House strives to use natural resources sustainably and

effectively. Next, significantly minimize waste generation by preventing it, reducing it,

recycling it, and reusing it. Last but not least, to establish and apply tools to track the

effects of sustainable development on sustainable tourism, which supports local culture

and coffee goods while also creating jobs.

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