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REPORT #2022-17 | December 2022
Office of the Legislative Auditor General | Kade R. Minchey, Auditor General




1.1 Utah’s election controls mitigate the risk of fraud as long as they
The Legislative Audit
Subcommittee requested an audit are used properly.
to provide assurance that Utah’s 2.1 Mistakes within the voter registration database highlight
election systems and processes opportunities for increased oversight.
continue to be secure, fair, and
trustworthy. 3.1 Canvass ballot totals from Utah’s 2022 primary election did not
match those recorded in the central voter database.
Specifically, we were asked to
3.2 Some counties’ chain-of-custody practices make it difficult to
examine the integrity of election
processes, the accuracy of voter account for all ballots.
rolls, and the security around 4.1 Utah lacks clear legal standards for election signature
voters’ ballots. verification
5.2 Adopting additional post-election audit methods could increase
BACKGROUND confidence in election processing and outcomes.
For our purposes, we define 6.1 Utah election code does not specify oversight and enforcement
election integrity as ensuring that roles.
eligible voters can vote, ineligible
voters cannot, and election
results reflect the will of the
The Lieutenant Governor is 2.1 The Office of the Lieutenant Governor should finalize standards
designated as Utah’s chief for the frequency and use of key VISTA maintenance tools, and then
elections officer but does not monitor their implementation.
administer elections or directly
maintain voter registration 3.1 The Office of the Lieutenant Governor should create rules
records. requiring county clerks to publicly reconcile the number of ballots
tabulated with the number of voters given vote credit in VISTA.
Direct responsibility for voter
3.4 The Office of the Lieutenant Governor should finalize its chain-
registration and election
of-custody manual, including best practices for election staff in
administration falls instead on
Utah’s counties.
independently elected county
clerks throughout the state. 4.1 The Legislature should consider either including clearer
standards for signature review, acceptance, and rejection in Utah
Click or scan for interactive Code, or giving the Lieutenant Governor authority to establish these
election security website standards and instructions.
5.2 The Legislature should consider establishing a risk-limiting audit
pilot program to enhance Utah’s post-election audit methods, giving
the Office of the Lieutenant Governor rulemaking authority to
establish standards.
6.1 The Legislature should consider adding election standard
oversight and enforcement responsibilities and mechanisms to Utah


1.1 Despite Opportunities to Improve, the Office of the Lieutenant Governor (LG’s
Utah’s Election Systems and Processes Office) playing a more active role.
Work Together to Guard Election Integrity
5.2 Adopting Additional Post-Election
Our team observed and tested election systems in Audit Methods Can Enhance Audit
every county during the 2022 primary election and Outcomes
found no evidence of systematic problems,
widespread errors, or significant fraud. This is Adopting risk-limiting audit (RLA) methods
primarily because multiple layers of process and could add to Utah’s election system by shifting
defense must be defeated to undermine election the purpose of the post-election audit to
integrity in Utah. Although we believe elections are validating that election outcomes are correct.
functioning well overall, there are several risk Many states are moving to RLAs as the new
areas—discussed throughout this report—that standard for post-election audits because they
provide opportunities to strengthen Utah’s election allow election officials to adjust the number of
system in important ways. examined ballots in an audit to provide
statistical confidence in election results.
2.1 Mistakes within Voter Registration Because there are various ways to conduct
Database Highlight Opportunities for RLAs, policymakers should deliberate on
Increased Oversight whether RLA methods could be beneficial in
Maintaining accurate voter rolls ensures that
ballots are mailed to correct addresses, eligible 6.1 Utah Election Code Does Not Specify
voters can vote, and ineligible voters cannot. We Oversight and Enforcement Roles
found that county clerks are striving to maintain
accurate records and most records we reviewed To ensure elections are more uniformly
were accurate. However, we did identify important administered we believe Utah Code could
instances where county clerks can improve the clarify and define oversight and enforcement
accuracy of voter records. We believe the need to roles for elections as seen in other states. Utah
ensure accurate records is critical to a successful Code designates the Lieutenant Governor (LG)
election and the problems we identified warrant as the state’s chief election officer.

3.1 Canvass Ballot Totals from 2022

Primary Election Did Not Match Those attempted to reconcile these discrepancies
Recorded in the Central Voter Database and had some success, but the processes in
some counties do not allow for a
Our team analyzed ballot processing statistics reconciliation. Regardless of the exact
and found several counties that had cause, these discrepancies point to ballot
discrepancies between reported ballot numbers processing and recordkeeping problems
and recorded voter totals. We that should be understood and explained.

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