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Improving Morals, MAN 1 Malang City Holds Birthday of the Prophet

Malang (MAN 1 Kota Malang). Friday, October 7, 2022 MAN 1 Malang City holds the
Commemoration of the Prophet's Birthday. With the theme "Imitating the Morals of the Prophet
Muhammad as the Provision of a Smart Personal and Moral Akhlakul Karimah". The Prophet's
Birthday Commemoration activity was held at the Darul Hikmah Mosque MAN 1 Malang City at
13.00 WIB with the speaker Habib Taufiq Muhammad bin Baraqbah which was attended by all
students and GTK MAN 1 Malang City

The composition of the Commemoration of the Prophet's Birthday, namely (1) pre-event and
reading of Mawlid Diba'; (2) opening; (3) recitation of divine words; (4) remarks; (5) mauidhoh
hasanah; (6) prayer; and (7) cover. In pre-event activities, all students and GTK together read
Mawlid Diba' with enthusiasm and joy. This shows how happy it is to commemorate Mawlid Nabi,
which is the birthday of our Noble Prophet, Muhammad SAW. Because Rasulullah SAW is a role
model in success as a human being.

In commemorating the Prophet's Birthday, Habib Taufiq Muhammad bin Baraqbah told the
Prophet's story about (1) the Prophet's childhood; (2) the story of the Prophet's youth; (3) the
story of his marriage to Khadijah and Fatimah; and (4) exemplary, nature, character, and morals
of the Prophet. The presentation of the material was delivered in a language that is close to
teenagers so that the students of MAM 1 Malang City were very enthusiastic about listening to it.

Follow the Prophet based on the story told by Habib Taufiq Muhammad bin Baraqbah, which is to
be a smart person and have good morals. With solemnity, all students and GTK MAN 1 Malang
City attended the Commemoration of the Prophet's Birthday. Through what was conveyed by
Habib Taufiq Muhammad bin Baraqbah, I hope that all students and GTK MAN 1 Malang City will
be able to emulate and implement the noble character of the Prophet. So that we become a
smart person and have a good character. (PR)

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