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Good morning everyone! It’s nice to be back after our school break.

{ ikaw na lang puno para sa imo kalipay nga makita n apud kas imong
mga bashers… heheheh}
We’ve been through difficult circumstances because of COVID-19
pandemic, People living through a world crisis and the COVID-19
situation is particularly stressful because it’s hard to predict how things
will develop, and our circumstances are changing rapidly. This can leave
us feeling powerless, like we’re no longer in control of our own lives.
Although these things might leave us feeling helpless, in reality there
are still a lot of things we have power over in our lives, even during
these trying times.
In facing unspeakable challenges in our days ahead, one of the greatest
gifts we can give to those we lead, our students, and those we love. Our
family and friends is to discover HOPE. It won’t appear on its own,
especially for the most fragile among us. We need to take time to sit
with them and we can excavate together the most vital resource they
need to “weather in our lives.”
According to Emily Dickinson, “Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all – “
Hope is perseverance against great odds. We are in dark days but with
hope we can get through, we can survive. Hope is what we need in
times of crisis. And if we have ‘high -hope;” as individual, we will have
high overall job performances, we have satisfaction and tenacity and
hopefulness which can help us when we encounter adversities in life.
We have hope if we choose to see beyond the current circumstances in
this pandemic to something better despite our fears and anxieties.

In spite of the hardships and difficulties/ all sectors in the society

especially in the academe, all of us need Hope and Strength. Our
students especially. They need us educators to be bearers of hope in
the midst of pain and suffering. We’ll do our best to give them hope
that they continue to trust us when they witness how we are doing our
best in our work with excellence. Let’s give our students hope despite
our anxieties and fears and uncertainties, so that they become strong
and resilient. We may not be able to control the situation but we can
control ourselves; our thoughts, actions and choices. Our hope is that
we can rise above in these challenging times and continue to fulfill our
dreams and ambitions in life.

Please join me in singing “I can see clearly Now” popularized by Jimmy

Cliff composed by Johnny Nash and made popular in 1972, and the
movie theme of Cool Running. This is a beautiful song of hope for all
those who are suffering because of the pandemic and other
The song is about looking forward for a brighter and better future. The
obstacles in his path forward, but at least he can clearly see them now
so he can navigate with care. The dark clouds reduce vision, and so they
did for the mind of Johnny Nash. He was shrouded with anguish, pain
and disappointment with whatever was going on in his life at the time.
But something has changed now. The dark clouds are making way for
sun light.
Sunshine resembles happy, cheerful and positive vibes. The skies are
usually clear blue when the sun shines properly. ‘Clear skies’ are a sign
of obstacle-free way ahead. From the first verse to the refrain, the song
moved from seeing obstacles to clearing all the obstacles. May be, the
obstacles were a thing of his mindset, as they usually are.



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