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1. What are the things that you learned from the video?

You should be prepared because there are worse job interviews than I saw in the video.
And what I've always learned is that no matter what you do, there are people who will
make you suffer and won't accept you even if you're good.
I learned that the value of relationships and maintaining contact with many people in
order to be aware of work chances. The things I discovered was how important contacts
can be for learning new information and discovering career prospects. Being connected
to someone who has knowledge of work opportunities, whether the chances are
published or not, can help you land a job.

2. If you were the applicant/interviewee in the video, how are you going to respond to
the situation?

If I would be the interviewee in that video is, I will be okay with that because it a fake

3. What are the preparations that you will make for a job interview?

. I'm going to prepare for it by doing some research on the company I'm applying for,
making a list of all possible common interview questions and practicing answering them
in the mirror, lining up some questions for the interviewer, and planning my interview
attire and dressing appropriately. I'll sound more educated if I know as much as I can
about the organization and management of the company. Researching the company can
also help me show that I'm interested in working there and determine whether it's the
kind of place I want to work. Practicing for interviews can boost my confidence. I must
prepare myself, in the job interview to answer all the questions. should always be ready.
I'll make a good first impression by arriving 10-15 minutes early for my interview; with
good preparation, we can always achieve better results

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