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1. Are you the type of person who plans ahead or prefers to go with the flow of events?

What do you think is the importance of planning ahead of time?

I guess you could say that I am the type of person that likes to plan ahead
because I genuinely want everything, I do to turn out well. Because we can see here the
potential and related danger that we may meet if we start undertaking a specific action,
planning ahead is highly crucial. And because of it, we can develop solutions in advance,
which will undoubtedly ensure success. Planning will also enable us to anticipate the
potential next move or course of action. We can produce better results in this approach.

2. What are your strategies to reach your destination on time?

First, I need to confirm that I have the full, accurate, and landmark-inclusive
address of the location I'll be visiting. The next step is to prepare everything the night
before my trip, including my outfit, suitcase, wallet, and any vital documents. Setting an
alarm to get up early is the third step. The fourth step is to decide which mode of
transportation will get me where I'm going the quickest.

3. Do you believe in the saying, "There's no excuse for being rude?" How would this
statement apply in your day-to-day travel and in your work at the office or school?
Justify your answer.

Yes, I believe in the saying "there's no excuse for being rude," because no one
has the right to treat others poorly. Actually, when there is no pandemic, I always ride in
a Multicab to school. And there are instances that cannot be avoided, such as when I
tried to stop the Multicab for the first time because I was already on my way to my
destination, but the driver didn't hear me and continued. I wasn't angry because I was
trying to be considerate because I know how difficult their job is, and I also considered
other factors that contributed to it happening, such as the noise outside. However,
there are some who are truly insensitive and even pick fights with drivers over minor
mistakes. Actually, being angry is not a bad thing sometimes we can't avoid it because
it's part of our natural personality traits, but we have control over how we respond to
every situation. So, we have the option of acting good or bad. This demonstrates that
there is no excuse for being impolite.

4. Do pedestrians need to familiarize themselves with basic traffic rules? Why?

Yes, pedestrians must be familiar with basic traffic rules in order to avoid
accidents. Because we all know that prevention is better than cure and that those who
are informed will be safe.

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