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Last class :

We talked about trilitic system : with 3 elements

Concept of order : the way designers think they can follow speci c rules. Basically they design
the same thing.

Advantages and disadvantages :

- not free because of the order, of the rules : disadvantage

- BUT : architecture will be good

Greats designers, architect, think about speci c rules is okay.

What kind of materials are we going to use like architects ? Bricks…

Innovation is not a problem. The problem is b a little perfect. We can work with tradition (rules)
and it’s not a problem.

Other idea last week was about anthropomorphism : the way you can control everything, we can
understand everything using your dimensions.

The design is supposed to be perfect : the Parthenon. The perfect architecture is the way of
columns are perfectly designed.

The question of verticality

Columns : interiors columns VS exterior columns : exteriors columns are bigger than interior. It’s
not the same. They try to have exactly the same dimensions between columns, with the size of
the elements.

When we hav small temples and big temples it’s not the same relationship between elements
(columns). Play with the idea of tradition.

Perfect rectangle. But problem with space between columns : how to solve it? Problem in greek
architecture. We have to solve it by modi cation of space between columns.


New period : Roman architecture

New thing : use of arches. New technic, control system. We cana control the type of architecture
all over the country because of a new rule in a book. We have to extend the territory and control
the territory.



What we have to do for the exercise : graphic analysis. Topic = anthropomorphism. The space
have to be a personal space. We have to identify the personal space (room, space for study….),
draw, and express with it human space.

Express the space with the perspective of our human dimension. How that space works with
human dimension? Select one space, our personal space. The exercice is about demonstrate that
the space is connected to our human body. Representation is about dimension things : plans…
try to use OUR body dimensions to the drawing of the space : so plans, sections….

We can send the exercise Friday if we want.


1. Unlimited experiences

2. Fertility of invention

3. New techniques

Book of Vitruve : rules of roman architecture. New techniques. Moving to trilitic system to the use
of aches.

Di erent types of vaults. There is vaults, domes or arches.

Typical section of a Roman basilic.

About amphitheaters : the amphitheater who have wall and cut to nature is the roman one. The
amphitheater who is open to the nature during construction is Greek. Romans don’t take in
consideration the environment around.

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