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The ancient Greece and Rome

What is ancient Greece and Rome?

A Great Civilization Many people believe that the greatest of all the civilizations of the
ancient world was the civilization of Greece. Ancient Greece was a collection of
independent city-states and the polis is the ancient Greek word for city-state. The
Greeks were proud of the independence and individuality of their city-states. They
thought it was better to live under local government than under the power of a king who
lived far away. However, there were also disadvantages to the city-state model. The
Greek city-states were frequently getting into disagreements and wars. This lack of unity
made it easier for foreign countries to invade Greece. The Beginnings of Rome Legend
says that the city of Rome was founded by twin brothers, Romulus and Remus.
According to the story, when the twins were babies, they were thrown into the Tiber
River by their wicked uncle. A female wolf saved them from drowning and raised them
and when they grew up, they founded a city and named it Rome.

The Greeks came before the Romans and much of the Roman culture was influenced
by the Greeks. Both Greece and Rome made significant contributions to Western
civilization. Greek knowledge was ascendant in philosophy, physics, chemistry,
medicine, and mathematics for nearly two thousand years. The Romans did not have the
Greek temperament for philosophy and science, but they had a genius for law and civil
administration. The Romans were also great engineers and builders. They invented
concrete, perfected the arch, and constructed roads and bridges that remain in use
today. But neither the Greeks nor the Romans had much appreciation for technology.
The technological society that transformed the world was conceived by Europeans
during the middle Ages. Although the Romans were heavily influenced by ancient
Greece, they were able to make improvements to certain borrowed Greek designs
and inventions. For example, they continued the use of columns, but the form became
more decorative and less structural in Roman buildings. 
I therefore conclude that The Greeks and Romans seem to be extremely influential on
our modern civilization. Ancient civilizations provide insight into why and how history has
unfolded and become as it is .Many Greek and Roman traditions and cultures play major
roles in our civilization. These traditions and cultures are displayed throughout our
government, education, art, architect, cultural activities, and many other things. The
principles behind the ancient Greeks' democratic system of government are still in use
today. The United States and many other countries throughout the modern world
have adopted democratic governments to give a voice to their people. Democracy
provides citizens the opportunity to elect officials to represent them. Also, the successes
of these two civilizations lead to many countries modeling most of their public facilities
and systems after the ones found in Greece and Rome.

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