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As you can see, death penalty is in fact not a good choice for

a criminal to be punished. Our Justice System is imperfect,

biased, and faulty. When in effect, it can wrongfully convict
innocent people. Our Justice System can be manipulated by
any rich Filipino or a rich Foreigner. This happens because of
the gap between the poor and the rich. Life imprisonment is
better than capital punishment? Do you believe it? Do you
agree with it? Or do you want to stick with death penalty?
Again, death penalty should not be implemented because
the Justice System is unjust, and we are a nation wherein
the gap between the poor and the rich is big. Not only that
the justice system is unjust, but this is also because of the
Filipinos. Filipinos are too biased. They only aim to satisfy
their desires. How come? For example, is when a criminal
was found guilty of the crime he committed, he will receive
death penalty. Filipinos would then praise the
administration. But, if an innocent poor Filipino was
convicted, and received a death penalty, Filipinos would
start criticizing the government and will start blaming the
justice system. How can you implement such punishment if
both the System and the People are unjust? Death penalty
should be implemented when the gap between the rich and
the poor is small, and when the Justice System is set on the
right track. Death penalty is not the best punishment. Death
penalty only favors the rich.

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