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Academic year: 1444 KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA

Term: First Technical and Vocational Training Corporation

Course: General Physics (301) Al-Jouf Technical College
Homework: Second

Student Name:………………………………………………….. Student ID:……………………………. Section:………………….

Question (1): choose the correct answer(s) :

1. What do we say when a body remains in one position for a long time?
a) motion b) rest c) stationary d) none of the above
2. If an object moves along a straight path ,it is said be .................................. motion.

a) tow-dimensional b) linear c) one-dimensional d) both (b) and (c)

3. The average velocity of a moving particle is given by :
a) 2( ∆𝐱⃗→ ) b)
c) d) none of the above
∆𝐭 ∆𝐭 ∆𝐱⃗→

4. What is known as the first derivative of an object’s position with respect to the time?
a) instantaneous velocity b) instantaneous acceleration

c) average acceleration d) displacement

5. what is known as the second derivative of an object’s position with respect to the time?
a) instantaneous acceleration b) instantaneous acceleration
c) average velocity d) distance

6. When the acceleration and velocity are in the same direction, the object is……………………. .
a) slowing down b) nonexistent c) speeding up d) at rest
7. The first condition of equilibrium is …………………………. .

a) ∑ →𝒆𝒙𝒕 > 𝟎 b) ∑ 𝐅→𝒆𝒙𝒕 < 𝟎 c) ∑ 𝐅→𝒆𝒙𝒕 = 𝟎 d) ∑ 𝐅→𝒆𝒙𝒕 ≠ 𝟎

8. Which of the following is known as Newton's first law?
a) Law of inertia b) Force law c) Action – reaction law d) all of the above
9. Which of the following is a contact force?

a) Frictional Force b) Gravitational Force c) Electrical Force d) Magnetic Force

10. Which of the following is field force?
a) Electromagnetic Force b) Tension Force c) Normal Force d) Spring Force
11. Acceleration of an object is the net force acting on it?
a) inversely proportional b) directly proportional

c) surface proportional d) all of the above

12. A newton (N) is defined as ………………………………….. .
a) (kg) (m2)/ sec b) (kg) (m)/ sec c) (kg) (m)/sec2 d) kg/(m) (sec2)

Question (2): A car moves in straight line from (⃗𝐱⃗⃗⃗𝟏→ = 50 m) to (𝐱⃗⃗⃗⃗𝟐→ = 140 m) during the time
from (𝐭𝟏 = 5 sec ) to (𝐭𝟐 = 15 sec ) . Find the average velocity for the car?

V = ( X2-X1) / ( t2 – t1 )

V = ( 140 – 50 ) / ( 15 – 5 ) = 9 m/s

Question (3): A car starts from rest and accelerates to a velocity of (40 m/sec) over a (8sec)
time interval . what is its the average acceleration?

V1 =0 m/s V2 = 40 m/s t= 8 sec a=?

a = ( V2 – V1 ) / t

a= ( 40 – 0 ) / 8 = 5 m / s2

Question (4): The position of a particle moving on an x axis is given by :
⃗→ (t)= 50 – 12t + t3
𝐗 (m)
Find : (1) The particle's velocity function 𝐯⃗→(t) and acceleration function 𝐚⃗→(t) ?
(2) what is the velocity at t= 4 sec ?
(3) Is the velocity constant or is it continuously changing?
(4) What is the acceleration at t=3 sec ?
(5) Is the acceleration constant or is it continuously changing?
(6) Is there ever a time when 𝐯⃗→ = 0 ?

1) V(t) = (V2 – V1 ) / ( t2 – t1 )
1) a ( t ) = ( V2 – V1 ) / ( t2 – t1 )

2)V( t ) = dx / dt
V ( t ) = d (50 – 12t + t3) / dt
V( t ) = 0 – 12 + 3 t2 t = 4 sec
V( t ) = -12 + 3 x 4 = 36 m/s
3) the velocity changes with time

4) a(t )= dV / d t V( t ) = – 12 + 3 t2

a(t )= d – 12 + 3 t2 / dt

a(t )= - 0 + 6 t t = 3 sec

a(t )= 6 x 3 = 18 m/s2

5) the acceleration is it continuously changing by the velocity and tim

6) yes time goes on even if the speed stops

Question(5) : The position of a particle moving on an x axis is given by :
⃗→ (t)= 20 t – 5t2 + 2t3
𝐗 (m)
Find :
(1) The average velocity of a particle in the time interval between (t1= 2 sec) , (t2= 4 sec).
(2) The average acceleration of a particle in time interval between (t1= 2 sec) , (t2= 4 sec).
(3) The instantaneous acceleration of a particle at ( t=1 sec).
(4) Is the acceleration constant or is it continuously changing?

1) V = (X2 – X1 ) / ( t2 – t1 )
X(t) = 20t – 5t2 + 2t3
t1 = 2 sec X1 = 20x2 – 5x22 + 2 x 23 = 36 m
t2 = 4 sec X2 = 20 x4 – 5 x 42 + 2x 43 = 128 m

V (t) = (128 – 36 ) / ( 4 – 2 ) = 46 m/s

2) a(t) = ( V2 – V1 ) / ( t2 – t1 )
V(t) = dX / dt = d (20 t – 5t2 + 2t3) / dt
V(t) = 20 – 10t + 6t2
t1= 2 sec V1 = 20 – 10x2 + 6x22 = 24 m/s
t2= 4 sec V2 = 20 – 10x 4 + 6 x 42 = 76 m/s
a(t) = ( V2 – V1 ) / ( t2 – t1 )
a(t) = ( 76 – 24 ) / ( 4 – 2 ) = 26 m/s2
3) a(t) = dV / dt V(t) = 20 – 10t + 6t2

a(t) = d(20 – 10t + 6t2) / dt

a(t) = 0 – 10 + 12t t = 1 sec
a(t) = -10 + 12x1 = 2 m/s2

4) the acceleration is it continuously changing

Question (6) : A car travels (10km) at velocity of (90 km/h). The car stopped because the
car ran out of fuel causing the driver to walk a distance of (5km) for half and hour to reach
the nearest petrol station.
Find :
(1) What is the overall displacement from the beginning of his drive to his arrival at the
petrol station?
(2) What is the time interval from beginning to his arrival at the petrol station?
(3) What is the average velocity from beginning to his arrival at the petrol station?


(1 the overall displacement = 10 + 5 = 15 km

(2 the time interval
a ) t1 = X/V = 10/90 = 0.111 h
b)t2 = 0.5 h
tT= 0.111 + 0.5 = 0.611 h
3) the average velocity
V2=X/t = 5/0.5 = 10km/h
V= V1 + V2 /2
V = (90 + 10 )/2 = 50 km/h

Question (7) : The brakes of a car failed while travelling down a slope. If the initial velocity
is (0.5 m/sec), and the length of the slope (0.75 km), and the velocity of the car at the end
of the slope is (77.5 m/sec) .
(1) Find the acceleration of the car when travelling down the slope?
(2) Find the time the car spent travelling down?

1) V22 = V21 + 2 a . X V1=0.5m/s V2=77.5m/s X=0.75km=0.75x1000=750m

a = ( V22 – V21 ) /2 X

a= ( 77.52 – 0.52 ) / 2 x 750 = 4.004 m/s2


2) V2 = V1 + a .t

t= ( V2 – V1 ) / a

t= ( 77.5 – 0.5 ) / 4.004 = 19.231 sec

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