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Grade 10

Revision test
Social Science
Nationalism in India

  Maximum Marks: 15
Writing Time: 7.50 to 8.20
Submission: 8.20- 8.30


1 What were the demands of the peasants of Awadh? Who was their leader? 2
2 Why was Satyagraha also known as passive resistance? 2
3 Explain any three facts about the new economic situation created in India from 1914 to 3
4 “Two factors shaped Indian politics towards the late 1920s.”- What were they? Explain 3
Why did the Congress change its demand from Swaraj to Purna Swaraj or Complete
Independence? Give three reasons.
5 “British rule in India would have been collapsed if Indians had not cooperated”- How 5
did this statement help in starting a mass movement in India against the British rule?
Explain the response of the plantation workers to the movement started by Gandhiji.
“Nationalism spreads when people begin to believe that they are all part of the same
nation, when they discover some unity that binds them together” – Do you agree?


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