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Academic Session 2022-23

Practice paper (History)
Class: VIII Subject: Social
Topic: Chapter: 10,11,12
1. The moderate group of the Indian National Congress was considered as safety valve by the
British. Why?
2. How did press help to foster the spirit of nationalism across the countries?
3. Where was the first NAM Summit held? Mention its goals.
4. Explain any three causes that helped in the growth of Indian Nationalism.
5. Explain the two powerful weapons of the extremists.
6. Which are the two important developments in the Lucknow session of congress?
7. Write a short note on Morley – Minto Reforms.
8. What happened in the Surat session of 1907?
9. Explain any three features of the Government of India Act in 1935.
10. What was the decision taken in the Karachi session of congress in 1931?
11. The Second Round Table Conference failed. Explain why?
12. Explain the proposal put by the Cripps Mission.
13. Why did Gandhiji support the Khilafat movement?
14. Why was Planning Commission set up?
15. Mention the problems faced by India after Independence?
16. How many countries got along to pass the principle of Panchsheel? Mention the five
principles of Panchsheel.

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