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Name: Judith Ichado

Mat Number: FAM/MAC/21002208

Mac 315

The war of Nigeria independence was fought on the pages of the Nigeria print
media, not one shot was fired but many thundering editorials were written, discuss.


Like they say, Editorials are the voice of the newspaper; it is the
authoritative voice or opinion of the newspaper or news organization (The
print media) which performs powerful functions, they bring to us the
information of day to day happenings and make us aware.

So many things happened during the nationalist movement but the most
significant one that’s most relevant to the course of this assignment is “The West
African Pilot” a newspaper launched in Nigeria by Nnamdi Azikiwe in 1937 to
1977which was dedicated to fighting for independence from British colonial rule
and ofcourse performed the function of the print media because you can only fight
for what youre aware of.

The newspaper played a key role in the spread of racial consciousness and
nationalistic ideas in the interior of Nigeria,  Its motto was "Show the light and the
people will find the way" . The paper led the way for enterprising black
journalism. The paper tied together the sport of soccer with social justice.
Azikiwe's paper used soccer to increase the growing unpopularity of
colonization in Nigeria. The paper was extremely popular, and it had a circulation
of around 25,000 and a lot more readers. This paper brought fought the start of
popular journalism in Nigeria.

In the development of modern nationalism in Nigeria, the newspaper press

played a part equal to if not more than those played by other factors. The activities
of the newspapers in Nigeria's political awakening, though acknowledged by
writers on Nigeria is always given a short shrift and mentioned only in passing.
Their main concern is political actors. Coleman asserts that "there can be little
doubt that nationalist newspapers and pamphlets have been among the main
influences in the awakening of racial and political consciousness." Kalu Ezera in
Constitutional Developments in Nigeria, speaks about the influence of the press on
constitutional reform during the inter- and post-war years. The responsibility for
detailed studies of the Nigerian newspaper press is, therefore, left to mass
communication scholars and researchers. The first attempt

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