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Eur J Anaesthesiol 2021; 38:275–284


Ultrasound-guided versus conventional lung recruitment

manoeuvres in laparoscopic gynaecological surgery
A randomised controlled trial
Sun-Kyung Park, Hyojun Yang, Seokha Yoo, Won Ho Kim, Young-Jin Lim, Jae-Hyon Bahk
and Jin-Tae Kim
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BACKGROUND Pneumoperitoneum and steep Trendelen- MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES The primary outcome was
burg position promote the formation of pulmonary atelectasis the lung ultrasound score at the end of surgery; a higher
during laparoscopic gynaecological surgery. score indicates worse lung aeration.
OBJECTIVE To determine whether lung ultrasound-guided RESULTS Lung ultrasound scores at the end of surgery were
alveolar recruitment manoeuvres could reduce peri-operative significantly lower in the intervention group compared with
atelectasis compared with conventional recruitment man- control group (median [IQR], 7.5 [6.5 to 8.5] versus 9.5 [8.5
oeuvres during laparoscopic gynaecological surgery. to 13.5]; difference, 2 [95% CI, 4.5 to 1]; P ¼ 0.008).
The intergroup difference persisted in the postanaesthesia
DESIGN Randomised controlled trial.
care unit (7 [5 to 8.8] versus 10 [7.3 to 12.8]; difference, 3
SETTING Tertiary hospital, Republic of Korea, from August [95% CI, 5.5 to 1.5]; P ¼ 0.005). The incidence of
2018 to January 2019. atelectasis was lower in the intervention group compared
with control group at the end of surgery (35 versus 80%;
PATIENTS Adult patients scheduled for laparoscopic gynae-
P ¼ 0.010) but was comparable in the postanaesthesia care
cological surgery under general anaesthesia.
unit (40 versus 55%; P ¼ 0.527).
INTERVENTION Forty patients were randomised to receive
CONCLUSIONS The use of ultrasound-guided recruitment
either ultrasound-guided recruitment manoeuvres (manual
manoeuvres improves peri-operative lung aeration; these
inflation until no visibly collapsed area was seen with lung
effects may persist in the postanaesthesia care unit. How-
ultrasonography; intervention group) or conventional recruit-
ever, the long-term effects of ultrasound-guided recruitment
ment manoeuvres (single manual inflation with 30 cmH2O
manoeuvres on clinical outcomes should be the subject of
pressure; control group). Recruitment manoeuvres were
future trials.
performed 5 min after induction and at the end of surgery
in both groups. All patients received volume-controlled ven- TRIAL REGISTRATION (NCT03607240).
tilation with a tidal volume of 8 ml kg1 and a positive end- Published online 4 January 2021
expiratory pressure of 5 cmH2O.

Pulmonary atelectasis develops in most patients under decrease in functional residual capacity, which can lead to
general anaesthesia.1–3 Both pneumoperitoneum and a postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs).3,4,7,9–17
steep Trendelenburg position can worsen the atelectasis As PPCs can adversely affect clinical outcomes after
during laparoscopic surgery.4–8 The formation of atelec- surgery, prevention of these complications is a main
tasis causes gas exchange impairments, hypoxaemia and a concern of anaesthetic providers.16–21

From the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Correspondence to Jin-Tae Kim, MD, PhD, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul National University College of
Medicine, 101 Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03080, Republic of Korea

0265-0215 Copyright ß 2021 European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care. Unauthorised reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
276 Park et al.

Lung-protective ventilation consists of the application of laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy and laparoscopic sal-
positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), low tidal vol- pingo-oophorectomy. Patients with a previous history
ume and recruitment manoeuvres.18 Alveolar recruit- of thoracic surgery, pneumothorax, bullae, pre-existing
ment manoeuvre, which refers to the periodic lung or cardiac disease, abnormal pre-operative chest
hyperinflation of the lungs, has been used to reverse radiographs, or morbid obesity (BMI 40 kg.m2) were
lung collapse in anaesthetised patients.3,4,7,9,18 The use excluded from the study.
of recruitment manoeuvres has been shown to reduce the
incidence and extent of atelectasis during general anaes- Randomisation and blinding
thesia.4,9,17,22 However, the optimal recruitment strate- Patients were randomly assigned to receive either lung
gies, in terms of frequency, timing, inflation pressures ultrasound-guided recruitment manoeuvres (interven-
and methods remain unknown.9,16 tion group) or conventional recruitment manoeuvres
Lung ultrasonography has emerged as a useful tool for peri- (control group) using a computer-generated table of
operative care.4,9,11,23,24 Recent research showed that lung random numbers. Group allocation was concealed by
ultrasonography can assess lung aeration and diagnose sequentially numbered, sealed opaque envelopes, which
atelectasis accurately in the peri-operative period.11,24 were opened only by the attending anaesthesiologist
The scoring system for the measurements of the extent immediately before the induction of general anaesthesia.
of atelectasis has been validated by numerous previous All patients and the outcome assessors were blinded to
publications.11,17,24 By using lung ultrasonography, the the group allocations. The ultrasound assessor and inves-
response to recruitment manoeuvres for each patient tigators who scored the lung ultrasound score (LUS) were
can be easily assessed. Thus, it has great potential as a blinded to the group allocations.
bedside tool for guiding effective recruitment manoeuvres
to reduce the formation of pulmonary atelectasis in surgical Anaesthesia protocol and ventilator settings
settings. However, whether the use of ultrasound-guided No premedication was provided. Standard monitoring
recruitments can reduce peri-operative atelectasis in an including electrocardiography, pulse oximetry, noninva-
adult surgical population has not yet been tested. sive blood pressure and bispectral index (Medtronic,
Ireland) was applied. All patients were pre-oxygenated
Therefore, this study aimed to investigate whether ultra-
with 100% oxygen for 3 min before induction. Total
sound-guided alveolar recruitment manoeuvres could
intravenous anaesthesia was induced using propofol
improve lung ultrasound findings and reduce peri-opera-
and remifentanil. Intravenous rocuronium (0.6 mg kg1)
tive pulmonary atelectasis in adult patients undergoing
was administered. After tracheal intubation with a cuffed
gynaecological laparoscopic surgery, as compared with
endotracheal tube with an internal diameter 7.0 mm, all
the standard practice of alveolar recruitment manoeuvres.
patients were ventilated with a Carestation 650 ventilator
machine (GE Healthcare, United States) using volume-
controlled ventilation with a tidal volume of 8 ml kg1 of
Trial design
predicted body weight, a PEEP of 5 cmH2O, a fractional
This prospective, randomised, controlled study was
inspired oxygen tension (FiO2) of 0.4 and an initial
approved by the Institutional Review Board of Seoul
respiratory rate of 12 min1. The respiratory rate was
National University Hospital (No. 1805-148-948; Chair-
adjusted to maintain the end-tidal carbon dioxide
person Professor BJ Park; date of approval, 27 June 2018)
(ETCO2) between 4.7 and 6.0 kPa (35 and 45 mmHg).
and was registered with
General anaesthesia was maintained with a target-con-
(NCT03607240; principal investigator: Jin-Tae Kim;
trolled infusion of propofol and remifentanil. The bis-
date of registration, 1 July 2018). We have prepared this
pectral index was maintained between 40 and 60
article in accordance with the Consolidated Standards of
throughout the operation. A radial arterial catheter was
Reporting Trials guidelines.25 The study was conducted
inserted, and invasive blood pressure was monitored in
between August 2018 and January 2019 at Seoul National
every patient. Systolic arterial pressure was maintained
University Hospital, Seoul, Korea. All included partici-
between 120 and 140 mmHg throughout the surgery.
pants provided written informed consent, and the study
Neuromuscular blockade was reversed using sugamma-
was conducted in accordance with the ethical principles
dex (2 mg kg1) following checking the train of four
as set out in the Declaration of Helsinki.
greater than 0.7 before emergence. All patients were
extubated in the operating room and were transferred
to the postanaesthesia care unit (PACU). Every patient
Adult patients (American Society of Anesthesiologists
underwent a chest X-ray while in the PACU.
physical status of I or II) scheduled to undergo elective
gynaecological laparoscopic surgery with an expected In every patient, the intra-abdominal insufflation pres-
duration of at least 1 h under general anaesthesia were sure was set as 12 mmHg during the entire capnoperito-
considered for eligibility. Eligible operations included neum period. Laparoscopic surgery was performed in the
laparoscopic hysterectomy, laparoscopic myomectomy, steep Trendelenburg position (angle of surgical bed: 408).

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2021; 38:275–284

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
US-guided recruitments in laparoscopic surgery 277

Lung ultrasonography Study interventions

In both groups, a lung ultrasound examination was done In both groups, the recruitment manoeuvres were per-
at three predefined time points: 5 min after the induction formed after each lung ultrasound examination (Fig. 1).
of anaesthesia (time point T1), at the end of surgery In the intervention group, the recruitment manoeuvres
(before administrating reversal agents for neuromuscular were performed under the direct real-time guidance of
blockade; time point T2) and before discharge from the ultrasound. Manual inflation was applied until no col-
PACU (time point T3). All ultrasound examinations were lapsed areas were visible on the ultrasound. The maxi-
performed by a single anaesthesiologist (S-KP), who was mum airway pressure was limited to 40 cmH2O, and the
experienced with lung ultrasound scans, using a TE7 tidal volume of each recruitment manoeuvre was limited
Ultrasound System (Mindray Medical International Co., to 20 ml kg1. In the control group, the recruitment
China) with a C5-2 s convex probe of 2 to 5 MHz. Each manoeuvre was performed by manual inflation with a
hemithorax was divided into six quadrants as described pressure of 30 cmH2O for 10 s.
previously.11,24 The intercostal space of each of the
sections was scanned and video clips of the most patho- Rescue strategy for desaturation
logical area of each region was stored for analysis. In both groups, when SpO2 decreased to 95% or lower,
the following rescue ventilation strategies were per-
After the acquisition of video clips, each region was
formed in a stepwise manner (i.e. if SpO2 did not increase
assigned a score of 0 to 3 according to a previously
after a step, then the following step was applied; other-
described grading system.11 Ultrasound images were
wise, no further steps were applied). Steps were per-
analysed independently by the two investigators (SY
formed according to the following order: step (1), three
and J-TK), who were blinded to group allocations and
rounds of recruitment manoeuvres with a pressure of
time points but not to lung quadrants. Discordant read-
30 cmH2O for 10 s; step (2), three rounds of recruitment
ings were reconciled by consensus. The LUS was calcu-
manoeuvres with a pressure of 35 cmH2O for 10 s; and
lated to quantitatively assess the aeration loss of each of
step (3), increase in FIO2 to 1.0. If SpO2 did not increase
the 12 quadrants as described previously.11
after all three rescue strategies, the ventilation strategies
Each of the 12 quadrants was assigned a score of 0 to 3 could be modified according to the attending anaesthe-
based on the following scoring system: 0, 0 to 2 B lines; 1, siologist’s judgement.
at least three B lines or one or more small subpleural
consolidations separated by a normal pleural line; 2, Study endpoints
multiple coalescent B lines or multiple small subpleural The primary outcome was the LUS at the end of surgery
consolidations separated by a thickened or irregular pleu- (time point T2). Secondary outcomes included the LUS
ral line; 3, consolidation or subpleural consolidation of before discharge from the PACU (time point T3), the
more than 1 cm  2cm. The LUS (0 to 36) was calculated incidence of atelectasis (defined as a LUS score of 2 for
by adding up the scores for the 12 quadrants with higher any of the 12 regions) at time points T2 and T3, the
scores indicating more severe aeration loss. The B line incidence of intra-operative desaturation (defined as an
scores and consolidation scores were recorded at each SpO2 95%), the incidence of postoperative fever
time point. (defined as a body temperature 37.58C), postoperative

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the study protocol

Operating room PACU

Pre-oxygenation US-guided RM Pneumoperitoneum, US-guided RM

Intervention group LUS LUS LUS
with O2 100% exam Trendelenburg position exam exam

Control group Pre-oxygenation LUS Conventional Pneumoperitoneum, LUS Conventional LUS

with O2 100% exam RM Trendelenburg position exam RM exam

Anaesthesia T1: 5 min T2: At the end Extubation T3: before

induction after induction of surgery discharge from

LUS, lung ultrasound score; PACU, postanaesthesia care unit; RM, recruitment manoeuvre; US, ultrasound.

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2021; 38:275–284

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
278 Park et al.

shoulder pain and PPCs during the 48-h postoperative medians were calculated using the bootstrap method
period. PPCs were predefined as the development of any (sampling with replacement). The Wilcoxon-signed-rank
of the following four complications within the first 48-h test was used for comparing the LUS within groups.
postoperative period; atelectasis as seen on a chest X-ray, Categorical data are expressed as the number (propor-
pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome and pul- tion) and were assessed using Pearson’s x2 test or Fisher’s
monary aspiration, according to the recently published exact test, as appropriate. The relative risk of binary
consensus definitions for PPCs.17,26 Data on other respi- variables is presented with the 95% CI. Two-tailed P
ratory complications including pulmonary embolism, values less than 0.05 were considered statistically signifi-
pleural effusion, pulmonary oedema, pneumothorax cant. A Bonferroni correction was used for multiple
and bronchospasm were collected separately.26 Haemo- comparisons. The criterion for rejection of the null
dynamic parameters (pulse rate, blood pressure and oxy- hypothesis for the repeated measurement at each time
gen saturation), mechanical ventilation parameters (tidal point was P less than 0.017.
volume, peak inspiratory pressure, dynamic compliance
and modified airway driving pressure) and arterial blood Results
gas analysis results were recorded at each time point. Due Of the 61 patients who were assessed for eligibility, 41
to a lack of plateau pressure data available in this study, patients were included in the study and were randomly
the modified driving pressure was calculated as peak allocated to either the control or intervention group
inspiratory pressure minus level of PEEP.27,28 The total (Fig. 2). One subject in the control group did not com-
number and inflation pressure of applied recruitment plete the study as she did not receive the ultrasound
manoeuvres were recorded. examination at the end of surgery (time point T2) as the
ultrasound machine was unavailable. Therefore, data
Sample size calculation from 40 patients (20 in each group) were included in
The primary hypothesis of this study was that the use of the final analysis. Baseline characteristics of the study
ultrasound-guided recruitment manoeuvres would participants appear in Table 1.
reduce the LUS at the end of surgery compared with
the use of conventional recruitment manoeuvres. The Serial lung ultrasound scores
sample size was calculated based on a previous trial The median LUSs were comparable between the two
conducted in patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery.11 groups 5 min after the induction of general anaesthesia
We assumed that the mean LUS at the end of surgery in (time point T1; Table 2; Supplemental Figure S1, http://
the control group would be 10.54  SD 1.02.11 We After the completion of sur-
hypothesised that the use of ultrasound could decrease gery, lung aeration deteriorated in both groups (time
the LUS to 9.54  1.02. To achieve a power of 0.8 and an point T2). The LUSs at the end of surgery, that is, the
alpha error less than 0.05, 18 subjects were required in primary outcome of the study, were lower in the inter-
each group. We estimated that at least 20 patients would vention group compared with the control group: differ-
be needed in each group, allowing for a dropout rate of ence between medians (95% CI) was 2 [4.5 to 1],
10% of the subjects. A priori calculation of sample size P ¼ 0.008 (Table 2; Supplemental Figure S1, http://
was based on a two-sample t test, whereas the primary The intergroup difference
outcome was assessed using the Mann–Whitney U test remained while patients were in the PACU (time point
because of the observed distribution of the data. T3): difference between medians 3 [5.5 to 1.5],
P ¼ 0.005. On ultrasound examination at time point
Statistical analysis T2, the LUS of the posterior regions showed a significant
Data were analysed with SPSS Statistics for Windows inter-group difference, whereas the LUSs of the anterior
(version 23.0, IBM Corp., Armonk, New York, USA) and and lateral regions showed no differences between
R software (version 3.6.3, R Foundation for Statistical groups (Supplemental Table S1,
Computing, Vienna, Austria). All data were analysed on EJA/A483 and Supplemental Figure S2, http://links.lww.-
an intention-to-treat basis. Continuous data were tested com/EJA/A482). Representative ultrasound findings of
for normality using Q-Q plots. Data showing a normal one patient from each group are shown in Fig. 3.
distribution were presented as the mean  SD, and data
showing a nonnormal distribution were presented as the Secondary outcomes
median [IQR (range)]. Continuous variables were ana- The incidence of atelectasis assessed by lung ultrasonog-
lysed using a Student’s t-test or Mann–Whitney U test for raphy was lower in the intervention group (35%) com-
intergroup differences, as appropriate. Intergroup differ- pared with the control group (80%; relative risk, 0.44; 95%
ences in the LUS at the end of surgery, the primary CI, 0.23 to 0.83; P ¼ 0.010) at the end of surgery but it was
outcome, were assessed for significance using the Mann– comparable in the PACU (40 versus 55%; relative risk,
Whitney U test with a Bonferroni correction. For the 0.73; 95% CI, 0.37 to 1.42; P ¼ 0.527; Table 3). Substan-
continuous variables including LUS, 10 000 bootstrap tial inter-patient heterogeneity was seen in the number
samples were taken, and CIs for the difference in and maximal inflation pressure of recruitment

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2021; 38:275–284

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
US-guided recruitments in laparoscopic surgery 279

Fig. 2 CONSORT flow diagram of patient recruitment

Enrolment Assessed for eligibility (n = 61)

Excluded (n = 20)
Not meeting inclusion criteria (n = 3)
Morbid obesity (BMI >40 kg m–2) (n = 1)
Research staff not available (n = 16)

Randomised (n = 41)

Allocated to intervention group (n = 20) Allocated to control group (n = 21)
Received allocated intervention (n = 20) Received allocated intervention (n = 21)
Did not receive allocated intervention (n = 0) Did not receive allocated intervention (n = 0)

Lost to follow-up (n = 0) Lost to follow-up (n = 0)

Discontinued intervention (n = 0) Discontinued intervention (n = 1)

- No lung ultrasound examination at T2 due to

unavailability of ultrasound machine (n = 1)

Analysed (n = 20) Analysed (n = 20)
Excluded from analysis (n = 0) Excluded from analysis (n = 0)

manoeuvres applied until there was no visibly collapsed duration of PACU stay, or hospital stay (Table 6). One
area as seen with lung ultrasonography (Supplemental patient in the intervention group developed a predefined
Table S2, Data on hae- PPC; mild focal atelectasis was observed on the chest
modynamics and gas exchange are presented in Table 4. X-ray in the PACU in this patient. However, she neither
No intergroup differences were observed in the PaO2 : - required supplemental oxygen nor had any respiratory
FIO2 ratio or in the oxygenation index at any of the time symptoms. None of the patients developed other respi-
points. Dynamic compliance decreased during pneumo- ratory complications including pulmonary embolism,
peritoneum and increased after deflation of the pneumo- pleural effusion, pulmonary oedema, pneumothorax
peritoneum (but not to the baseline level) in both groups. and bronchospasm in the study period.
Modified driving pressure increased during pneumoper-
itoneum and decreased after deflation of the pneumo- Discussion
peritoneum. However, no intergroup difference was Among adult patients undergoing laparoscopic gynaeco-
observed (Table 5). logical surgery, the use of ultrasound-guided recruitment
manoeuvres improved the LUS and reduced atelectasis
Intra-operative desaturation occurred in two subjects in at the end of surgery compared with the use of conven-
the control group. No intergroup differences were tional recruitment manoeuvres. However, the ultra-
observed in atelectasis on chest X-rays in the PACU, sound-guided recruitment manoeuvres did not improve
or in predefined PPCs, postoperative shoulder pain, intra-operative respiratory mechanics or arterial

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2021; 38:275–284

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
280 Park et al.

Table 1 Baseline characteristics

Intervention group (nU20) Control group (n U 20)

Age (years) 46.2  9.6 49.4  14.8
Height (cm) 158.1  6.6 159.2  7.6
Actual weight (kg) 58.4  8.0 60.3  10.1
Predicted body weight (kg) 50.7  6.0 51.6  6.9
Body mass index (kg m2) 23.4  3.2 23.9  4.1
ASA physical status, I/II 18 (90)/2 (10) 13 (65)/7 (35)
Type of surgery
Total hysterectomy 8 (40) 8 (40)
Myomectomy 1 (5) 0 (0)
Ovarian cystectomy 6 (30) 5 (25)
Salpingo-oophorectomy 5 (25) 7 (35)
Pre-operative chest X-ray findings
No active lung lesion 19 (95) 19 (95)
Nodular opacities 1 (5) 1 (5)
Duration (min)
Pneumoperitoneum 35.5 [25 to 79.8] 37 [32.3 to 55.5]
Surgery 72.5 [50 to 133.8] 57.5 [42.5 to 88.8]
Anaesthesia 117.5 [90 to 175] 100 [86.3 to 133.8]
Crystalloid fluids (ml) 750 [575 to 900] 700 [400 to 850]
Urine output (ml) 150 [100 to 325] 200 [105 to 240]
Blood loss (ml) 150 [50 to 300] 100 [90 to 200]

Data are presented as mean  SD or median [IQR] or number (%). ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists.

oxygenation and did not reduce PPCs in the laparoscopic recovery of spontaneous ventilation, as assessed by
surgical setting. lung ultrasonography in the PACU. However, the ultra-
sound-guided recruitment manoeuvres did not result in
To the best of our knowledge, the current study is the
an improved PaO2:FIO2 ratio or lower driving pressure
first trial to test the effect of ultrasound-guided recruit-
compared with the conventional recruitment man-
ment manoeuvres on peri-operative atelectasis in an
oeuvres in this study.
adult surgical population. Previous trials in paediatric
patients showed that the ultrasound-guided recruit- The optimal strategy for recruitment manoeuvres still
ment manoeuvres reduced intraoperative atelecta- remains unclear.30,31 A recruitment manoeuvre is a tran-
sis.9,29 The results of our study suggest that sient increase in transpulmonary pressure and it has
ultrasound-guided recruitment manoeuvres can reduce become a component of lung protective ventilation strat-
peri-operative atelectasis in adult laparoscopic surgical egies.30 Recruitment manoeuvres during general anaes-
patients. In addition, our data suggest that the inter- thesia have been shown to improve intra-operative
group difference in lung aerations persisted after oxygenation, reduce the need for high FIO2, correct

Table 2 Lung ultrasound scores of the study participants

Intervention group Control group Difference in

(nU20) P valuea (nU20) P valueb mediansc P valuec
Lung ultrasound examination 5 min
after induction (T1)

Consolidation score 5 [2.3 to 6 (0 to 9)] 5.5 [2.3 to 8 (0 to 15)] 0.5 (3 to 2) 0.583
B-line score 2 [1 to 3.8 (0 to 6)] 0 [0 to 5 (0 to 9)] 2 (1 to 2.5) 0.289
Lung ultrasound score 5 [3 to 7 (0 to 9)] 5.5 [2.3 to 8 (0 to 15)] 0.5 (3 to 2.5) 0.718
Lung ultrasound examination at the T1 versus T2 T1 versus T2
end of surgery (T2)
Consolidation score 7.5 [6 to 8.8 (3 to 14)] 0.001 9 [7.3 to 13.3 (4 to 17)] <0.001 1.5 (4 to 0) 0.020
B-line score 5 [3 to 6 (0 to 8)] 0.006 7 [3.3 to 9 (0 to 13)] 0.001 2 (4.5 to 1.0) 0.086
Lung ultrasound score 7.5 [6.5 to 8.5 (3 to 14)] 0.001 9.5 [8.5 to 13.5 (4 to 18)] <0.001 2 (4.5 to 1) 0.008
Lung ultrasound examination at T2 versus T3 T2 versus T3
Consolidation score 6 [4 to 8 (1 to 14)] 0.079 10 [7.3 to 12 (5 to 17)] 0.692 4 (6 to 1.5) 0.003
B-line score 4 [2.3 to 5 (0 to 7)] 0.273 6 [3.3 to 9.8 (1 to 12)] 1.000 2 (4.5 to 1.0) 0.015
Lung ultrasound score 7 [5 to 8.8 (1 to 14)] 0.136 10 [7.3 to 12.8 (5 to 17)] 0.700 3 (5.5 to 1.5) 0.005

Lung ultrasound scores are summations of scores in the anterior, lateral and posterior regions. Data are presented as median [IQR (range)], difference in medians (95%
CI). Wilcoxon-signed-rank test was used for intragroup comparisons. Mann–Whitney U test with Bonferroni correction was used for intergroup comparisons. The criterion
for rejection of the null hypothesis for the repeated measurement at each time point was P < 0.017. CI, confidence interval; IQR, interquartile range; PACU,
postanaesthesia care unit. a Comparisons in the intervention group. b Comparisons in the control group. c Intervention group versus control group.

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2021; 38:275–284

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
US-guided recruitments in laparoscopic surgery 281

Fig. 3 Lung ultrasound images in the left inferoposterior quadrant of one representative patient per group at each time point

T1, 5 min after anaesthetic induction; T2, at the end of surgery; T3, before discharge from postanaesthesia care unit.

hypoxaemia and reduce PPCs.10,31 Hence, recruitment barotrauma.10,30–32 As the extent of alveoli collapse and
manoeuvres have been recommended after anaesthetic the responses to recruitment manoeuvres vary among
induction to prevent collapse of the alveoli.10 On the individuals, it has been suggested that individualised
other hand, recruitment manoeuvres can cause vascular assessment is required.30 As ultrasound-guided recruit-
compression, hypotension, decreased cardiac output and ment manoeuvres can be applied while dynamically

Table 3 Incidence of atelectasis assessed by lung ultrasonography per group and per protocol step

Intervention group (nU20) P valuea Control group (nU20) P valueb P valuec

Atelectasis 5 min after induction (T1) 3 (15) 4 (20) 1.000
Atelectasis at the end of surgery (T2) 7 (35) 0.163 16 (80) <0.001 0.010
Atelectasis in PACU (T3) 8 (40) 0.716 11 (55) 0.021 0.527

Atelectasis was predefined as consolidation score at least 2 in any of the 12 regions. Data are presented as number (%). PACU, postanaesthesia care unit. a Comparisons
in the intervention group: T1 versus T2, T2 versus T3. b Comparisons in the control group: T1 versus T2, T2 versus T3. c Intervention group versus control group.

Table 4 Data on haemodynamics and gas exchange

Time points
T1 T2 T3
Intervention group Control group Intervention group Control group Intervention group Control group
Variables (nU20) (nU20) (nU20) (nU20) (nU20) (nU20)
Heart rate (bpm) 72  14 74  10 66  15M 67  14M
MBP (mmHg) 78  11 81  19 95  17M 85  18
SaO2 (%) 100 [100 to 100] 100 [100 to 100] 100 [99.5 to 100]M 100 [99 to 100]M 97 [96 to 98]M y 98 [95 to 99]M,y
PaCO2 (mmHg) 38 [35 to 40] 39 [37 to 40.5] 39 [36.5 to 41] 40.5 [38 to 42.5] 41 [34 to 45.5] 43 [30 to 46]
PaO2 (mmHg) 537.5 [463 to 577.5] 537 [466 to 565.5] 193.5 [151 to 212]M 184 [136.5 to 208]M 92.5 [85 to 105.5]M,y 90.5 [74.5 to 117]M,y
PaO2/FiO2 ratio 537.5 [460.5 to 580.8] 537 [465 to 568.8] 483.8 [363.8 to 535] 460 [335.6 to 522.5] 440.5 [402.4 to 510.7] 430.9 [353.6 to 566.7]
Oxygenation 1 [0.9 to 1.4] 1.1 [0.9 to 1.3] 1.2 [1.1 to 1.6]M 1.3 [1 to 1.9]M

Data are presented as mean  SD or median [IQR]. T1, 5 min after induction; T2, at the end of surgery; T3, before discharge from postanaesthesia unit. Paired t-test or
Wilcoxon-signed-rank test was used for intragroup comparisons. M P < 0.05 versus time point T1. y P < 0.05 versus time point T2.

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2021; 38:275–284

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
282 Park et al.

Table 5 Intra-operative respiratory parameters

Time points
Before pneumoperitoneum During pneumoperitoneum After pneumoperitoneum
Intervention Control group Intervention Control group Intervention Control
Variables group (nU20) (nU20) group (nU20) (nU20) group (nU20) group (nU20)
Tidal volume (ml) 400  48 404  52 396  44 403  55 398  44 404  57
Tidal volume per predicted weight (ml kg1) 8 [7.6 to 8.3] 7.8 [7.4 to 8] 7.8 [7.7 to 8.1] 7.7 [7.5 to 7.9] 7.9 [7.5 to 8.1] 7.7 [7.6 to 7.9]
Peak inspiratory pressure (cmH2O) 13 [12 to 14] 14 [12 to 15] 23 [21 to 24]M 25 [21 to 27]M 15 [14 to 16]M,y 16 [14 to 18]M,y
Modified driving pressure (cmH2O)a 8 [7 to 9] 9 [7 to 10] 18 [16 to 19]M 20 [16 to 22]M 10 [9 to 11]M,y 11 [9 to 13]M,y
Dynamic compliance (ml cmH2O1) 49  11 46  11 23  6M 21  5M 40  9M,y 39  9M,y

Data are presented as mean  SD or median [IQR]. a Calculated as peak inspiratory pressure minus level of PEEP. Paired t-test or Wilcoxon-signed-rank test was used for
intragroup comparisons. M P less than 0.05 versus time point before pneumoperitoneum. y P less than 0.05 versus time point during pneumoperitoneum.

monitoring the responses to recruitment manoeuvres, we during open gynaecological surgery in the supine posi-
hypothesised that they could be more effective in reduc- tion. Further, Jang et al.33 recently showed a higher
ing peri-operative atelectasis compared with conven- incidence of atelectasis in the dependent anterior chest
tional recruitment manoeuvres. In the intervention after surgery in the prone position. In the present study,
group, we found substantial interindividual heterogene- the supero-posterior and infero-posterior quadrants
ity in the numbers and maximal inflation pressures of showed the worst LUSs after laparoscopic surgery in
recruitment manoeuvres until no visibly collapsed area the steep Trendelenburg position.
was seen with ultrasonography. Thus, the results of our
Optimal ventilation strategies during laparoscopic sur-
study suggest that the optimal recruitment manoeuvre
gery in the steep Trendelenburg position have provoked
strategy might vary from patient to patient and that
concern in many investigators.7,8,34 Brandao et al.34 dem-
ultrasound-guided recruitment manoeuvres could help
onstrated that the combination of pneumoperitoneum
to find the optimal recruitment manoeuvres for
and the Trendelenburg position significantly increased
individual patients.
the driving pressure and transpulmonary pressure. Shono
Additionally, our data showed both temporal and regional et al.8 showed that application of a PEEP of 15 cmH2O, as
distributions of aeration loss during general anaesthesia. compared with 5 cmH2O, increased ventilation in the
Whether atelectasis formed during general anaesthesia dorsal parts of the lung, resulting in lower driving pres-
persisted after extubation is controversial. Although a sure and better oxygenation during robot-assisted lapa-
recent trial showed that anaesthesia-induced atelectasis roscopic prostatectomy. Cinnella et al.7 demonstrated that
rapidly resolved after extubation,17 our data suggest the recruitment manoeuvres followed by the application of
worsened lung aeration during general anaesthesia per- PEEP increased transpulmonary pressure and led to
sisted after the recovery of spontaneous ventilation. alveolar recruitment in patients undergoing laparoscopic
Although our results suggest that some degree of aeration surgery in the Trendelenburg position. Our results also
loss persisted after extubation, the incidence of atelecta- showed that modified driving pressure increased and
sis was not different between groups in the PACU. We dynamic compliance decreased during pneumoperito-
also found that atelectasis developed in the dependent neum in the steep Trendelenburg position. Additionally,
areas of the lungs more frequently, which is in line with our data suggest that ultrasound-guided recruitment
previous findings.3,8,9,17,24,33,34 Genereux et al.17 reported manoeuvres did not result in improved respiratory
that the inferoposterior quadrant had the worst LUS mechanics or better oxygenation, despite the improved

Table 6 Incidence of adverse events within the first 48-h postoperative period

Intervention group (nU20) Control group (nU20) P value

Intra-operative desaturation events 0 (0) 2 (10) 0.487
Atelectasis on chest X-ray, at PACU 1 (5) 0 (0) 1.000
Postoperative fevera 13 (65) 11 (55) 0.519
Highest body temperature (8C) 37.5 [37.3 to 37.6 (36.9 to 38.1)] 37.5 [37.1 to 37.8 (36.7 to 38.2)] 0.640
Postoperative pulmonary complicationsb 1 (5) 0 (0) 1.000
Postoperative shoulder pain 4 (20) 7 (35) 0.480
NRS score of shoulder painc 2 [1 to 3.8 (1 to 4)] 3 [2 to 3 (1 to 5)] 0.648
Duration of PACU stay (min) 45.5 [42 to 49.8 (40 to 60)] 45.5 [41.3 to 52.5 (35 to 69)] 1.000
Length of hospital stay (days) 3 [3 to 3 (3 to 4)] 3 [3 to 3 (3 to 6)] 0.925

Data are presented as median [interquartile range (range)] or number (%). NRS, numeric rating scale. PACU, postanaesthesia care unit. a Defined as body temperature at
least 37.58C, during the 48-h postoperative period. b Postoperative pulmonary complications included atelectasis detected by chest radiograph, pneumonia, acute
respiratory distress syndrome and pulmonary aspiration. c Among the patients who experienced shoulder pain during the 48-h postoperative period (4 patients in the
intervention group and 7 patients in control group).

Eur J Anaesthesiol 2021; 38:275–284

Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
US-guided recruitments in laparoscopic surgery 283

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Copyright © European Society of Anaesthesiology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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