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Green Pakistan

It is a matter of fact that nature has always been playing a vital role in our

lives. As to keep our environment healthy and secure we have to work for Green

Pakistan. Green Pakistan basically means plantation of trees, having adequate no of

trees to maintain clean environment to live. As planting more trees will add more

oxygen which is more secure to live. According to international standards, area under

forest must be at least 20% of the total land inhabited by humans but our country has

about 4.8% of forest land.

Here the problem is we are lacking being a Green Pakistan. We must keep in

mind the reality that plants and trees are the vital role of environmental beautification

and purification. Trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, and hence reducing

temperature and creating healthy effect on human begins.

Trees are the ornaments of the environment as they turn deserts into earth

paradise. They provides us with food and shelter for surviving. They provide pollution

free atmosphere and develop positive feelings like love, courtesy, happiness and

satisfaction in human beings. They also provides protection against floods and other

natural disasters.

It is a matter of grief that trees are being felled to expand the roads, construct

new buildings, for unplanned industrialization and sometimes for construction

materials. This is also polluting our environment by soil erosion, desertification,

ozone depletion and many health hazards. Unfortunately, we are not serious to resolve

our issues honestly. We do everything halfheartedly.

As to eradicate this problem the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan

launched The Billion Tree Tsunami in 2014, as a response to the challenge of global


warming. It restores 350,000 hectares of forests and degraded land to surpass its Bonn

Challenge commitment. This aimed at improving the ecosystem of classified forests,

as well as privately owned waste and farm lands.

In addition to the above step government should made strict laws against

cutting down of woods. Awareness campaign should be motivated because the youth

have a great potential and spirit to change society. The media can also play its role by

highlighting the importance of trees.

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