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Final: We Need to Safeguard Our Forest

Forest were once the biggest cover upon landmasses, sadly this is changing very fast due to
urbanisation. It is our responsibility as humans to look after it to help it enhance the quality of our
environment. There is several importance of forest that should be given serious attention.

First of all, I think that forest is the main source of air purification in our atmosphere. Forest is the
source of oxygen in our atmosphere. Plants exhales oxygen and inhales carbon dioxide. Plants
literally supplies the basic need of almost all living creatures on earth. A single mature, leafy tree is
estimated to produce a day’s supply of oxygen for 2 to 10 people. According to my biological
knowledge, plants also absorb other greenhouse gases that are harmful to the atmosphere. If
these gases are left to evolve in the atmosphere it will lead to global warming by raising the
temperature of our atmosphere. So, as a civilised public we need to pay attention to the issues of
our environment. We should plant trees on our surroundings first before encouraging others to do
so and the appointed authorities should take legal actions on illegal deforestation.

Secondly, I’m pretty sure that our climate is still controllable because of our forests in our country.
The trees in our forest and around us are our saviours. I say that because these trees regulate
atmospheric temperature through the process of evapotranspiration. This process aids in
stabilizing our climate. Forests keep the temperature of our atmosphere cool. They have the
power to build their own microclimates. For instance, the Amazon creates atmospheric conditions
that promote regular rainfall in the surrounding areas. In order to that, we as the earth occupant
need to protect our forests in Malaysia to maintain a liveable atmosphere and help them serve as
a buffer towards natural disasters.

Lastly, I think that forests are important because it is a natural habitat for thousands of species.
These forests serve as home for numerous species, from insects, birds, mammals to reptiles.
Forests that are rich with flora and fauna are great means to maintain a healthy biodiversity. We
should preserve and conserve our forest to avoid drastic extinction of forest occupants. If they
tend to extinct it will not only affect the environment but also us humans badly. So, as humans it is
our responsibility to preserve and conserve the biggest ecosystem to support wildlife in our

As a conclusion, in my point of view we humans need to really pay serious attention on this
overtaking matter before it actually overtakes. Every appointed authority has to play their role
honestly and responsibly in order to bring back the charm of our forests. So, lets stand together
and make huge changes on our environment as it was before for a better future ahead.

(469 words)

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