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“The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is

the one thing all of us share.”-Lady Bird Johnson

Environment is the sum total of all the living and non living elements. While,

Environmental studies is the branch of science which deals with every issue that

affects an organism. It is a multidisciplinary approach that brings about an

appreciation of natural world and human impacts on its integrity. It incorporates

various other disciplines such as biology, geology, chemistry, physics, sociology,

health etc. additionally it is considered as an applied science because it seeks

practical answers to make human civilization sustainable on the earth’s finite


Our natural world is made up of Abiotic and Biotic components. These

components help us for our survival. In addition to these components, we heavily

dependent upon the resources provided by nature like air, water, minerals etc.

People need air to breathe, water to drink, and food to eat which are provided

mainly by natural landscapes such as forests, mountains etc . Hence, life on earth

depended on the flora and fauna of earth and its finite resources.
Unfortunately, over the past 200 years, changes had swept this earth. The first

and foremost one was population explosion. This created the need for more

resources as the number of people increased. Secondly as a result of population

explosion modern affluent societies pop up and they began to overuse the

resources. Thirdly human beings began to pollute the environment in different

ways. They discarded solid waste and industrial waste materials into water, air

and soil. Thus created pollutions and its accumulation created adverse

environmental impacts.

More over they began to believe that they can produce more resources by means

of technological innovation and find easy answers to the question of increasing

human demands. Consequently, they grew more food by using fertilizers and

pesticides, developed better strains of domestic animals and crops, and irrigated

farmland through mega dams and developing industry and so on. Though these

things led to economic development, the ill effects of this type of development

led to environmental degradation.

As a result of environmental degradation natural resources depleted (water, air,

soil, minerals products from forests and grassland exhausted). Here comes the

importance of environmental studies. It is intended to create a consciousness that

resources on the earth are finite and its overuse and misuse can lead to disastrous
impacts. We have to understand the conservation is not the responsibility of

government alone. We also have a role in preserving and conserving our nature.

The point here to remember is that our ancestors were keen on preserving nature.

Most of the traditional societies considered nature as “Mother Nature”. They

protected and preserved nature through various cultural practices.

As responsible citizens we should embrace the concept of sustainable

development. It has been defined as development that meets the needs of the

present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own

needs. This concept of development will restrain us from overusing and misusing

resources. It will also ensure that there is enough natural resources left for the

use of future generations.

Only if we use the resources wisely, we will be able to survive on this planet for

long. Therefore, we have to evaluate ourselves whether each and every action in

our daily life is causing any environmental damage. It is our responsibility.

Paragraph questions

1. What is the scope (range/ capacity/extent) of Environmental studies?

The scope of environmental studies is extremely wide. It is an integration of

several subjects include Science and Social studies. Its concerns range from
natural landscapes such as forest, river to manmade ecosystems like

agricultural land, aquarium etc. The natural and manmade landscape cannot

be separated easily because life in the man-made landscapes is heavily

dependent upon the resources provided by the natural resource. People need

air to breathe, water to drink and food to eat which are provided mainly by

natural landscapes. The dependence on nature is so great that human beings

can no longer live without preserving, protecting and respecting environment.

Thus the scope of environmental studies also includes the preservation of

nature through sustainable development.

2. State the difference between Renewable and Non-Renewable resources with


Natural resources are classified into two: Renewable and Non-Renewable

resources. Non-Renewable resources are those resources, like minerals and

oil, which are not replenished on use. They will be exhausted very soon if we

continue to extract them without a thought for subsequent generations.

Renewable resources, such as timber and water, are regenerated by natural

processes such as regrowth and rainfall. But such resources also will be

depleted if we continue to use them faster than nature can replaces them.

3. Why is Environmental Studies the need of the hour?

Environmental Studies is the integration of several disciplines. It is intended

to create a consciousness that resources on the earth are finite and its overuse

and misuse can lead to disastrous impacts. We have to understand the

conservation is not the responsibility of government alone. We also have a

role in preserving and conserving our nature. The point here to remember is

that our ancestors were keen on preserving nature.

As responsible citizens we should embrace the concept of sustainable

development. It has been defined as development that meets the needs of the

present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their

own needs. This concept of development will restrain us from overusing and

misusing resources. It will also ensure that there is enough natural resources

left for the use of future generations.

4. What is the role of plastic in our society?

Plastic is a strong and important product utilized throughout the world. It

helps us to preserve foods, insulate constructions, use electronic and make

vehicle more fuel-efficient etc. Despite its various uses, it is a devastating

reality that the use of plastic goods becomes a threat for our environment and

beings that live on it. With increasing amounts of plastic polluting the oceans

and dangerous chemicals being emitted from plastic products , plastic is a

hazard to many animals, humans and the environment. Plastic is a useful

product that may be virtually impossible to eliminate completely from our

daily lives. The harmful effects are being handled with insufficient action and


5. Comment on the uses of fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are non renewable resources. The three forms of fossil fuel are

Coal, Petroleum and Natural gas. They are considered as the primary source

of all power generated in the world. Fossil fuels provide us more energy in

comparison to renewable energy like solar or wind energy. Besides, it is easily

affordable and found anywhere. This implies that they can be conveniently

moved across the world. These merits of fossil fuels increased its demand

over the last decade.

These fuels are formed from the prehistoric remains of plants and animals. It

takes millions of years for them to decay and convert into fossil fuels. Due to

this they cannot be replenished easily. So it is important to minimise the use of

fossil fuels and they should be used in a sustainable manner.

Comprehension Questions

1. Define environment
Environment is a complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors that

act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately

determine its form and survival.

2. What is environmental studies?

Environmental studies is the branch of science which deals with every

issue that affects an organism. It is a multidisciplinary approach that

brings about an appreciation of natural world and human impacts on its


3. How do we traditionally refer to our environment ? why ?

Most of the traditional societies considered nature as “Mother Nature”.

They protected and preserved nature through various this practices.

4. What changes have happended in our world in the last 200 years?

In the last 200 years modern societies have begun to believe that easy

answers to the question of producing more resources can be provided by

means of technological innovations.

5. What are natural resources?

Natural resources are the resources that are provided by nature e.g. air,

water, timber etc. Natural resources are classified into two: Renewable

and Non-Renewable resources.

6. Define Non-renewable resources.

Non-renewable resources are substances that are being used up more

quickly than they can replace themselves. Their supply is finite. E.g. fossil

fuels, minerals etc.

7. Give examples of renewable and non-renewable resources.

Non-Renewable resources are those resources, like minerals and oil, which

are not replenished on use. They will be exhausted very soon if we

continue to extract them without a thought for subsequent generations.

Renewable resources, such as timber and water, are regenerated by natural

processes such as regrowth and rainfall.

8. What is sustainable development?

Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the

present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet

their own needs. This concept of development will restrain us from

overusing and misusing resources.

9. What are the components of Environmental Studies?

The components of Environmental studies include biology, geology,

chemistry, physics, sociology, health etc.

10. Give an example of the overuse of natural resources.

The over exploitation of river sand and water in the name of various

construction activities is an example of the overuse of natural resources.

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