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A changing society

1. The middle class started to merge with the aristocracy class; their families started to plan
marriages with the sons and daughters of the other class, because they want to have more
power in all economical fields.
2. Middle class started frequenting cultural and art organizations, coffe-houses; they started
believing in the Protestant values, that are a more freedom in the marriages and the
religious belief in the work.
3. Newspapers and magazines were so important, because they started informing the middle
class about all the problems of that time, like politcs, was, economy trend,….. But mostly
they started improving the middle class’ culture.
4. The coffe houses were so important, because there the people spoke about politics, culture,
art, economy, and they met with other people and write books.

5. No, their government doesn’t share the same ideas, in fact we can read in Voltaire’s book
that there is more freedom in England than in France. But it isn’t so democratic, because it
was a government made by aristochratics and by middle class members.

6. The first religious movements that reacted to the problems of that age were the Quakers
and the Methodists.

7. The women of the middle class and belonging to the aristocracy had a relevant role in the
society of that time and they acquire a central role. They started to be informated on politic
and they have debates on the issues of that days. They started spending their time in the
literary salons. One of the most famous women of that time was Mary Wortley Montagu.

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