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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Pasay City


Self-Learning Modules


Module - 13 (ABM & HUMSS)

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________
2OO Arnaiz Street, Avenue Pasay City


Subject: Introduction To Philosophy Of Man

Topic: Human Person Denies Human Death

If we don’t accept our human nature, we can’t live our life to the
fullest. If we fail to live our life to the fullest, we will not enjoy the beauty
of nature. If we don't enjoy the beauty of nature, then we will not be
happy when our life ends. What a pitiful life we have lived. This is the
human person’s distorted will to live.
Death is one of the permanent facts of human life. But even
though we know objectively that we are mortal, we cook up all kinds of
schemes to escape the devastating truth that we are all going to die.
We humans fear death. And we instinctively fear being killed. Why do
we deny our morality? Because the prospect of death is terrifying!
Death scares the hell out of us. It brings the ultimate angst. It means
we are here only for a short time and when we are gone, we are gone
for eternity. How can we enjoy life with the clock ticking so loudly in our
ear? (Cathcart and Klein, 2009)

A German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer on one occasion

said there is no reason to be afraid of death. Why? Because it is
actually the ultimate aim and purpose of life; Life is a constant process
of dying. When we let go of everything we possess, it is flying. Smoking
is prohibited in public places, you are a chain-smoker but you suddenly
stop it, this is dying. You steal from the government’s coffer, but you
stop doing it and promise to be straight as a public servant, this dying.
You are a drunkard, you stop because of love for your family , and this
is dying. You’re a lazy student; you never study your lesson and don’t
do your homeworks; instead, you cheat and copy the homework of your
classmate, but you stop it, this is dying. Death is all over us.
The past, when you really think about it, is just a repository of
death - a heap of events that no longer exist and are gone forever and
are irretrievable. Death is a welcome relief from life which is supposed
to be a constant source of suffering and frustration. Be that as it may,
we cling on to life because we have this distorted ‘will-to-live”, which -
contrary to our best interests - keeps us from embracing our true
destiny which is death. (Cathcart and Klein, 2009)
Woody Allen says, “I’m not afraid of death. It’s just that I don’t
want to be there when it happens.” Human death is like a shadow
following us wherever we go. You can't say, I don’t like to be there
when it happens, because when it happens we are absolutely there.
200 St. Arnaiz, Pasay City

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________
Subject: Introduction to Philosophy of Man

Submission of activities on December 20, 2022

Answer each question briefly and seriously:

1. Do you fear death? Why or why not? Be honest with your

2. What particular bad habit do you wish to dipel from now on
as a student?

3. When you hear people talking about death, like the drugs
pushhers being kille, the death toll in Marawi City due to war,
or due to criminalities, what do you feel? How do you react?


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