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Illegal (decriminalized in Seattle, Washington; Ann Arbor, Michigan; Denver,

Colorado; Oakland, California; Santa Cruz, California; Somerville and Cambridge,

Massachusetts; Oregon and Washington D.C.).
Legal in Oregon and California for mental health treatment in supervised settings
since 1 February 2021.[8] Illegal (decriminalized in Seattle, Washington; Ann
Arbor, Michigan; Denver, Colorado; Oakland, California; Santa Cruz, California;
Somerville and Cambridge, Massachusetts; Oregon and Washington D.C.).
Legal in Oregon for mental health treatment in supervised settings since 1 February
2021[8] Illegal (decriminalized in Seattle, Washington; Ann Arbor, Michigan;
Denver, Colorado; Oakland, California; Santa Cruz, California; Somerville and
Cambridge, Massachusetts; Oregon and Washington D.C.).
Legal in Oregon for mental health treatment in supervised settings since 1 February
2021.[8] Illegal (Grow kits and spores legal in most states, full cultivation
decriminalized in Seattle, Washington; Ann Arbor, Michigan; Denver, Colorado; Santa
Cruz, California; Somerville and Cambridge, Massachusetts; Oregon and Washington
Legal in Oregon for mental health treatment in supervised settings since 1 February
See also: Psilocybin decriminalization in the United States
In the United States, possession of psilocybin-containing mushrooms is illegal
because they contain the Schedule I drugs psilocin and psilocybin. Spores, which do
not contain psychoactive chemicals, are explicitly illegal in Georgia, Idaho, and
California (unlisted states unverified).[87][88][89] In the rest of the country, it
is not illegal to just sell the spores, but selling them with the purpose of
producing hallucinogenic mushrooms is illegal.[90][91] Except for ornamental
purposes, growing, selling or possessing Psilocybe spp. and Conocybe spp. is
prohibited by Louisiana State Act 159. The cities of Denver, Colorado,[92] Oakland,
California,[93] Santa Cruz, California, and Ann Arbor, Michigan have decriminalized
the drug.[94][95][96] On 3 November 2020 during 2020 US presidential elections, the
state of Oregon voted in an initiative to legalize Psilocybin for mental health
treatment at licensed centers and to decriminalize the possession of small amounts
of all drugs. The new law came into effect on 1 February 2021.[8] On the same day
Washington, D.C. passed an initiative to decriminalize the cultivation and
possession of "entheogenic plants and fungi".[97][98][99] In 2021, the City
Councils of Somerville, Northampton, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Seattle,
Washington, voted for decriminalization.[100][101][102] California is currently in
the process of reviewing bill SB-519 which would decriminalize many psychedelics

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