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Ashlynn Young

EDU 473

Dr. Schmalz

October 2nd,2022

Task write up

Reinforcement sampler: Alternative setting

1: Who did I implement it with? I implemented it with a student named Jase in my alternative

setting class.

2: Why did I choose that student? I choose that student because the teacher recommended him

saying he would be cooperative during the whole process.

3: Why did I target that behavior? The behavior I am targeting is his “outbursts” for lack of a

better term when something upsets him (for example breaking a crayon). I choose this because it

disrupts the class and upsets/scares the other students.

4: How was it implemented? What occurred as you explained it to the student and began the

task? I started by explaining to him that I was going to show him two things and ask him to tell

me which one he wanted most. These items were a cheeseball, playdough, the smartboard, a

high-five, fake money, and this tube I have that is full of beads and has things you have to find

hidden within the beads. He was very receptive and on task as we went through the process. He

choose the cheese-balls zero times, the bead game 8 times, the smart-board 3 times, the
playdough 8 times, the money 4 times, and a high-five 7 times. So therefore the playdough, bead

game were tied for first, with the high-five taking a close second. After my reinforcer, I told him

that from now on whenever he got upset, and then calmed him-self down, I would let him play

with either my playdough or bead game. He seemed to understand what I was saying when I told

him this. I will note he seemed to like the more hands-on choices, so I may add in come more

tactile things over time (fidget spinner, Legos etc.)

5: Time frame: This will last from the date of implementation. (September 26th) to the end of

October. He only averages one outburst a day (roughly). So there really won’t be much room for

phasing it out over time.

Ashlynn Young

EDU 473

Dr. Schmalz

October 2nd,2022

Task write up

Social skills lesson: Alternative setting

1: With whom was it completed? Whole class.

2: Why did you choose that student or students? If I’m being honest, I don’t have a specific

rhyme or reason. I just felt like doing it with the whole class.

3: Why did you target that behavior? I targeted thinking about others’ feelings. I choose this one

because it was on the list of skills my teacher suggested. I also had a book that I thought would

fit the topic perfectly.

4: How was it implemented? What occurred as you explained it to the students and began the

task? I asked them if someone had ever said or done something that made them feel bad and had

them raise their hands. I then reminded them that it was important to remember to say and do

things that make others feel good. I then asked them to give me examples of compliments and

had them give each other compliments. I then played a YouTube video of the book “How Full is

Your Bucket?” (My original plan was to scan the book and just have it on the smartboard and

read it from there. But technology had other plans). I then passed out a work sheet that had 4

questions. Each question consisted of two sentences (one nice, one not nice) and they had to pick
the nice sentence. In general, the lesson worked out pretty well. They were able to identify the

differences between mean and nice and were engaged during the whole lesson (including the

video). It also turned out one of my students was very familiar with the story. He sat and narrated

it word-for-word while the video was playing. After the lesson (we had a few free minutes) my

teacher had him take my copy of the book to the front of the room and read it. He also kept

grabbing it out of by bag throughout the day to read it and play around wit it. The one thing I did

notice was when I asked them to come up with their own examples, they seemed to have some

difficulty. So I would maybe find another way to have them practice.

5: Time frame: This was a one-time lesson that lasted about 25 minutes or so (give or take).

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