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{• 룰폼톨‘1~r..n ,'6:’‘· [• l 의 :l...l삐 u여=-베. {• I과R임I여 i’l'''- I• .:꾀끼해매~

口 fog 口 comfortable 口 grade 口 storm

口 weed 口 immediately 口 directly 口 calm part
口 wild berry 口 crime scene 口 hide 口 get bad
口 bush 口 blanket 口 serve 口 pick up
口 wander 口 tremble 口 after-school snack 口 wave
口 for a while 口 flash 口 upstaírs 口 head toward
口 dirt 口 pulse 口 encourage 口 frightened
口 hillside 口 front window 口 rec room 口 staírway
口 log 口 pale wall 口 seldom 口 lightning
口 stare 口 immobile 口 purse 口 wake
口 dullness 口 hypnotize 口 contaín 口 from one’s daze
口 scare 口 description 口 naturally 口 amazing
口 terrifying 口 blond 口 confirm 口 knock
口 startled 口 disposable diaper 디 relationship 口 oft one’s feet
口 flat 口 plain 口 monitor 口 reach for
口 hopelessness 口 swarm 口 curious 口 grab
口 finality 口 fan out 口 relaxed 口 float
디 desperate 口 methodically 口 scared 디 hold on
口 indifterent 口 lively 口 uncomfortable 口 hopeless
口 embarrassed 口 monotonous 口 displeased 口 festive

’ 다음 글에 드러난 Charlie의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은? 1;l 8439.0013

There was a ravine in the forest and Charlie had made his way into it through an early
moming fog. All the ravine looked the same in the daylight , the high walls , the masses of
weeds and wild berry bushes , the trees. He had wandered around for a while , following the
little paths made by dirt @ wash down from the hillside , but finally he sat down on a log and
stared straight ahead without seeing. There was a dullness about him now. He had had so
many scares , heard so many terrifying noises , got startled by so many shadows , been hurt so
often that all his senses were wom to a flat hopelessness. He would just sit herε forever. It
was not the first time Charlie had been lost , but never before CÐ there had been this finality.
* ravine 골짜기

CD excited and hopeful

@ frightened and desperate
@ bored and indifferent
@ relieved and sympathetic
@ ashamed and embarrassed

V'ocabula마 홈렐웰훨펴r Struct뼈 1

• 등ε벤물이 처한 상황을 상상하라.
1 글의 배경 파악 숲의 골짜기에서 길을 잃고 헤매는 모습이 묘사되어 있다→ 아무것도 눈에 들어오지 않고 통나무에 주저
2 핵심 어휘 파악 dullness , terrifying , hopelessness , finality와 같은 어휘에 주의한다. • Charlie의 심경 추론

3 정답 고르기 길을 잃고 어찌할 바를 모르는 등장인물의 심경을 정답으로 고른다.

口 wild berry 산딸기 口 bush 덤불 口 log 통나무
口 dullness 흐릿함, 울적합 口 terrifying 무서운 口 flat 완전한, 전적인
口 hopelessness 절망 口 finality 결말. 종국

32 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설 11 쪽 r . k네

through an early
in the forest ---에‘ Charlie ‘--- 1

obstacles feeling

high 2
masses of a fI at
3 4
wild berry bushes

sitting on a log

1 ι훨l 다음 영영사전 돗풀이에 해 S텀f는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

the state of having no expectation of a good outcome or success •

2 ιa 밑줄 친 @, @를 어법에 맞게 각각 고쳐 쓰시오.

동시 동작률 나타내는 분사구문:-하면서하는 동안에

He had wandered around for a while , following the little paths made by dirt washed down from the hillside ,
L 분사구문 (주어인 he가 따라가고 있는 상황)
but finally he sat down on a log and stared straight ahead without seeing.
그는 산비탈에서 씻겨져 내려온 흙에 의해 't!들어진 작은 길을 따라 걸으면서 주변을 잠시 헤매다가 마침내 통나무에 주저앉고 앞을 곧장
바라보았으나 아무것도 눈에 들어오지 않았다.

CHAP댄R01 ' UNπ 04 심경 분위기 33

01 c띔 글의 상황에 나타난 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은? 딩없39- 00 1 4

Anne and Marco ’ s comfortable home immediately becomes a crime scene. Anne is sitting
on the sofa in the living room. Someone has placed a blanket around her shoulders , but she ’ s
still trembling. Police cars are parked on the street outside the house , their red lights flashing ,
pulsing through the front window and circling the pale walls. Anne sits immobile on the sofa
and stares ahead as if hypnotized by them. Marco , his voice breaking , has given the police a I 5

quick description of the baby - six months old, blond, blue eyes , about sixteen pounds , wear
a disposable diaper and a plain , pale pink onesie. The house is swarming with uniformed
police officers. They fan out and methodically begin to search the house , but the baby is gone.
* hypnotize 최먼술을 걸다 **onesie 아기의 한 조각으로 된 옷

CD lively and festive

@ cozy and peaceful
@ serious and urgent
@ calm and lonely
@ monotonous and relaxing

1 밑줄 친 wear를 어법에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.

Anne and Marco must be because their baby is
뻐 뺀 빼 ”뼈
口 口 口 口

口 immediately 즉시 口 crime scene 범죄 현장



flash 번쩍이다, 비치다 pulse 고동치다, 깜박거리다 r


口 口

이「 저「


口 immobile 움직이지 않는 口 description 설명, 묘사


口 swarm 무리 지어 다니다 口 fan out 흩어지다
34 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설 11 쪽 -

02 c띔 글에 드러난 ‘|’샘경으로 7땀 적절한 것은? g 없39-0015

My daughter Sondra had a friend in sixth grade that would never look directly at me (we ’ 11
call her “ Emma’'). Emma wasn ’ t shy, but she gave me the feeling she was hiding something.
When 1 served an after-school snack in the kitchen , she wanted to eat upstairs. If 1 suggested
the girls @ 뻔뻔 outside where 1 could see them , she encouraged Sondra to stay in the rec
room. She seldom smiled or said please or thank you. One day, 1 found a purse in the street I5
by our house. Opening it up to find the owner ’ s identification , 1 saw that it belonged to
Emma ’ s mom. The purse also contained $600 cash! Naturally, 1 ca11ed Emma ’ s mom-who
picked up the purse without even saying thank you. (Q! It confirmed my feelings that Sondra ’ s
relationship with Emma needed to be monitored.

joyful and satisfied

@ curious and excited
@ relaxed and relieved
@ sorrowful and scared
@ uncomfortable and displeased

1 밑줄 친 @ 빈현쁘연를 어법에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 밑줄친 @ ltOI 가리키는것을우리말로쓰시오.

口 grade 학년, 성적 口 directly 똑바로, 직접 口 serve (음식을) 내놓다

口 encourage 부추기다, 격려하다 口 rec room(= recreation room) 오락실 口 purse 지갑

口 identification 신분증명서 口 contain rv 이 들어 있다
口 confirm 더 분명히 해주다, 확인해 주다

CHAPTER 01 • UNπ 04 심경 분위기 35
정 답과해설 12쪽

03 c띔 글으| 상황에 나타난 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은? 딩 8439-0016

“ No. This is only the eye of the storm. It is the calm part of the storm , and it could start
getting bad again any minute." Just as Grandpa said that, the wind picked up and 1 looked out
at the ocean. The biggest wave 1 had ever seen in my life was headed toward our ship. 1 was
@f'rightened! 1 didn ’ t make a move toward the stairway, but just stood there looking at the
wave. 1 watched the big , dark wave as if it were in slow motion until lightning flashed and
woke me from my daze. The wave hit the boat with an amazing force , @ 핸얀훤ng me offmy
fee t. 1 reached for something to grab but there was nothing. 1 soon realized that 1 was in the
ocean , and the waves were all around me. 1 saw something floating in the water next to me
and grabbed it and @ hold on for my life.

CD peaceful and lively

@ mysterious and strange
@ hopeless and desperate
@ festive and adventurous
@ boring and monotonous

1 밑줄 친 @rv@ 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 해당히는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

(1) causing great surprise or wonder •
(2) to take hold of something in a rough way •

口 pick up 더 강해지 다 口 stairway 계단 口 daze 멍한상태

口 off one's feet 움직이지 못하게, 일어서지 못하도록 口 reach for rv을 잡으려고 손을 뻗다

口 grab 붙잡다

36 올림모스 독해의 기본 1
수행평가 04 그림 상황 묘사하는 글 완성하기

평가일 ( )월 ( Student ID Name

STEP 01 II밀웰 위 그림에 관한 질문의 응답을 작성해 봅시다.

1 How many people are there and what are they sitting on?

2 What are they doing?

3 What are they wearing?

4 How do they look like they ’re feeling?

STEP 02 멀웰렐 주어진 표현을 이용하여 위 그림을 묘사핸 글을 완성해 봅시다

a log drinking happy and relaxed boots two boys a hat

There are sitting on in the fores t.

They are something. They are wearing jackets and
backpacks. The boy on the left is wearing while the boy
on the right is wearing . They look

접수 과제완성( 1 이 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

CHAPTER 01 • UNπ 04 심경 분위기 37


STEP 01 1 How many people are there and what are they sitting on?
There are two boys sitting on a log in the forest.

2 What are they doing?

They are drinking something.

3 What are they wearing?

The boys are wearing jackets and backpacks. The boy on the left is wearing boots while the boy
on the right is wearing a hat.

4 How do they look like they’re feeling?

They look happy and relaxed.

p M

There are two boys sitting on a log in the fores t. They are drinking
something. They are wearing jackets and backpacks. The boy on the left is
wearing boots while the boy on the right is wearing a hat. They look happy
and relaxed.

38 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
/ CHA마ER 02 세부 내용

L메용- 일치/불일치


(4 룰폼1‘,Hr,‘W’삐‘=- {• l허:센빼 11빼’‘. { • • 히 :1.‘1에 n빼:t'1l'~ I• I 딩 :1~1빼 n여::I"ìJc~

口 pop비 ar 口 Muslim 口 movement 口 wear

口 composer 디 scholar 口 right 口 sporting team
口 century 口 inventor 口 determined 口 throughout
口 musician 口 mechanical 口 pioneer 口 continue
口 claim 口 engineer 口 equality 口 rugby
口 long-dead 口 mathematician 口 social 口 British
口 hallmark 口 device 口 cause 口 isle
口 style 口 water-operated 口 organizer 口 coin
口 harmonically 口 object 口 ideological 口 term
口 impressionist 口 mechanism 口 association 口 press
口 achieve 口 toilet 口 form 口 highly
口 renown 口 feature 口 p미| 口 successful
口 symphony 口 refill 口 arrest 口 nearly
口 critic 口 classic 口 trial 口 match
口 award 口 display 口 refuse 口 including
口 receive 口 interest 口 protest 口 prove
口 fellowship 口 human-like 口 vote 口 limit
口 in the aftermath of 口 practically 口 advocacy 口 symbol
口 inspire 口 environment 口 justice 口 pride
口 suburb 口 p이 itical
내용일치 l불일치

~ Paul Creston어| 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 밀 8439-0017

Mostly self-taught, Paul Creston became one of the most popular composers of the mid-20th
century. A conservative musician , Creston c1 aimed his greatest influences to be long-dead
composers. The hallmark of his style was rhythmic originality. Harmonically, he might be
@ call an American impressionis t. Creston achieved renown when his Symphony No. 1 won
the New York Music Critics' Circ1 Award in 194 1. He had already received a Guggenheim
Fellowship in 1938. His work was @ perform widely in the aftermath of World War 11 , but it
faded from the concert repertoire with the rise of academic music in the 1960s. Several of his
works were inspired by the poetry of Walt Whitman. He died in Poway, Califomia, a suburb
of San Diego.

@ 오래전에 죽은 작독7f들이 자신에게 영향을 주었다고 주장했다.

@ 리드미컬한 독창성을 스타일의 특징으로 한다.
@ 1938 년에 구겐하임 연구비를 받았다.
@ WaltWhitman의 시에 영감을주었다.
@ 캘리포니아주의 포웨이에서 사망했다.

「 Vocab띠~íI쿄교필굉필과Irst때
• 일치 여부를 파악해야 한다.

1 지시문과 선택지를 읽으며 소재 파악 Paul Creston 이라는 인물과 그의 작품 세계에 관한 내용

-•Paul Creston은 음악가였음
2 선택지와 글을 대조하여 읽으며 일치 여부 파악 글과 선택지가 순서대로 배열되어 있음
3 일치하지 않는 것 파악 Several of his works were inspired by the poetry of Walt
• were inspired by에서 단서 찾기

口 self-taught 독학으로 공부한 口 composer 작곡가 口 conservative 보수적인

口 claim 주장하다 口 influence 영흔k을 미친 사람[것] 口 halimark 특징
口 rhythmic 리드미컬한 口 originality 독창성
口 harmonicaliy 화성(和聲) 면에서, 화성적으로 口 impressionist 인상주의자
口 renown 영성 口 feliowship 연구비, 보조금, 장학금 口 fade 서서히 사라지다
口 repertoire 연주곡목 口 inspire 영감을 주다

40 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 14쪽

( ~l빼nic originality

• Symphony No. 1 won the New York Music Critics' Circ1 e Award in
achievements 1941
• received a(n) 2 in 1938

his work ) faded from the concert repert빼he 1960s

source of
msplratlO n

death )( Poway , California

1 El휠l 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 해 S녕}는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오 (단, 필요한 경우 형태를 바꿀 수 있음)
disappear gradually -•

2 ιa 밑줄 친 @, @를 어법에 맞게 각각 고쳐 쓰시오.
@ @

3 a홉3 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 표현을 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

Q: When did Paul Creston become famous ?
A: He became famous

1 claim 의 목적어톨 보흥하는 to부정사: rclaim+목적어+t。부정AI(-가 …라고 주장하다)J

A conservative musician , Creston claimed his greatest influences to be long-dead composers
L 목적어 」 목적격보어
보수적인 음악가였던 Creston은 ;q신에거| 가장 큰 영향을 미친 사람들은 오래전 죽은 작곡가라고 주했§다.

2 문장 전처|톨 수식하는 부사
Harmonically , he might be called an American impressionist.
」 문장전체수식
화성 면에서 그는 아마도 미국 인상주의자라고 불랄 것이다.

CHψPTER02 ' UNπ 05 내용 일치 / 불일치 41

01 AI-Ja경ri에 관한 E띔 글의 내용과 일치등는 것은? Q8439-0018

AI-Jazari (1 136-1206) was a Muslim scholar, inventor, mechanical engineer, artisan , artist
and mathematician. He is best known for writing ‘ The Book of Knowledge olIngenious
Mechanical Devices' in 1206. He is remembered for his automaton designs , including
water-operated ones. Most of them are decorative fanciful objects , though some also serve
a function . AI-Jazari constructed a hand washing automaton first employing the flush 1 5

mechanism now used in modern toilets. It features an automaton standing by a basin that
@ are filled with water. When the user pulls the lever, thε water is released and the automaton
refills the basin. Leonardo da Vinci is said to have been influenced by the c1 assic automatons
of AI-Jazari. AI-Jazari appears to have been the first inventor to display an interest in creating
human-like machines for @ practically purposes such as using the environment for human 110

* automaton 지동장치. 자동인형‘ 로봇 ** flush 수세식 장치 ; 물이 왈킥 나오다 *** basin 세얻기

@ 그의 업적을 기록한 책이 1206 년에 후손들에 의해 간행되었다.

@ 설 계한 대부분의 기계 장치들은 실제로 작동 가능하다.
@ 수세식 기계 구조를 채택한 손 씻기 자동 장치를 발명했다.
@ 레오나르도 다빈치에게 과학적인 영향을 받았다.
@ 인간의 편리성보다는환경 보호에 더 관심이 있었다.

1 밑줄 친 @,@를 어법에 맞게 각각 고쳐 쓰시오.

@ @

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 호h아 쓰시오.

Al-Jazari is remembered as a man who made human-like with the purpose of using
the environment for human

口 artisan 장인 口 ingenious 독창적인, 정교한 口 operate 작동하다

口 decorative 장식하는 口 fanciful 기발한 독특한. 공상에 잠긴 口 construct 구성하다. 만들다
口 feature 특별히 포함하다. 특정으로 삼다 口 lever 레버, 손잡이 口 release 풀어 놓다, 해제하다
口 influence 영흔떨 미치다 口 comfort 펀리, 편안할
42 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설 14쪽 -

02 s빼 B. Anthony 딛없39-0019

American social reformer and leader of the movement for women ’ s suffrage (the right to
vote) , Susan B. Anthony was adetermined pioneer of women ’ s equality and other social causes.
With Elizabeth Cady Stanton, whom she met in 1851 , Anthony was the principal organizer and
ideological voice of the National Woman Suffrage Association (A) 1 that / where I they formed
in 1869. Anthony led a group of women to the polls in Rochester, New York , in 1872 to test
women ’ s suffrage under the Fourteenth Amendmen t. Her arrest , trial , and sentence of a fine
that she refused to pay became a model for other suffrage protests. Although she did not live
to see women gain the vote , Anthony ’ s single-minded advocacy of equal justice for women
(B) Ihave / has I been credited with helping to win social and political gains for women and
launching the women ’ s movement in the twentieth century.
* the Fourteenth Amendment 미국 언방 헌법 수정 저 114조

@ 미국의 사회 개혁가였다.
@ 미국 여성 투표권 협회를 조직했다.
@ 1872년에 여성들을 투표소에 이 꿀고 갔다.
@ 자신에게 선고된 벌금을 내기를 거부했다.
@ 여성이 투표권을 얻는 것을 본 후 생을 마감했다.

1 (A). (B)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오

(A) (B)

2 Anthony의 여성 평등에 대한 지지가 무엇에 대한 공적으로 인정받아왔다고 했는지, 두 가지를 본문에서 증H가 쓰시오.

口 reformer 개혁가 口 suffrage 투표권, 선거권, 참정권 口 determined 결연한, 단호한

口 cause 대의, 대의명분 口 ideological 이념적인, 사상적인 口 poll 투표 투표소
口 arrest 체포, 구속 口 trial 재판 口 sentence 판결, 선고
口 fine 벌금 口 single-minded 한결같은, 일편단심인 口 advocacy 지지. 옹호
口 be credited with rv의 공이 있는 것으로 여겨지다 口 launch 시작[개시/착수]하다

CHAPTER02 . 뻐 05 내용 일치/불일치 43
정답과해설 15쪽

03 Springb。째blemOlI 관한 E띔 글의 내용과 일치등는 것은? 딛없39-0020

@The Springbok emblem was wom by South African national sporting teams throughout
most of the 20th century. @ It continues to be wom by the South African national rugby team
today, known universally as the Springboks. φ The designation began on South Africa ’ s first
rugby tour to the British Isles in 1906. Team captain Paul Roos coined the term to prevent
the British press from inventing one for them. The 1906 Springboks were highly successful , 1 5

winning nearly all their matches in c1 uding Wales , the top British Isles nation at the time.
Thereafter, South Africa ’ s national sporting teams wore @ the emblem until the 1990s. The
Springbok emblem proved to be highly divisive as national sporting teams were limited to
the white minority population until the 1980s. For white South Africans , the emblem was a
symbol of pride and national sporting power. 110

@ 남아공국가대표팀들이 20세기에 걸쳐 가끔 패용하였다.

@ 오늘날 남아공 국가대표 럭비팀은 더 이상 패용하지 않는다.
@ 1906 년 이래로 1990 년대까지 남아공 국가대표팀들이 패용하였다.
@ 1980 년대까지 화합의 상징으로 인식되었다.
@ 남아공 흑인 국민들에게는 자부심의 상징이었다.

1 밑줄 친 known universally as the Springboks 의 의미상의 주어를 쓰시오.

2 밑줄 친 @"-'@ 중, 가리키는 대상이 나머지 셋과 다른 것을 고르고, 그것이 가리키는 대상을 쓰시오.

口 emblem 문양, 상징. 표상 口 designation 명칭 , 직함 口 the British Isles 영국제도

口 captain 주장 口 coin (새로운 낱말 어구를) 만들다 口 term 말,용어
口 including ~을 포함하여 口 thereafter 그 01후로 口 divisive 불화를 일으키는
口 pride 자부심
41. 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
수행평가 05 \\ 자신이 좋아하는 노래 소개하기

평가일 :( )월 ( )。ξ크l Student ID Name

My Favorite Song
Title: A Cottage on an lsle
Musician: Han lnhyeon
Year Composed: 1950
What the Song Is Abou t: The song is about a baby who f a11s asleep while awaiting hislher mother alone.
Why 1 Li ke This Song: My mom sang this song when 1 was a baby, so this song rerninds me of my mom

STEP 01 U빠굉· 우|의 내용을 참고하여 자신이 좋아하는 노래와 관련된 질문의 응답을 작성해 봅시다.

1 What is the title of the song?

The title is

2 Who is the musician?

the song.

3 In what year was the song composed?

It was composed in

4 What is the song about?

The song is about

5 Why do you like the song?

STEP 02 톨훌|발펙l 자신이 좋0 년f는 노래에 대해 정리해 봅시다.


Musician :

Year Composed:

What the Song Is Abou t:

Why 1Li ke This Song :

접수 과제 완성 (10) 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

C뻐'TER 02 . UN rT 05 내용 일치/물일치 45

STEP 01 1 What is the title of the song?

The title is For the Victory.

2 Who is the musician?

Trans Fixion composed and sang the song.

3 In what year was the song composed?

It was composed in 2006.

4 What is the song about?

The song is about Koreans uniting to win.

5 Why do you like the song?

1 like soccer , and whenever 1 sing this song while watching the national soccer team play , 1 feel

하EP 02
Title: For the Victory
Musician: Trans Fi xion
Year Composed: 2006
What the Song Is About: The song is about Koreans uniting to win.
Why 1 Li ke This Song: 1 like soccer, and whenever 1 sing this song while watching
the national soccer team play, 1 feel excited.

46 올림포스 독해의 기본 1


{• 톨동를~1~메‘”‘=- {4-.딩빼 I[웬~ {• l 딩t’‘UII'삐~..- {4-.의 :1뼈매~

口 exerclse 口 community 口 teens 口 conservation

口 response 口 resolution 口 increasingly 口 stewardship
口 survey 口 get in shape 口 divide 口 meadow
口 conduct 口 take the first step 口 preference
口 report 口 join 口 online 口 bush
口 represent 디 present 口 store 口 clear
口 category 口 district 口 gender 口 trail
口 gap 口 encourage 口 spnng 口 branch
口 male 口 invite 口 fall 口 volunteer
口 respondent 口 fitness 口 graph 口 tool
口 neighbor 口 enthusiast 口 above 口 shovel
口 female 口 take advantage of 口 period 口 bare
口 companion 口 opportunity 口 purchase 口 due to
口 respectively 口 take care of 口 over tíme 口 presence
口 favor 口 mind 口 gap 口 provide
口 co-worker 口 attend 口 come along
口 currently 口 supervise
口 save 口 sign up
口 contact

’ 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? Q8439-0021

With Whom Do You Most Often Exercise?

Exercise Companionship for Men and Women from 2003 to 2006
52 51

40 •
Responses 29 _______________________________ ..1 _ Men
in 30 •
24rì 口 Women
Percent 20
20f - oiiìír l 구 -----

10 ι

alone farnily friends or co-workers

The graph above shows the percentage of men and women responses on exercise
companionship from a survey conducted from 2003 to 2006. CD More than half of both men
and women reported that they exercised alone , which represented the largest category of 1 5
companionship for the two groups. @ The second highest response category for the two
groups , (A) I whichl what I had the largest percentage point gap between men and women ,
was exercising with family members. @More male respondents reported exercising with
friends or neighbors than female respondents. @ No other exercise companion group for
men and women , respectively, was less favored than co-workers. @ For female respondents , 1 10

the percentage of exercising with family members (B) Iwas Iwere I more than twice that of
exercising with friends or neighbors.

「 Vo떠bula마 1Î1렐파웰용빨p Structure

• 주어진 도표에 제시된 정보가 문장에서 정확하게 표현되었는지 확인한다.
1 도표이해를위한개요파악 주어진 도표는 성별에 따라 사람들이 누구와 함께 운동하는지를 조사한 것이다.

2 선택지와 도표를 대조하며 읽기

3 도표와 내용이 일치하지 않는 여성 집단에서 가족과 함께 운동하는 비월29'/0) \IS. 여성 집단에서 친구나 이웃과 함께 운동
선택지파악 하는비윌 17%)
• 여성 집단에서 가족과 함께 운동하는 사람들의 비율이 친구나 이웃과 함께 운동하는 I::l I
율보다 높지만 두 배 이상이 되지는 않는다.

씨 자

m m
口 口

口 口


represent 나타내다.

口 대표하다



口 companion 동반자
48 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 17쪽 I www.ebsÎ

With ~ender Men (%) Women (%)

52 51

Family Members 24 3

Friends or Neighbors 20 17

2 4 3

1 E휠l 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 해 E팅}는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

(1) used for saying that something happens separately to each of the people or things mentioned in the order
in which they were mentioned •
(2) someone who answers questions , especially on a questionnaire or a set of written questions

2 Ii파웰 (A), (B)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.


3 G홉펠 밑줄 친 thatOI 가리키는 것을 두 단어로 쓰시오.

1 which는 앞에 나온 룬장에 대한 부가적인 설명올 하는 관계절률 이플 수 있다.

More than half of both men and women reported that they exercised alone , which represented the largest
τ:힘에 나온 문장을 선행사로 삼음
category of companionship for the two groups
절반 이상의 남성과 여성은 그들이 혼자운동한다고 응답했는데 . 0 1는 두 그룹에서 가장큰 비율을 차지했다.

2 비과 표현이나 동톨비교 형태톨 이용하여 최상의 의미훌 나타낼 수 있다.

No other exercise companion group for men and women , respectivelι was less favored than co-workers.
=Co-workers was the least favored exercise companion group for men and women , respectively.
남성과 여성 두 그룹에서 각각, 직장 동료보다 덜 선호되는 운동 동반자는 없었다.
(• 두 그룸에서 직장 동료가 가장 덜 선호되는 동반자였다)

CHAPTER 02 • UNπ 06 도표 실용문 49

삐1 Tay
0 때ylorαrComm
삐m r;;;I 8439-0022

Taylor Community Yoga

Free in February!

Is one of your New Year ’ s resolutions to get in shape? Then take the first step by joining us
for a free yoga class @ presenting by the Taylor District on Thursday, February 1st.

We encourage you @ invite your friends , fam i1y, and any fitness enthusiast you know to take
advantage of this free opportunity to take care of your body and mind with Taylor Community
*Ages 10+ are welcome to attend.
*If you currently have a Yoga Punch Pass , save the punch for another day!

Taylor Community Hall 10

Thursday, February 1st 2018

6:45 PM - 7 :45 PM

CD1 달 간 무료로 요가수업을 수강할 수 있다.

@ 초대한 친구 또는 가족과 함께 참여해야 한다.
@ 10세 이하의 어린이를 대상으로 한다.
@ Yoga Punch Pass가 있어야 이용할 수 있다.
@ Taylor Community Hall에서 1 시간 동안 진행된다.

1 밑줄 친 @,@를 어법에 맞게 각각고쳐 쓰시오

@ @

2 여러분의 New Year ’s resolution을 한 문장의 영어로 쓰시오.

口 resolution 다짐, 결심 口 present 제공하다 口 district 지구

口 enthusiast 애호가 口 punch pass 펀치 때스권(사용할 때마다 펀치를 뚫어 표시하는 패스권)
50 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설 17쪽 -

02 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않늘 것은? 믿 8439-0023

U. S. Teens Are Increasingly Divided in Their Shopping Preferences

% of teens in the United States who prefer shopping online / in stores , by gender

. Online 口 In stores

80% 82%
75% 74%


20% I I 18%

Male Female Male Female Male Female

Spring 2013 Fa 1l 2013 Spring 2014

The graph above shows shopping preferences of U.S. teens by gender for three periods: the
spring of 2013 , the fall of 2013 , and the spring of 2014. CD For a11 the periods , more males
and females purchased things in stores than online. @ However, online shopping purchases
increased over time for both males and females. @ The percentages of male online shopping
preference were higher than those of female online shopping preference for a11 the periods.
@ In the spring of 2013 , more than 75% of both males and females made purchases in
stores. @In the spring of 2014 , the gap between the female preference for online and in store 110
shopping was just 10 percentage points , while it was slightly more in the case of males.

1 밑줄 친 itol 가리키는 것을 쓰시오.

2 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

If you have a(n) for something , you like it more than another thing and will choose
it if you can.

口 preference 선호(도) 口 gender 성 口 purchase 구매하다; 구매

口 slightly 약간. 조금

C뻐PTER 02 . UNπ 06 도표 실용문 51
정답과 해설 1 8쪽

03 Redwood High Sc hool Conservation Stewardship Program어| 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

1;;1 8439-0024

Redwood High School Conservation Stewardship Program

Where Daisy Meadows

When May 12 and 26: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Rain Dates: May 13 and 27)
Dig up invasive plants , buming bush
Clear trails of branches
Tools Volunteers should bring their own tools such as shovels and scissors.
A hat , work gloves , long pants , work shoes , socks
No sandals or barè feet , due to the presence of poison ivy
Food and drinks Soft drinks and water will be provided. Bring snacks if you ’ d like.
Please feel free invite friends. 10
Other information
Parents are welcome to come along to work or help supervise.
Contact To sign up , please contact Paula Willson at 718-987-2345.

φ 비가 오면 바로 다음 날 시행된다. @ 덤불을 태우는 일도 한다.

@ 작업 도구들은 현장에서 제공된다. @ 맨발이나 샌들 착용은 허용되지 않는다.
@ 부모가 함께 일하거나 감독을 도우러 올 수 있다.

1 밑줄 친 invite를 어법에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 민칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

Q: What will be provided to the volunteers?
A: and will be provided.

口 conservation 보존 口 stewardship 관리 口 dig up '"을 캐 내다

口 invasive plant 생태계 교란 식물, 급속히 머지는 식물 口 bush 덤불
口 trail (산속의) 작은 길, 오솔길, 산길 口 shovel 삽 口 bare 벗은
口 poison ivy 윷나무 口 supervise 감독하다
52 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
수행평가 06 도표를 설명하는 글 작성하기

평가일: ( )월 ( )일 Student ID Name

STEP 01 많훌렐 아래 도표에 관한 질문의 응답을 작성해 봅시다

24% of teens attend

Cell Phone Use schools that forbid
in School and Class having a cetl
phone at schoot
by U.S. Teens at all times

(September 2009) 62% of teens are allowed

to have a cell phone at
school. but not in class

1 What does the pie chart show?

2 Which part accounts for the largest proportion of the pie chaπ?

3 What percentage of teens attend schools which do not allow students to have a cell phone at
school at any time? And what percentage of teens can have a cell phone at all times?

STEP 02 뽑랩 주어진 표현을 이용하여 위 묘를 묘人댄 끓 완성해 봅시다

less twice have that accounts pie chart class allowed as

The shows U.S. teen cell phone usage at school and in

class in September 2009. than two-thirds of U.S. teens
were to a cell phone at school as
long as it wasn ’ t in class. This for the largest propor~ion
of responses given at 62%. The percentage of the teens who attended schools
that do not allow students to have a cell phone was as
large of the teens who could have a
cell phone at school at all times. In sum, the majority of U. S. teens could have
cell phones at school , but not in

접수 과제 완성 (10) 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

C뻐PTER02 . UNπ 06 도묘 실용문 53

수행평가 모범 답안

STEP 01 1 What does the pie chart show?

The pie chart shows U . S. teen cell phone usage at schoo1 and in class in September 2009.
2 Which part accounts for the 1argest proportion of the pie chart?
The percentage of teens who were allowed to have a cell phone at schoo1 but not in class
accounts for the 1argest proportion.
3 What percentage of teens attend schoo1s which do not allow students to have a cell phone at
schoo1 at any time? And what percentage of teens can have a cell phone at all times?
24%, 12%

STEP 02 The pie chart shows U.S. teen cell phone usage at school and in c1ass in
September 2009. Less than two-thirds of U.S. teens were allowed to have a
cell phone at school as long as it wasn ’ t in c1ass. This accounts for the largest
proportion of responses given at 62%. The percentage of the teens who
attended schools that do not allow students to have a cell phone was twice as
large as that of the teens who could have a cell phone at school at all tirnes.
In surn, the rnajority of U.S . teens could have cell phones at school , but not
in c1 ass.

54 올림포스 독해의 기본 1

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