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Crohn's disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) swelling of the tissues (inflammation) in

your digestive tract, which can lead to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and

long-term steroid therapy to reduce the inflammation

Ulcerative colitis is a long-term condition where the colon and rectum become inflamed.

Adenomatous polyps are a common type. They are gland-like growths that develop on the
mucous membrane that lines the large intestine

he most common cause of peritonitis is a perforated ulcer

Hypovolemic shock from fluid shifts is a major factor in acute pancreatitis.

The other conditions are less likely to exhibit fluid volume deficit.

Appendicitis and Peritonitis also causes paralytic ileus. Paralytic Ileus is a

mechanical bowel obstruction where in, the patients intestine fails to regain
its motility.

percentage of people have appendicitis in their lifetime?

Insulin inhibits the release of Glucagon

 middle rectal artery supplies blood to the LOWER RECTUM

inferior rectal artery supplies blood to THE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL


celiac artery supplies blood to DUODENUM

 inferior mesenteric artery supplies blood to MID-TRANSVERSE COLON TO


 superior rectal artery supplies blood to THE UPPER AND MIDDLE RECTUM

Demerol and atrophine sulfate were ordered to ALLAY ANXIETY AND



PORTAL VEIN carries venous blood from the intestines to the liver

The pain is localized at a position halfway between the umbilicus and the
right iliac crest.
The EGD can visualize the entire upper GI tract as well as allow for tissue
specimens and electrocautery if needed.
Esophageal varices are abnormal, enlarged veins in the tube that connects the throat and
stomach (esophagus)

Ranitidine is a histamine-2 receptor antagonist that reduces acid secretion by inhibiting gastrin

A Billroth II procedure bypasses the duodenum and connects the gastric

stump directly to the jejunum. The pyloric sphincter is removed, along with
some of the stomach fundus.

During an acute “gallbladder attack,” the client may complain of severe right
upper quadrant pain that radiates to the right scapula and shoulder

Indomethacin (Indocin) is a NSAID and can cause ulceration of the

esophagus, stomach, duodenum, or small intestine.
On the left side with the head of the bed elevated 30 degrees: The discomfort of reflux is aggravated by
positions that compress the abdomen and the stomach.

Murphy’s sign? On deep inspiration, pain is elicited and breathing stops

Antacids with aluminum salt products, such as aluminum hydroxide, form

insoluble salts in the body. 

Prednisone may decrease the effect of oral hypoglycemics, insulin, diuretics,

and potassium supplements.

Diaphoresis and trembling indicates hypoglycemia

Insulin lipodystrophy produces fatty masses at the injection sites, causing

unpredictable absorption of insulin injected into these sites.

The onset of action of rapid-acting Humalog is within 10-15 minutes. The

onset of action of short-acting regular insulin is 30 minutes-1 hour. The onset
of action of intermediate acting NPH is 3-4 hours. The onset of action of long-
acting Ultralente is 6-8 hours.

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