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QUIZ 17 NUR 219

Which of the following is a chronic mood disturbance that can cause depressive
symptoms but does not disrupt normal functioning? *
1 point

Dysthymic disorder
Dissociative disorder
Personality disorder
Cyclothymic disorder

The experience of two years of hypomania symptoms that do not meet the criteria for
a manic episode is known as: *
1 point

Dysthymic disorder
Dissociative disorder
Cyclothymic disorder
Personality disorder

Which of the following neurotransmitter is associated specifically with Bipolar

disorder? *
1 point


The nurse is aware that aside from feeling sad and having difficulty concentrating and
sleeping, other common signs of depression include: *
1 point

Diminished pleasure in activities and alteration in appetite.

Alternating episodes of fatigue and high energy levels
Rigidity and a narrowing of perception
Fleeting participation and interest in activities of daily living.

The nurse understands that extremely depressed clients seem to do best in settings
where they have: *
1 point

Minimal decision making

Routine activities
Varied activities
Multiple stimuli

When caring for a client with a major depression, the nurse usually has the most
difficulty dealing with the: *
1 point

Negative non-verbal responses

Client's lack of energy
Pervasive quality of the depression
Client's psychomotor retardation

When working with a client who is depressed, the nurse should initially: *
1 point

Try to keep the client from talking too much.

Accept what the client says.
Attempt to keep the client occupied.
Keep the client's surroundings bright and gay.

When planning continuing care for the depressed client, the nurse should include: *
1 point

Making all decisions to relieve the client of this opportunity.

Offering the client an opportunity to make some decisions.
Allowing the client time to be alone to decide in which activities to engage.
Encouraging the client to decide how to spend leisure time.

The nurse identifies establishing trust as a major nursing goal for a depressed client.
This goal can best be accomplished by: *
1 point

Asking the client at least one question daily.

Waiting for the client to initiate conversation.
Spending short periods of time with the client everyday.
Spending the day with the client.

One day, the nurse sits by a depressed client's bed and states, "I will be spending
some time with you today". The client responds angrily, "Go talk to someone else,
They need you more". The most therapeutic response by the nurse would be: *
1 point

"Don't say that. You are important, too".

"I'll go, but I will be back tomorrow".
"I will be spending the next 15 minutes with you."
"Why are you angry with me"?

One morning, a client with a diagnosis of acute depression states, "God is punishing
me for my past sins." The nurse's best response would be: *
1 point

"Why do you think that'?

"You really must feel upset about this."
"If you feel this way, you should talk to your clergyman".
"God is punishing you for your sins?"

The nurse has been working with a suicidal client for three weeks, on the in-patient
unit. One morning the client greets the nurse cheerfully and states, "Everything is
looking up. I am not going to have problems for very long." The nurse realizes that the
client's behavior and statement may indicate: *
1 point

A positive response to treatment.

An increased risk of suicide.
Resolution of suicidal ideation.
Decreased levels of stress since hospitalization.

When selecting a room for a client with the diagnosis of bipolar I disorder, who is
hyperactive and talking non-stop in a loud demanding voice, the nurse recognizes that
a most important factor would be that the: *
1 point

Room has a pleasant view.

Roommates have similar behavioral responses.
Atmosphere be quiet and restful.
Location be close to the nurse's station.

When developing an initial nursing care plan for a female client with a bipolar I
disorder (manic episode) the nurse should plan to: *
1 point

Provide food, fluids and rest.

Increase her gym time.
Isolate her from her peers.
Encourage her active participation in unit programs.

One of the major drug therapies for Bipolar Disorder is: *

1 point

Lithium carbonate

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