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10 oraciones con el tema propuesto. 1 comentario pequeño en inglés relacionado a la tarea.

La gramática, letra y buena presentación de la tarea en un solo documento o diapositiva.

1. I won’t say anything

2. She will remember this beautiful photo.
3. We won’t take us to the park
4. I’ll study more for the next year
5. I´ll read more for the next week
6. My sister will walk for hours
7. My sister will go to the University
8. he won’t play with the Cellphone
9. Will you help me with homework?
10.Will he buy the sweater?
Comment: Won't is the contraction of will not. The contraction is used in relatively
informal contexts. Will and won't, like all modal verbs, are invariable, that is, they do not
change their conjugation depending on the pronoun.

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