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LESSON 1 - 23rd June 2011 Prepositions are short but very important words.

They show the relationship between the words in a sentence. Some prepositions are: on, off, in, out, at, for, to, by, between, under . . . . and the list goes on. Here is a summary of todays lesson: good at/bad at George is good at cooking. I am really bad at speaking Russian. Note that the verb is in the ing form - we always put -ing after a preposition EG: I am afraid of swimming. I am tired of walking. to get home/to get to work Normally with verbs of movement like get we use the preposition to. I get to work at 7am. Im going to London in August. Lets walk to the cinema. BUT - When we speak about home we DONT USE A PREPOSITION. Im going home now. Lets walk home. I bet Ill get home before you!

laugh at Why are you laughing at me? Sam was laughing at Susan because she had some tomato ketchup on her face! This describes a situation where Susan is not laughing and Sam is. apply for Which job have you applied for? I dont think Sally will get the job she applied for. depends on This is a very common expression in spoken and written English. It depends on the weather - if it doesnt rain Ill come. Do you depend on your parents for money? You are a great friend, I can always depend on you for help. Thanks for joining us today and see you tomorrow for another lesson! THE BIG FISH TEAM

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