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Geo 6 Ch 4

A1: What kind of map is best for finding out what the land looks like?
Ans: Physical map.
2: What does land elevation mean?
a) the shape of land
b) the length of the land
c) the depth of water
d) the height of the land above or below sea level
C1 a): One of the largest areas of flat lowland is the Great Plains of North
America. Where is there another plain that is even larger? The map on page
30 will help?
Ans: Asia
b) Which countries does this large plain cover? Look at the political map of
the world and use your Oxford School Atlas to find out.
Ans: Russia, Turkey, Iran.
2. Read the list of places with the world's lowest land elevations. Find these
places on the political map in your Oxford School Atlas. What is similar about
many areas of land more than 100 metres below sea level? Page 30 will help.
Ans: Most of these places are closer to the ocean.
3 a) Which country has the largest area of land higher than 8000 metres?
Ans: Chile, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, India, China etc.
b) Name two countries in South America that have land higher than 3000
Ans: Chile and Peru.
c) Name a country in Asia that is mostly higher than 3000 meters.
Ans: China.

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