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Course Revision Science

Term 1 – 2022-23
Grade 3

Week 1
Sec. 1.1 L P 1-3

1. G Plants and all [_____________] are made of [_____________].

2. G A [_____________] is the [_____________] unit of life. Every organism is made of

one or many cells.

3. G Organisms [_____________], which means that they [_____________] (make) more

organisms like themselves.

4. G A [_____________] is any change in an organism’s environment that can cause a

Example: The stimulus that makes some flower turns its direction to face the sun is the
source of light.

5. G [_____________] anchor (hold) the plant into the soil and take in water and nutrients
from the soil.

6. G Grass has spreading roots. Carrots and beets have [_____________] roots that store
food and water.

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 1

Week 2
Sec. 1.1 (LP 4-6), Sec 1.2 (LP1)

1. G A [_____________] is the part of the plant that connects the leaves of the plant to the

2. G [_____________] make their own food (sugar).

3. G Plants contain chlorophyll, a [_____________] substance that helps to capture sunlight


4. G The process by which plants make their [_____________] is called photosynthesis.

5. G People eat different plant parts:

 [_____________] e.g. radishes, carrots and beets.
 [_____________] e.g. celery, asparagus.
 [_____________] e.g. lettuce and cabbage.
 [_____________] e.g. wheat, and corn.
 [_____________] e.g. cucumbers, apples, and tomatoes.

Sec 1.2 (LP1)

6. G The brightly colored parts of a flower that attract insects are called [_____________].

7. G Leaf-like structures that are [_____________] and fold over the closed flower bud are
called sepals.

8. G The [_____________] part of the flower is called the stamen.

9. G The [_____________] part of the flower is called the pistil.

10. G The [_____________] is a structure at the bottom of the pistil.

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 2

Week 3
Sec. 1.2 (LP 2-5)

1. G A [_____________] develops and grows into a whole plant like its parents.

2. G The transfer of pollen from the stamen to the pistil of flowers is called

3. G The [_____________] that an organism goes through during its lifetime is a

[_____________] cycle.

4. G [_____________] are usually found inside a [_____________].

5. G The sequence of the growth of a plant to produce fruits: seed → [_____________] →

flower → [_____________].

6. G Germination means a [_____________] turning into a young [_____________].

7. G The conditions required for seed germination are [_____________] and


8. G Seed dispersal: Coconut seeds float on [_____________]. Dandelion seeds and seeds
that have winglike structures are carried by [_____________]. Some seeds attached to
animal’s fur.

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 3

Week 4
Sec. 1.3 (LP 1-3)

1. G An [_____________] is all the [_____________] and all the non-living things found in
one place.

2. G A [_____________], e.g. a plant, is an organism that uses sunlight energy to make


3. G Consumers that get their energy by eating [_____________] only are called

4. G Consumers that eat only [_____________] are [_____________].

5. G Consumers that eat both [_____________] and [_____________] are called


6. G An animal that eats [_____________] plants and animals is called a [_____________]

e.g. vultures and cockroaches.

7. G [_____________] are organisms like mushrooms and earthworms that break down
[_____________] organisms for energy.

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 4

Week 5
Sec. 1.3 (LP 4-5), Sec 2.1 (LP1)

1. G A [_____________] is a path the food energy takes in an ecosystem

e.g. grass → grasshopper → mouse

2. G [_____________] in a food chain comes from the [_____________].

3. G The [_____________] organism in every food chain is called a [_____________] (or


4. G A [_____________] [_____________] shows how food chains overlap in an


5. G An animal that [_____________] and eats other animals is called a [_____________].

6. G An animal that is [_____________] by a predator is called a [_____________].

7. G [_____________] means fighting for a limited resource. When a resource becomes

limited, organisms may compete for it. E.g. Wolves compete for food.

8. G [_____________] means organism [_____________] each other to meet their needs. E.

g. A herd of lion cooperate together to catch their prey easier. Ants cooperate together to
carry large pieces of food.

Sec 2.1 (LP1)

9. G The basic unit of structure and function in living thing is a [_____________] (The
smallest basic unit of life).

10. G A group of the same kind of [_____________] working together is a tissue.

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 5

Week 6
Sec 2.1 (LP 2-5)

1. G A group of tissues working together is an [_____________].

2. G An organ [_____________] is a group of organs that work together for a common


3. G In multicellular organisms, cells are organized as follows: [_____________]  tissue

 organ organ system  [_____________].

4. G The function of the [_____________] system is to break down [_____________] into

(The digestive system starts in the mouth)

5. G The path of food in the digestive system is [_____________] → esophagus →

[_____________] → small intestine → large intestine.

6. G The function of [_____________] is to break up large pieces of food into

[_____________] pieces and mix them with saliva.

7. G We have [_____________] types of [_____________]: incisors, canines, premolars

and molars.

8. G The esophagus is a [_____________] that connects the [_____________] to the


9. G The stomach is a [_____________]-like organ that stores and digests


Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 6

Week 7
Sec 2.1 (LP6), Sec 2.2 (LP1+2)

1. G The [_____________] intestine is a long tube connected to the stomach (where food is
further broken down).

2. G The [_____________] intestine is a folded tube that passes [_____________] waste

out of the body.

Sec 2.2 (LP1+2)

3. G The respiratory system takes in [_____________] and gets rid of carbon dioxide.

4. G The path of [_____________] in the respiratory system is as follows:

[_____________] → trachea → bronchi → alveoli

5. G [_____________] enters the body through the mouth and [_____________].

6. G The trachea divides into [_____________] tubes called bronchi.

7. G The [_____________] are the main organs in the respiratory system.

8. G [_____________] are made up of millions of very small air sacs called alveoli.

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 7

Week 8
Sec 2.2 (LP 3-5)

1. G Tiny hairs in the [_____________] filters out dust and warms the air going into the

2. G Cells lining the trachea produce [_____________] which traps harmful invaders in
inhaled [_____________].

3. G The inside of the trachea has tiny hairs, called [_____________] which push up the
mucus, along with unwanted particles, to be removed through the mouth or

4. G The [_____________] that allow gas exchange are the [_____________].

5. G When a person [_____________], air containing [_____________] gas enters his


6. G When a person [_____________], he gets rid of carbon dioxide gas (waste gas).

7. G The diaphragm is a muscular organ below the [_____________] that contracts and
relaxes to allow breathing.

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 8

Week 9
Sec 2.3 (LP 1-2)

1. G There are 6 kinds of nutrients: carbohydrates (pasta, potato, bread) , protein (meat),
[_____________] (oil, butter), vitamins, minerals and water.

2. G Olive [_____________] is a healthy fat; butter is not.

3. G Food groups include: vegetables (carrots and lettuce), proteins (nuts, meat, chicken,
eggs, fish), grains (wheat and rice), [_____________] (apples and oranges), dairy (milk
and cheese) and fats (needed in small amount)

4. G A healthy diet is one that includes plenty of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean
protein, low-fat dairy, and plenty of [_____________].

5. G An activity that takes physical effort is called an [_____________]. (e.g. walking /

running / swimming/ riding a bike)

6. G To stay healthy, humans need to get enough [_____________] and [_____________]


Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 9

Week 10
Sec 2.3 (LP 3-5)

1. G Small harmful invaders that can cause diseases are called [_____________].

2. G Barriers that try to keep invaders out of the body: [_____________], nose, saliva and

3. G If invaders get past the body’s barriers, the [_____________] system takes over.

4. G Signs of illness include [_____________] (which is a body temperature higher than

37°C), coughing, sneezing and stomachache.

5. G To prevent the spread of pathogens and diseases: wash your hands with soap and
water, and [_____________] your mouth when sneezing or coughing.

6. G Healthy habits include: brushing your teeth twice per day, washing your hands often
with [_____________] and water, sleeping ten to eleven hours per day, eating vegetables
and fruits and exercising daily.

7. G When sitting in the sun, the body makes vitamin [_____________] for building strong
bones. When spending long periods in the [_____________], a sunscreen should be used.

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 10

Week 11
Sec 3.1 (LP 1-4)

1. G The amount of matter in an object is [_____________]. A unit of mass is the kilogram

(kg) or [_____________] (g).

2. G A [_____________] is [_____________] grams.

3. G The amount of space an object occupies is its [_____________]. Volume is expressed

in [_____________] (L) or milliliters (mL).

4. G Matter exists in one of three states: [_____________], as in a rock, liquid, as in water,

and [_____________], as in air.

5. G Solid objects keep the same shape and volume. Particles of a solid [_____________]
back and forth but they do not change their [_____________].

6. G [_____________] objects keep the same volume but take the shape of their container.
Particles of a liquid can [_____________] past one another.

7. G A gas takes the shape and volume of whatever container it is in. The particles in a gas
are [_____________] apart and can move freely in [_____________] directions.

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 11

Week 12
Sec 3.2 (LP 1-2)

1. G When matter is [_____________], its particles move [_____________].

2. G The units used to measure temperature are [_____________] Celsius (°C) in most of
the world and degrees Fahrenheit (°F) in America.

3. G The change from a solid to liquid is [_____________]. e.g. The ice cube changing into
[_____________] in a warm kitchen. When wax is heated it changes into a liquid.

4. G Wax [_____________] when heated; It changes its state from [_____________] to


Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 12

Course Revision Science
Term 2 – 2022-23
Grade 3

Week 1
Sec 3.2 (LP3-5)

1. G Molten rock solidifies, or [_____________] when cooled.

2. G Water placed in an ice cube tray in the [_____________] freezes into solid

3. G When liquid water heated at its [_____________] point (100 ᵒC) it [_____________],
changing to steam.

4. G Water [_____________] if left uncovered, changing to gas. [_____________] can

occur at any temperature.

5. G The [_____________] point of water is 100°C (212 °F).

6. G When [_____________] water boils or evaporates, it changes into [_____________]

(gaseous water).

7. G The change from a gas to a liquid is [_____________]. e.g. water droplets

[_____________] on the outside of a cold glass

Week 2
Sec 3.3 (LP1)

1. G When two materials are [_____________] together we get a [_____________], e.g.

salt and sand.

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 13

Week 3
Sec 3.3 LP 2-5

1. G A [_____________] is a mixture in which the ingredients are spread out evenly. e.g.
salt [_____________] in water

2. G In a solution of salt in [_____________] or sugar in water, the water is called the


3. G In a solution of salt in water, the salt is called the [_____________].

4. G Shaking a sand and water mixture will [_____________] form a solution. Sand does
not [_____________] in water.

5. G [_____________] or [_____________] or increasing temperature will make a solute

dissolve faster.

6. G To separate a mixture of sand and steel paper clips use a [_____________] to pull out
the [_____________].

7. G To separate a mixture of sand and marbles, shake the mixture in a [_____________]

then collect the [_____________] which are too large to pass through the holes in the

8. G To separate a mixture of sand and water, pour the mixture into a [_____________]
paper, then collect the [_____________] which stays in the filter paper.

9. G To separate a mixture of salt and water, you can evaporate water. Salt is left behind.

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 14

Week 4
Sec 4.1 LP 1-2

1. G A [_____________] is a push (such as kicking a ball) or a [_____________] (such as

pulling a rope).

2. G [_____________] is the [_____________] of the Earth to pull objects to its centre.

3. G [_____________] causes objects like rain or a stone to fall towards the Earth.

Week 5
Sec 4.1 LP 3-5

1. G The force that exists between two touching surfaces that move past each other is called

2. G If you push a toy car, it [_____________] moving. If you stop pushing, friction
[_____________] it down until it stops.

3. G A parachutist uses a [_____________] “hollow” parachute to increase air resistance to

[_____________] speed.

4. G Air resistance is a force that [_____________] down objects moving through


5. G To decrease friction, we use [_____________] surfaces, [_____________] or

lubricants like oil.

6. G [_____________] is put in the engine of a car so that the moving metal parts will slip
[_____________] against each other.

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 15

Week 6
Sec 4.2 LP 1-2

1. G A [_____________] pulls objects made of [_____________] or iron.

2. G A [_____________] will not pull objects made of copper, gold, wood, plastic or
aluminum: but it pulls steel and iron.

3. G The [_____________] field is the area where magnetic forces around a magnet work.

Week 7
Sec 4.2 LP 3-4

1. G The [_____________] of a magnet are called its [_____________].

2. G Every magnet has two poles: a [_____________] pole (N) and a [_____________]
pole (S)

3. G Unlike, or [_____________], poles [_____________] (pull on) each other.

4. G Like poles [_____________] (push away) each other.

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 16

Week 8
Sec 4.3 LP 1-4

1. G The [_____________] where an object is found is called its [_____________]. e.g. The
position of the car is next to the tree.

2. G When an object changes its position we say that it [_____________], or it is in


3. G The [_____________] of an object tells us how [_____________] it is moving.

4. G Speed is the distance traveled in a certain [_____________]. Speeds can be measured

in [kilometers per hour] (km/h).

5. G A car is moving to the west at 40 km/h.

a. The term “west” represents the [_____________] of motion of the car.
b. “40 km/h” represents the [_____________] of the car.

6. G When a force is applied on an object:

 the object [_____________] moving (force can cause motion)
 the object [_____________] moving (e.g. A cart in the supermarket stops when you stop
pushing it.)
 the direction of motion of the object [_____________]
 the speed of the object [_____________]

7. G The strength of the force applied on a moving object can affect its [_____________].

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 17

Week 9
Sec 5.1 LP 1-4

1. G Solar refers to the [_____________] .The solar system consists of the Sun,
[_____________] planets with their moons, asteroids and other celestial bodies that go
around the Sun.

2. G The Sun is a huge ball of hot, glowing gases in the [_____________] of the solar

3. G A large round body that revolves around a star (the sun) is a [_____________].

4. G All planets revolve around the sun (a star) in an [_____________].

5. G A round object that revolves around a planet in an orbit is a [_____________].

6. G We call the eight planets that go around the sun (from the nearest to the Sun) Mercury,
Venus, [_____________], Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

7. G An [_____________] is a rock, smaller than a planet. It orbits the sun.

8. G A [_____________] is a small ball of ice and rock. It orbits the sun.

9. G A [_____________] is a small rocky or metal object, that orbits the sun. If a meteoroid
enters the Earth’s atmosphere, it burns and becomes a [_____________].

10. G If a meteor does not burn completely and reaches earth’s surface, it becomes a

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 18

Course Revision Science
Term 3 – 2022-23
Grade 3

Week 1
Sec 5.2 (LP 1-2)

1. G A star is a huge ball of hot [_____________].

2. G When a star is closer to Earth, the star appears [_____________].

3 G The sun provides Earth with light and [_____________].

Week 3
Sec 5.2 (LP 3-5)

1. G The moon appears bright because it reflects the light of the [_____________].

2. G The different shapes of the moon seen from Earth are the moon [_____________].

3. G [_____________] moon.

[_____________] moon.

[_____________] moon

4. G The pattern of the moon phases repeats almost every 29 [_____________].

5. G The tool/device used to see distant objects such as the moon by making them bigger is
a [_____________].

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 19

Week 4
Sec 5.3 (LP 1-4)

1. G Earth, the planet we live on, is the [_____________] planet from the sun, spherical in
shape and divided into two hemispheres.

2. G The imaginary line that runs horizontally around the middle of the Earth and divides it
into two parts is the [_____________].

3. G The spinning of Earth on its axis is called [_____________]. It results in daytime and

4. G It takes Earth one day or [_____________] hours to complete one rotation around its

5. G The movement of Earth around the sun is called [_____________].

6. G It takes Earth one year or 365.25 days to complete one [_____________] around the

7. G The tilt of Earth’s axis and Earth’s revolution around the sun determine the

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 20

Week 5
Sec 5.3 (LP 5-6 ), Sec 6.1 (LP1)

1. G The sun seems to rise in the [_____________] and sets in the [_____________].

2. G In the morning the shadow is [_____________] and faces west.

3. G In the afternoon (evening) the shadow is long and faces [_____________].

4. G At noon, the shadow is the [_____________].

Sec 6.1 (LP1)

5. G The correct order of Earth’s layers from inside to outside:
core, [_____________], crust

6. G The layer of Earth on which humans live is the [_____________]

7. G Earth’s pressure and temperature gradually [_____________] when moving inward

from the surface to the center. (The inner core is the hottest and has the highest pressure.)

Week 6
Sec 6.1 (LP2-4)

1. G A vent in Earth’s crust through which molten and other fiery materials are ejected from
deep within Earth is called a [_____________].

2. G Beneath Earth’s surface, molten rock is called [_____________].

3. G When a volcano erupts, molten rock flows out of the vent as [_____________].

4. G A sudden movement of Earth’s crust and upper mantle that causes quick changes to
Earth’s surface is an [_____________].

5. G To stay safe during an earthquake, a person should take cover under a

[_____________] and stay away from windows and book cases (or furniture that could
fall on you).

6. G To stay safe if you happen to be outdoors when an earthquake hits, you should stay
away from [_____________].

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 21

Week 7
Sec 6.2 (LP 1-3)

1. G A solid that is formed naturally and is never alive is called a [_____________].

2. G A natural solid that is made up of one or more minerals is a [_____________].

3. G We determine the hardness of a rock by [_____________] the rock.

4. G [_____________] is the hardest mineral that can scratch all others. [_____________]
is the softest mineral that you can scratch with your fingernail.

5. G A rock that forms when a molten rock cools and hardens is called an [_____________]

Week 8
Sec 6.2 (LP 4-7)

1. G Rocks that form from layers of [_____________] that settle on top of each other and
get pressed are called sedimentary rocks.

2. G Remains of shells in a rock or stone are called [_____________], which usually form
in sedimentary rocks.

3. G Clues about the [_____________] of Earth can be provided by [_____________].

4. G The process where rocks continuously [_____________] from one form to another is
called the [_____________].

5. G Factors that change sedimentary and igneous rocks into metamorphic rock: high
[_____________] and [_____________].

Date 25-08-22 | Grade 3 | 22

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