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1Natalia Pratamasari, 2Angelika Wijaya
200403010, 2200403060

Fakultas Teknik, Jurusan Teknik Industri

Universitas Sumatera Utara

1. Construct a Pareto diagram for replacement parts for an electric stove. Six-months data
are: oven door, 193; timer, 53; front burners, 460; rear burners, 290; burner control, 135;
drawer roller, 46; other 84; and oven regulators, 265.

Replacement Parts for Electric Stove

500 120%
400 100%
350 80%
250 60%
150 40%
100 20%
0 0%

Frequency Persentase kumulatif

2. A project team is studying the downtime cost of a soft-drink bottling line. Data analysis in
thousands of dollars for a 3-month period are: back pressure regulator, 30; adjust feed
worm, 15; jam copper head, 6; lost cooling, 52; valve replacement, 8; and other, 5.
Construct a Pareto diagram.
3. Approximately two-thirds of all automobile accidents are due to improper driving.
Construct a Pareto diagram without the cumulative line for the data: improper turn, 3,6%;
driving too fast for conditions, 28,1%; following too closely, 8,1% right-of-way violations,
30,1%; driving left of center, 3,3%; improper overtaking, 3,2%; and other 23,6%.
4. A major record-of-the-month club collected data on the reasons for returned shipments
during a quarter. Results are: wrong selection, 50.000; refused, 195.000; wrong address
68.000; order canceled, 5.000; and other, 15.000. Construct a Pareto diagram.

5. Paint nonconformities for a 1-month period for a riding lawn mower manufacturer are: blister, 212;
light spray, 582; drips, 227; overspray, 109; splatter, 141; bad paint, 126; runs, 434; and other, 50.
Construct a Pareto diagram.

700 120

600 100


100 20

0 0
Lt Spray Runs Drips Blister Splater Bad Paint Overspray Other

Frequency CF (%)
6. Prepare and analyze the matrix for the assemblers of the transmission assembly section and their
nonconforming manufacturing activities. Data are as show in the table on chapter 2.

7. Four cloth-weaving looms are being compared by type of nonconformity. Prepare a matrix and
analyze. Data are:
Loom 24: broken string, 3; warp tension, 2; shuttle, 1; and jam, 3
Loom 36: nonconforming splice, 2; shuttle, 8; warp tension, 8; broken string, 2; and jam, 1
Loom 28: warp tension, 5; and jam, 2
Loom 15: jam, 7; shuttle, 6; warp tension, 2; broken string, 7; and nonconforming splice, 4
Dari keseluruhan kecacatan yang terjadi, senar bengkok adalah kecacatan yang paling
umum dengan total 17, disusul oleh senar terikat, senar macet, dan senar putus dengan
total kecacatan 15, 13, 12, dan yang terakhir adalah sambungan yang tidak sesuai yang
hanya dialami oleh 2 dari 4 alat tenun dengan angka yang kecil yaitu 6. Dari keempat alat
tenun, alat tenun nomor 15 dan 36 adalah alat tenun yang memiliki masalah yang paling
banyak yaitu 26 dan 21 kasus, disusul oleh alat tenun nomor 24 dan 28 dengan nilai 9 dan
7 kasus.
8. Prepare a Grier diagram for the model XYZ automotive tire. Data (first number is the code) on
nonconformities are: 1-10, 2-5, 3-0, 4-9, 5-6, 6-0, 7-2, 8-0, 9-3, 10-1, A-6, B-1, C-3, and 0-5.

Model XYZ


nonconfirmity code

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A B C O

9. Prepare a time series graph for nonconformities per unit for hospital Medicare claims and analyze
the results. Data are: 1980-0.20, 1987-0.15, 1988-0.16, and 1989-0.12.

Nonconformities Per-Unit





1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990
10. Form a project team of six or seven people, elect a leader and construct a cause-and-effect diagram
for bad coffee from a 22-cup appliance used in the office.
11. Form a project team of six or seven people, elect a leader, and construct a C&E diagram from:
a. Dispersion analysis type for a quality characteristic
b. Process analysis type for a sequence of office activities on a insurance form
c. Process analysis type for a sequence of production activities on a lathe: load 25 mm diameter
80 mm long rod, rough turn 12 mm diameter 40 mm long, UNF thread- 12 mm diameter,
thread relief. Finish turn 25 mm diameter 20 mm long, cut off, and unload.

12. Design a cheek sheet for the maintenance of a piece of equipment such as a gas furnace, laboratory
scale, or typewriter.
13. By means of a scatter diagram, determine if a relationship exists between product temperatures and
percent foam for a soft drink. Data are in the table on chapter 2.

14. By means of a scatter diagram, determine if there is a relationship between hours of machine use
and millimeters off the target. Data are in chapter 2.
15. Data on gas pressure … determine the relationship.

Berdasarkan diagram diatas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi tekanan gas maka
volumenya akan semakin berkurang dan begitu sebaliknya.

16. The following data (tensile strength, hardness) are for tensile … (258, 75),
17. Data on the amount … prepare a scatter diagram and analyze the results.
Water in
Yield in
No. inches XY X2 Y2
tons (Y)
1. 12 5,3 63,60 144,00 28,09
2. 18 5,7 102,60 324,00 32,49
3. 24 6,3 151,20 576,00 39,69
4. 30 7,2 216,00 900,00 51,84
5. 36 8,2 295,20 1296,00 67,24
6. 42 8,7 365,40 1764,00 75,69
7. 48 8,4 403,20 2304,00 70,56
8. 60 8,2 492,00 3600,00 67,24
Total 270 58 2089,2 10908 432,84
n ∑ XiYi-( ∑ Xi)( ∑ Yi)
√((n ∑ Xi2 )-( ∑ Xi)2 )((n ∑ Yi2 )-( ∑ Yi)2 )

√((8(10908))-(270)2 )((8(432,84))-(58)2 )

r = 0,9264

Pada perhitungan korelasi antara water dan yield diperoleh nilai r = 0,9264. Dapat
disimpulkan bahwa nilai korelasi yang diperoleh adalah korelasi sedang. Hasil perhitungan
diatas juga menunjukkan nilai korelasi yang diperoleh bernilai positif, yang artinya
semakin tinggi jumlah air maka semakin tinggi jumlah yield. Scatter diagram ditunjukkan
oleh gambar di bawah ini.

Scatter Diagram Water Yield

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
18. Construct a flow diagram for the manufacture of a product or the providing of a service.

19. Working in a team of six or more people, implement the seven phases of the problem-solving
method. Elect a team leader and identify a substantial problem.
Tujuh fase metode pemecahan masalah adalah mengidentifikasi peluang, menentukan ruang
lingkupnya, menganalisis proses, mengembangkan solusi yang optimal, mengimplementasikan
dan mempelajari hasilnya, menstandarkan solusinya dan merencanakan masa depan.

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