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If budget increase from 899 to 1000

If GRP is 1000 and budget 899,

NCRP is 1 GRP cost, then 899 will have to be multiplied by 1000 – 11,250,00 – at the same time 7,500 is
also correct

 ALWAYS deliver the exact GRP instead of giving it more or less even if it’s good

Channel takes commitment from agency e.g. spend 100 million from them. Channel remains safe even if
client halts.

Analysis = budget + GRP + benefit for channel & client – and who benefits more?

If budget is 15 million and GRPS are achieved in 7 million is achieved, who benefits?

Channel benefits he starts dealing in tarrifs as he has strong viewership to gain more amount

If 2 channels achieve the GRPs within budget, where does client benefit?

Those who have more spots.

In POV of channel, this is weak planning


Half marks lab

Half marks mcqs

If CRPs is more then what impact is in GRP?

What is reach? Viewership

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