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Applied New Testament Survey Living Witnesses of Christ

1 Peter 1 – 5

Name: ______nolan___________________________ Email: ________________________________

Choose either the theme of Living in Christ (1:1-2:10) and explain how Apostle Peter identifies
how God’s Spirit changes the character of those who are in Christ; or Christian in Society (2:11-5:14)
and explain how Apostle Peter identifying what a Christian family should look like in society. Please
provide Scripture references [chapter and verse(s)] supporting your thoughts. Your explanation must be
between 250-500 words in length.

It is God, of course, who conceived the idea of the family. It is therefore reasonable to think that
he is in the best position to show us how the family should function. He can therefore warn us
against those precipices that destroy families. Indeed, God has given us several principles in his
word concerning the structure of the family and the role that each member of the family must
play. When these biblical principles are respected, families experience the blessings that God
intended for them. When these principles are violated, unhappiness and pain are the results.

For Christian couples to enjoy mutually satisfying sexual relationships, husbands and wives
must understand that there is a huge difference between the sexual nature of men and women.
When compared, a man's sexual nature is more physical, while a woman's is more emotional.
Men are sexually excited by visual stimuli (Mat.5:28) whereas the woman seems to be excited
for sexual intercourse by the quality of the relationship with the partner and by the touch. (1
Cor.7:1). Men are sexually attracted to women who strike their eyes while women are sexually
attracted to men whom they admire for more reasons than just physical attraction. Thus, wise
women must always look attractive in order to please their husbands. Wise men must show
affection to their wives throughout the day, through small hugs, kisses, and acts of kindness,
rather than expecting their wives to be "turned on" in an instant at the end of the day.

The degree of sexual desire in men tends to increase with the production of sperm in their
bodies, while the rise and fall of sexual desire in women depends on their menstrual cycle. Men
have the ability to become sexually aroused or reach the peak of arousal within seconds or
minutes. It takes much longer for women. Although physically ready in seconds, for
intercourse, a woman's body may not be ready for half an hour. So, wise husbands start with the
play before the sexual act, with caresses, kisses, manual stimulation of those parts of the body
that will prepare her for sex. If he doesn't know where her parts are, he should ask her. In
addition, he should know that while he has the ability to have one orgasm, his wife has the
ability to have several. He must ensure that she gets what she wants.

It is vital that Christian husbands and wives have an honest discussion of each other's needs and
learn as much as possible about the opposite sex. Over months and years of communication,
discovery and practice, the sexual relationship between husbands and wives results in ever
increasing happiness.

For more evidence that God is not a prude, see Song of Solomon 7:1-9; Leviticus 18:1-23.
Children in a Christian family
Children should be taught to be submissive and totally obedient to their Christian parents. And
if they are, they are promised long life and other blessings:

Children, obey your parents, according to the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and
your mother" (this is the first commandment with promise), so that you may be happy and live
long on earth (Eph.6:1-3)

Christian fathers, as heads of families, have the first responsibility to train the children:

And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the way of the
Lord (Eph.6-4)

Notice that the responsibility of the father is twofold: to bring up the children in the discipline
and instruction of the Lord. Let's first look at the need for child discipline.

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