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Rezumat Summary
Boala Verneuil (BV) este o afecþiune inflamatorie Verneuil’s disease (VD) is a recurrent, chronic,
cronicã, recurentã, care se manifestã prin leziuni dureroase, inflammatory disorder, which manifests as painful,
supurative, situate la nivelul regiunilor bogate în glande suppurating lesions, located to the regions with abundent
sudoripare sau sebacee. sweat or sebaceous glands.
Bolnavi ºi metodã Patients and Methods
Prezentãm 4 cazuri de BV, bãrbaþi cu vârste cuprinse We present four cases with VD, men, between 21 and
între 21 ºi 62 ani, al cãror istoric al afecþiunii era între 1 ºi 62 years old, with a case history ranging between 1 and 7
7 ani. Comorbiditãþile întâlnite la aceste cazuri au fost: years. Co-morbidities seen in these cases were: acne
acnee conglobatã (2 cazuri), piodermitã vegetantã (1 caz), conglobata (2 cases), pyoderma gangrenosum (1 case) and
sindrom metabolic (1 caz). Trei bolnavi au prezentat BV metabolic syndrome (1 case). Three patients had stage II
stadiul II ºi pe cel de-al patrulea l-am încadrat în stadiul III, VD , with the fourth case allotted to stage III, according
conform clasificãrii Hurley. Hurley’s classification
Puseul evolutiv al fiecãrui caz a fost controlat prin The flare in each case was controlled by long term
antibioterapie sistemicã de duratã ºi îngrijiri locale. Doi systemic antibiotherapy and local treatment. Two patients
bolnavi au primit în continuare Isotretinoin, la unul dintre continued with Isotretinoin, but in one of them treatment
aceºtia consemnând eºecul terapeutic, motiv ce a failure was recorded, leading to the surgical excision with
determinat recurgerea la excizie ºi plastie într-un serviciu dermoplasty in a specialized department.
de specialitate.
Discuþii Incidence of VD is 1:600 in Caucasians but higher in
Incidenþa BV este de 1:600 la caucazieni, iar la population of African descent.
populaþia de origine africanã este mai mare. Femeile sunt Women are more frequently affected than men
mai frecvent afectate decât bãrbaþii (F/M=3/1). (F/M=3/1)
Etiopatogenia nu este întru totul elucidatã, iar The etiopathogenesis is not completely elucidated and
tratamentul BV nu este standardizat. the treatment of VD is not standardized.
Concluzii Conclusions
BV este o afecþiune cronicã cu important rãsunet VD is a chronic disease with important psychological
psihologic, devenind uneori invalidantã. impact, sometimes becoming debilitating.

* Universitatea de Medicinã ºi Farmacie Craiova, Clinica Dermatologie.

Department of Dermatology, University of Medicine and Farmacy of Craiova.
** Clinica Dermatologie, Spitalul Clinic Judeþean de Urgenþã Craiova.
Dermatology Clinic, Emergecy County Hospital of Craiova.

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 165-181

Rãspunsul terapeutic la antibioterapie sistemicã de Therapeutic response to long term systemic antibiotics
lungã duratã este bun, dar acest tratament nu este curativ. is good, but this treatment is not curative.
Renunþarea la fumat este obligatorie, de asemenea Smoking cessation is mandatory, as well as weight loss
scãderea în greutate a pacienþilor obezi cu BV. in obese patients with VD.
Deºi multe terapii au devenit disponibile în ultimii Although multiple therapies became available in the
ani, tratamentul de referinþã al BV rãmâne cel chirurgical. last few years, the basic treatment of BV remains the
Totuºi, acesta este dificil de efectuat ºi greu de acceptat de surgical one. However, surgery is difficult to perform and
cãtre bolnavi, mai ales în formele extinse care necesitã hard to accept by the patients, especially in extended forms
excizii largi. of VD requiring wide excisions.
Cuvinte-cheie: boala Verneuil; etiopatogenie; Keywords: Verneuil’s disease, etiopatogeny,
tratament. treatment.
Intrat în redacþie: 1.08.2013 Received: 1.08.2013
Acceptat: 31.08.2013 Accepted: 31.08.2013

Boala Verneuil (BV) este o afecþiune Verneuil’s disease (VD) is a recurrent, chronic
inflamatorie cronicã, recurentã, care se manifestã inflammatory disorder, manifesting as painful,
prin leziuni dureroase, supurative, situate la suppurating lesions, located in areas of the body
nivelul regiunilor bogate în glande sudoripare with numerous apocrine glands. [1]
sau sebacee. [1] It is also called chronic hidradenitis; chronic
Este cunoscutã ºi sub alte denumiri: hidradenitis suppurativa (term wich is no longer
hidradenita cronicã; hidradenita supurativã recommended); acne inversa; follicular occlusion
cronicã (termen care nu mai este recomandat); syndrome (physiologically appropriate term, not
acnee inversatã; sindrom de ocluzie folicularã clinically); suppurative lesions of folds ( the term
(termen adecvat fiziologic, nu ºi clinic); leziuni is included in the classical definition of the
supurative ale pliurilor (termen inclus în definiþia disease); apocrinitis.
clasicã a bolii); apocrinitã (termen utilizat în Incidence of VD is 1:600 in Caucasians but
literatura englezã). higher in population of African descent. One year
Incidenþa BV este de 1:600 la caucazieni, iar la prevalence varies in different regions of the
populaþia de origine africanã este mai mare. Într-
World between under 1 % to 4%.[2]
un an, în diferite regiuni ale lumii, prevalenþa
Women are more frequently affected than
variazã între sub 1% ºi 4%.[2] Femeile sunt mai
men (F/M=3/1). [3]
frecvent afectate decât bãrbaþii (F/M=3/1).[3]
The etiopathogenesis is not completely
Etiologia este plurifactorialã, dar nu este
elucidated. The treatment of VD is not standard-
întru totul elucidatã. Tratamentul BV nu este
ized. The disease has a chronic evolution,
standardizat. Evoluþia bolii este cronicã, putând
surveni multiple complicaþii, inclusiv un associating multiple complications including
carcinom scuamos în regiunile topografice squamous cell carcinoma located in the affected
afectate. regions.
Prezentãm aspectele clinico-evolutive ºi We present the clinical, evolutive and
terapeutice referitoare la patru cazuri clinice therapeutic aspects of four personal clinical cases
personale. of VD.

Bolnavi ºi metodã Patients and Methods

Cazul 1. Bãrbat, 62 ani, provenind din mediul Case 1. A 62-year-old male patient, farmer,
rural, agricultor, mare fumãtor, normoponderal. rural area, heavy smoker, normal weight required
Solicitã consult dermatologic pentru numeroºi dermatological consultation for many painful,
noduli inflamatori, dureroºi, unii fistulizaþi ºi inflammatory nodules, some of them with sinus
cicatrici retractile interesând regiunea pubianã ºi tracts, and for retractile scars in the inguinal and
inghinalã bilateral (Fig. 1). De asemenea, la pubic regions bilaterally (Fig. 1). Also, on the
nivelul fesei drepte prezintã douã cicatrici, right buttock the patient presented two scarring,

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 165-181

Fig. 1. Boalã Verneuil, stadiul II (Hurley), leziuni în Fig. 2. Boalã Verneuil, cicatrici post noduli fistulizaþi,
regiunea pubianã ºi inghinalã bilateral vindecaþi
Fig. 1. Stage II Hurley Verneuil’s disease, lesions in Fig. 2. Verneuil’s disease, scarring due to the healing
the inguinal and pubic regions bilaterally of fistulized nodules

urmare a unor noduli fistulizaþi, vindecaþi (Fig. 2). due to the healing of fistulized nodules (Fig. 2).
Istoricul bolii este de trei ani. The onset of the disease is dating of three years.
Examenele paraclinice au evidenþiat un Paraclinic exams revealed a biological
sindrom biologic inflamator. Examenul inflammatory syndrome. Bacteriological test of
bacteriologic din leziunile fluctuente a arãtat fluctuant lesions showed the presence of
prezenþa de Escherichia Coli, iar cel din leziunile Escherichia Coli, as for closed, recent injuries, the
recente, închise a fost negativ. test was negative.
Diagnosticul a fost de BV stadiul II Hurley. The diagnosis was Hurley stage II VD.
Sub antibioterapie generalã (Cefuroxim 1 g/ Under general antibiotics (cefuroxime 1 g /
zi, 20 zile) ºi îngrijiri locale (soluþii antiseptice, day, 20 days) and local treatment (antiseptic
incizia ºi drenajul nodulilor fluctuenþi) evoluþia a solutions, incision and drainage of fluctuant
fost favorabilã. nodules) evolution has been favorable.
Cazul 2. Bãrbat, 36 ani, provenind din mediul Case 2. A 36-year-old male patient, rural area,
rural, normoponderal, mare fumãtor, de profesie normal weight, heavy smoker, working as a
ºofer. Din adolescenþã prezintã acnee conglobatã. driver, with a known history of acne conglobata
Se adreseazã dermatologului pentru leziuni since adolescence addressed to the dermatologist
supurative la nivel axilar (Fig. 3), inghinal (Fig. 4) for suppurative lesions in the axilla (Fig. 3) and
ºi numeroºi noduli dureroºi interesând faciesul ºi inguinal (Fig. 4) as well as a multitude of painful
trunchiul (Fig. 5). Evoluþia este de un an. În timp nodules interesting the face and the trunk (Fig. 5).
s-au dezvoltat ºi cicatrici cheloidiene. De o lunã Symptoms onset dates of one year.
prezintã la gamba dreaptã (Fig. 6) ºi antebraþul Bacteriological test revealed the presence of
stâng (Fig. 7) câte un placard de piodermitã Staphylococcus aureus in the lesions.
vegetantã, confirmatã histopatologic. The following diagnoses were stated based
Examenul bacteriologic a evidenþiat prezenþa on case history, clinical examination, laboratory
stafilococului auriu la nivelul leziunilor. tests (the presence of biological inflammatory
Pe baza anamnezei, examenului clinic, a syndrome), histopathological examination:
investigaþiilor paraclinice (sindrom biologic Hurley stage III VD, acne conglobata, pyoderma
inflamator prezent), examenului histopatologic, gangrenosum.
am precizat diagnosticele: BV stadiul III Hurley; On the plaques of pyoderma gangrenosum
acnee conglobatã, piodermitã vegetantã. we applied Retapamulin ointment 1%, with
Pe placardele de piodermitã vegetantã am favorable evolution. Under treatment with
aplicat Retapamulin, unguent 1%, cu evoluþie ciprofloxacin 1g/day and local care (antiseptic
favorabilã. Sub tratament cu Ciprofloxacinã solutions, incision and drainage of fluctuant

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 165-181

Fig. 3. Boalã Verneuil, stadiul III (Hurley), regiunea Fig. 4. Boalã Verneuil, stadiul III ( Hurley), regiunea
axilarã inghinalã
Fig. 3. Stage III Hurley Verneuil’s disease, in the axilla Fig. 4. Stage III Hurley Verneuil’s disease in the
inguinal region

Fig. 5. Acnee conglobatã la un pacient cu boala Fig. 6. Piodermitã vegetantã, gamba dreaptã, la un
Verneuil pacient cu boalã Verneuil
Fig. 5. Acne conglobata to a patient with Verneuil’s Fig. 6. Pyoderma gangrenosum in the right leg, to a
disease patient with Verneuil’s disease

1g/zi ºi îngrijiri locale (soluþii antiseptice, incizia nodules), acute attack of VD was controlled in
ºi drenajul nodulilor fluctuenþi), puseul BV a fost three weeks. Subsequently, the patient was on
controlat în trei sãptãmâni. Ulterior, bolnavul a treatment with Isotretinoin 1 mg/ kg/day,
urmat tratament cu Isotretinoin 1mg/kg/zi, cu maintaining outcomes 3 months after initiation of
menþinerea rezultatelor timp de 3 luni de la therapy with retinoids.
iniþierea terapiei cu retinoizi. Case 3. A 43-year-old male patient, from
Cazul 3. Bãrbat, 43 ani, din mediul urban, urban areas, heavy smoker and with grade I
mare fumãtor ºi cu obezitate grad I. Se prezintã la obesity is admitted in our department for
medic pentru numeroºi noduli dureroºi, unii multiple painful nodules, some of them with

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 165-181

sinus tracts, localized in the axilary and facial

region, and with postlesional retractile fibrous
scars. He had a 7-years history of VD, presenting
most of the recurrences during the last three
years. Four years ago he was diagnosed with
severe dyslipidemia and with hypertensive
ischemic heart disease.
We established the diagnoses: Hurley stage II
VD, metabolic syndrome.
Under local treatment and systemic
administration of clindamycin (1200 mg / day),
the acute episode was controlled in 3 weeks.
Fig. 7. Piodermitã vegetantã, antebraþ stâng, la un Case 4. A 21-year-old male patient, rural
bolnav cu boalã Verneuil area, heavy smoker (10 cigarettes/day) for two
Fig. 7. Pyoderma gangrenosum in the left forearm, to a years, normal weight is hospitalized for painful,
patient with Verneuil’s disease purple nodules, some of them fluctuant, located
in the parotid and retromandibular regions (Fig.
fistulizaþi, interesând axilele ºi faciesul, plus 8), posterior thorax (Fig. 9), inguinal region (Fig.
cicatrici fibroase, retractile, postlezionale. 10) and the buttock. In the left inguinal fold
Istoricul este de 7 ani, consemnând cele mai presents a hyperpigmented sclerotic cord, about
multe recurenþe în ultimii 3 ani. În urmã cu 4 ani 5 cm long, with confluent fluctuant nodules.
a fost diagnosticat cu dislipidemie severã ºi The following diagnostics were stated:
cardiopatie ischemicã hipertensivã.
Hurley stage II VD, acne conglobata.
Am precizat diagnosticele: BV stadiul II
After four weeks under systemic antibiotic
Hurley; sindrom metabolic.
therapy (Clinadamicin 1200 mg / day) and local
Sub tratament local ºi terapie sistemicã cu
treatment the inflammatory phenomena were
Clindamicinã (1200 mg/zi), puseul a fost
controlat în 3 sãptãmâni. repealed. Subsequently, the patient followed
Cazul 4. Bãrbat, 21 ani, din mediul rural, Isotretinoin therapy 0.5 mg / kg / day. After 3
fumãtor 10 þigãri/zi de doi ani, normoponderal. months of therapy with retinoids the unfavorable
Este spitalizat pentru noduli violacei, dureroºi, evolution led to discontinuation of Isotretinoin.
unii fluctuenþi, localizaþi la nivelul regiunilor Surgical treatment was performed (wide excision
parotidiene ºi retromandibulare (Fig. 8), toracelui followed by dermoplasty) in a specialized
posterior (Fig. 9), inghinal (Fig. 10), fesier. La department.
nivelul plicii inghinale stângi prezintã un cordon
scleros, hiperpigmentat, de aproximativ 5 cm Discussions
lungime, alãturi de noduli fluctuenþi, confluaþi.
The first description of VD as a distinct
Pe toracele posterior, inghinal ºi pe fesa dreaptã
prezintã multiple cicatrici retractile, hipercrome. condition dates to 1839, when Velpeau reported
Anamnestic, boala a debutat insidios în urmã cu one case of superficial abscess formation in the
3 ani. mammary, axillary, and perianal regions. Fifteen
Am precizat diagnosticele: BV stadiul II years later Verneuil associated the local infectious
Hurley; acnee conglobatã. process with the sweat glands, thus giving the
Sub antibioterapie generalã (Clinadamicinã condition its current name. Schiefferdecker (1922)
1200 mg/zi) ºi îngrijiri locale am stãpânit classified, after differentiating the sweat glands,
fenomenele inflamatorii în patru sãptãmâni. as apocrine and eccrine and localized VD to the
Ulterior, bolnavul a urmat terapia cu Isotretinoin apocrine glands.In 1939, Brunsting highlighted
0,5 mg/Kg/zi. Evoluþia nefavorabilã dupã 3 luni its frequent association with acne. He noted that
de terapie cu retinoizi l-a determinat sã întrerupã BV, dissecting cellulitis of the scalp and the neck,
Isotretinoinul. S-a efectuat tratament chirurgical and commonly occur in the same patient. In
(excizie largã urmatã de plastie) într-o secþie de 1956, Pillsbury et al. combined acne conglobata,
profil. hidradenitis suppurativa, and dissecting cellulitis

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 165-181

Fig. 9. Acnee conglobatã, torace posterior, la un

pacient cu boalã Verneuil
Fig. 9. Acne conglobata in the posterior thorax to a
patient with Verneuil’s disease

Fig. 8. Acnee conglobatã la un pacient cu boalã

Fig. 8. Acne conglobata to a patient with Verneuil’s

Pentru prima datã, BV a fost descrisã în anul
1839 ca o afecþiune distinctã, când Velpeau a
raportat un pacient cu abcese superficiale la nivel
axilar, submamar ºi perineal. Cincisprezece ani
mai târziu, în 1854, Verneuil asocia procesul
supurativ cu glandele sudoripare, denumind
afecþiunea dupã propriul nume. Ulterior, în 1922,
Schiefferdecker a clasificat gladele sudoripare în
Fig. 10. Noduli violacei fluctuenþi, confluaþi ºi cordon
glande ecrine ºi apocrine, localizând BV la nivelul
scleros în cadrul bolii Verneuil
glandelor apocrine. În 1939 Brunsting a Fig. 10. Verneuil’s disease with confluent, fluctuant,
evidenþiat asocierea ei cu acneea. El a observat cã purple nodules and a hyperpigmented sclerotic cord
BV, foliculita disecantã a scalpului, gâtului ºi
acneea coglobatã, de obicei, apar la acelaºi under the term “follicular occlusion triad”. In
pacient. În 1956 Pillsbury ºi colab. au inclus 1975, Plewig and Kligman introduced the term
acneea conglobatã, BV ºi foliculita disecantã a acne tetrad, including pilonidal sinus as another
scalpului sub termenul de „triadã ocluzivã component to the ensemble.[4]
folicularã”, iar în 1975 Plewig ºi Kligman au Women are more frequently affected than
adãugat chistul pilonidal ca un alt component al men (F/M= 3/1). The predominance of the
acestui ansamblu introducând termenul de
disease in women can be explained by specific
tetradã acneicã. [4]
factors such as the influence of estrogen on
Boala este mai frecventã la femei (F/M= 3/1).
inflammation. VD most commonly develops after
Preponderenþa la femei poate fi explicatã prin
puberty when the apocrine glands are stimulated
factori specifici, cum ar fi influenþa estrogenilor
asupra inflamaþiei. BV apare de obicei dupã by sex hormones with postmenopausal
pubertate când glandele apocrine sunt stimulate attenuation.[3]

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 165-181

de hormonii sexuali, cu atenuare dupã When analysing the age of the patients with
menopauzã. [3] VD, we took as relevant a 2008 study which
Referindu-ne la vârsta pacienþilor cu BV, indicated a lower prevalence of this condition in
amintim un studiu din 2008 care a arãtat cã people over 55 years compared to younger
prevalenþa la persoanele de peste 55 ani a fost patients (0.5% vs 1.4%).[5]
semnificativ mai scãzutã decât la pacienþii tineri
(0.5% vs 1.4%). [5] Etiopathogeny
BV was initially described as a disease of the
Etiopatogenie apocrine sweat glands, but histologic studies
BV a fost decrisã iniþial ca fiind o afecþiune a suggest that it is a multifocal disease, in which
glandelor apocrine, însã studiile histologice atrophy of the sebaceous glands is followed by an
sugereazã faptul cã aceasta este o afecþiune early lymphocytic inflammation and
multifocalã, în care atrofia glandelor sebacee este hyperkeratosis of the pilosebaceous unit and,
urmatã de o inflamaþie limfocitarã timpurie ºi de later, by hair-follicle destruction and granuloma
hiperkeratoza unitãþii pilosebacee, iar mai târziu, formation. Subsequent healing processes
de distrugerea foliculilor pilari ºi formarea produce scarring and sinus tract formation.[3]
granuloamelor. Procesul de vindecare se produce In the pathogenesis of VD the following
cu cicatrici ºi traiecte fistuloase la nivelul factors are involved:
tegumentului.[3] a) Hormones
În etiopatogenia BV sunt implicaþi urmãtorii Most of the patients with VD do not show
factori: significant changes in serum hormone levels. The
a) Hormonii relationship between VD and hyperandrogenism
is largely based on the finding that the free
Majoritatea pacienþilor cu BV nu prezintã
androgen index is increased due to a low level of
modificãri semnificative ale nivelului seric
sex hormone–binding globulin (SHBG) which is
hormonal. Relaþia dintre BV ºi hiperandrogenism
regulated by factors that influence the body
se bazeazã în mare parte pe constatarea cã nivelul
de androgeni liberi este crescut datoritã unui
The normal apocrine gland contains 5-alpha
nivel scãzut al SHBG (sex hormone binding
reductase, which converts testosterone to the
globulin) care este influenþat de greutatea
potent androgen dihydrotestosterone. The latter
corporalã.[6] has an affinity for androgens receptors five times
Glandele apocrine normale conþin 5-alfa higher than testosterone. The benefits of
reductaza, care converteºte testosteronul în finasteride (a competitive inhibitor of the 5-alpha
dihidrotestosteron. Acesta are afinitate pentru reductase type II isoenzyme) in some patients
receptorii androgenilor de cinci ori mai mare with persistent forms of VD, raised the question
decât testosteronul. Beneficiile finasteridei of whether 5-alpha reductase type I or type II is
(inhibitor competitiv al izoenzimei 5-alfa expressed in this disease and whether this
reductaza de tip II) la unii pacienþi cu forme expression applies to the apocrine gland,
persistente de BV a ridicat problema dacã 5-alfa sebaceous gland, or both. On the other hand,
reductaza de tip I sau de tip II este exprimatã în sebum excretion is not an important factor in the
aceastã boalã ºi dacã aceastã expresie are legãturã development of VD and hormonal influence
cu glandele apocrine, glandele sebacee, sau remains controversial. [7]
ambele. Pe de altã parte, excreþia de sebum nu b) The bacteria are also involved in the
reprezintã un factor important în dezvoltarea BV, pathogenesis of VD, as a wide variety of germs
iar influenþa hormonalã rãmâne controversatã.[7] are commonly found in the lesions. Bacterial
b) Bacteriile sunt implicate ºi ele în patogenie, infections play a significant role in the clinical
la nivelul leziunilor gãsindu-se o mare varietate manifestations of this condition, but they are not
de germeni. Infecþiile bacteriene joacã un rol causative factors. Among the most commonly
important în manifestãrile clinice, dar nu sunt isolated bacteria are coagulase-negative
factori cauzali ai BV. Dintre bacteriile izolate cel staphylococci, followed by E. Coli (discovered in

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 165-181

mai frecvent sunt stafilococii coagulazo-negativi, our 1st case) and streptococci. In chronic forms
urmaþi de E. Coli (prezenþi la cazul 1) ºi anaerobic bacteria and Proteus species are a
streptococi. În formele cronice sunt prezente common presence.
frecvent bacteriile anaerobe ºi specii de Proteus. Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)–positive extra-
Ductul glandei sudoripare poate fi ocluzionat cellular polysaccharide substance can obstruct
cu o substanþã polizaharidicã extracelularã (PAS- the sweat ducts, presumably due to
pozitivã), recent sugerându-se cã în acest proces Staphylococcus epidermidis.[8]
este implicat Staphylococcus epidermis.[8] c) Immunological factors are related to the
c) Factorii imunologici au legãturã cu severity of the disease and immunosuppressant
severitatea bolii, iar tratamentul imunosupresor a therapy has been effective in some cases.
fost eficient în unele cazuri. Recent investigations suggest that the
Investigaþiile recente sugereazã cã IL-12, IL- interleukin-12, interleukin-23 pathway and
23 ºi TNF-α sunt implicate în patogenia BV, tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) are involved in
susþinând afirmaþia cã aceasta este o afecþiune the pathogenesis of VD, supporting the
imunologicã sau inflamatorie. [3] hypothesis that VD is an immune or
Neutrofilele hipereactive au fost considerate inflammatory disorder. [3]
esenþiale din punct de vedere fiziopatologic în Hyperreactive neutrophils have been
multe boli inflamatorii cronice care implicã considered to be of pathophysiologic importance
distrugerea þesutului prin eliberarea simultanã a in many chronic inflammatory diseases involving
radicalilor liberi de oxigen ºi a proteazelor active, the destruction of the surrounding tissue by the
însã sunt necesare studii suplimentare pentru a simultaneous release of reactive oxygen species
elucida dacã aceste modificãri sunt legate de un and active proteases, but further study is needed
un mecanism autoimun implicat în patogenia to elucidate if these changes are related to an
autoimmune mechanism in the pathogenesis of
De asemenea, o reducere în timp a numãrului
Also a reduction in the percentage of natural
de celule natural killer ºi un rãspuns mai slab al
killer cells over time and a lower response of
monocitelor la componentele bacteriene au fost
monocytes triggered by bacterial components
gãsite la pacienþii cu BV. [2] Aceste observaþii ar
were found in patients with VD. [2] These
putea fi o explicaþie a prezenþei piodermitei
observations could explain the presence of
vegetante la unul din pacienþii noºtri (cazul 2).
pioderma gangrenosum in one of our patients
Un argument în plus în favoarea ipotezei (case 2).
imunologice vine în urma constatãrii cã receptorii An additional argument in favor of
Toll-like joacã un rol esenþial în rãspunsul imun immunological hypothesis comes from the
înnãscut faþã de bacterii, însã mecanismul nu este finding that toll-like receptors play an integral
complet elucidat. O expresie crescutã a role in the innate immune response to bacteria,
receptorilor Toll-like 2 (TLR2) de cãtre macro- but the mechanism is not completely understood.
fagele ºi celulele dendritice a fost descoperitã la A highly increased expression of toll-like receptor
nivelul leziunilor pacienþilor cu BV, atât la nivelul 2 (TLR2) by macrophages and dendritic cells in
ARNm cât ºi la nivel proteic. [2] VD lesions was found at both the proteic and the
d) Factorii genetici mRNA level. [2]
Pacienþii cu BV prezintã o incidenþã crescutã d) Genetic factors
a bolii în rândul rudelor de gradul întâi (30% ºi 40 A family history is found in 30-40 % of
% din cazuri), iar un pattern autozomal dominant patients, and an autosomal dominant pattern has
a fost raportat. [6] been reported. [6]
Mutaþia la nivelul genei conexinei 26 a fost Recently a mutation within the connexin 26
recent raportatã în asociere cu sindromul gene was reported in association with keratitis-
surditate-ichtiozã-keratitã ºi triada ocluzivã ichthyosis-deafness syndrome, and the severe
folicularã severã, confirmând implicarea follicular occlusion triad, thus confirming the
factorului genetic. [10] involvement of genetic factors. [10]

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 165-181

Nici unul dintre cazurile noastre nu a avut None of our cases had a positive family
antecedente heredocolaterale pozitive pentru BV. history of VD.
e) Alþi factori e) Other factors
Se discutã participarea obezitãþii, fumatului The implication of obesity, smoking (70% of
(70% din bolnavi sunt fumãtori), dar ºi a patients are smokers) and iatrogenic factor
factorului iatrogen (exacerbarea bolii de cãtre (exacerbation of disease by lithium) can also be
litiu). Toþi bolnavii noºtri erau vechi fumãtori, iar taken into discussion. In our study all patients
unul dintre ei avea sindrom metabolic. were heavy smokers, and one of them had
metabolic syndrome.
Date dintr-un studiu epidemiologic recent
sugerezã cã pacienþii cu BV prezintã un risc de Data from an epidemiologic study suggested
50% pentru a dezvolta diverse neoplasme. Mai a 50% increase in the risk of cancer of any kind in
frecvent apar carcinomul scuamos, cancerul patients with VD. Squamous-cell carcinoma,
bucal ºi cel hepatic, iar o posibilã explicaþie ar fi buccal and hepatocellular cancer are more
prezenþa unui factor favorizant comun, cum ar fi frequently reported, and a possible explanation
fumatul excesiv.[3] would be the presence of a common risk factor
Pacienþii cu BV au o prevalenþã crescutã such as excessive smoking.[3]
pentru sindromul metabolic ºi boala Dowling VD patients have an increased prevalence of
Degos.[6] Unul dintre bolnavii noºtri (cazul 3) a metabolic syndrome and Dowling Degos
disease.[6] One of our patients (case 3) had
prezentat sindrom metabolic, comorbiditate ce
metabolic syndrome, a comorbidity that led us to
ne-a determinat sã ne abþinem de la
abstain from retinoids administration.
administrarea retinoizilor.
Seronegative rheumatoid factor and HLA-
Pacienþii cu artritã cu factor reumatoid absent
B27–negative arthritis patients have a higher
ºi HLA-B27–negativ prezintã un risc crescut de a
chance to develop VD than the general
dezvolta BV, faþã de populaþia generalã.[3]
Printre afecþiunile care se mai pot asocia cu
Conditions reported to be associated with VD
BV se enumerã ºi acneea conglobatã (întâlnitã de
include acne conglobata (we found the
noi la douã dintre cele patru cazuri), foliculita association in two of the four cases), dissecting
disecantã a scalpului ºi chistul pilonidal, cellulitis of the scalp and pilonidal cysts, to form
împreunã constituind tetrada folicularã descrisã the follicular tetrad described by Plewig and
de Plewig ºi Kligman.[4] Kligman. [4]
BV este mai frecventã la pacienþii cu boalã The frequency of hidradenitis suppurativa
Crohn (17% din cazuri). Relaþia dintre cele douã has been reported to be increased among patients
afecþiuni este susþinutã de asemãnarea din punct with Crohn’s disease, (affecting 17% of such
de vedere clinic, histologic ºi epidemiologic, cum patients). A relation between the two conditions
ar fi prezenþa fistulelelor, inflamaþiei granulo- is supported by clinical, histologic, and
matoase, cicatricilor ºi a debutului dupã epidemiologic similarities, such as sinus tracts,
pubertate.[2] granulomatous inflammation, scarring, and onset
after puberty. [2]
Manifestãri clinice
Aproximativ 50% dintre pacienþi acuzã Clinical description
simptome prodromale cum ar fi senzaþie de Approximately 50% of all patients experience
arsurã, parestezii, durere, prurit, cãldurã localã, subjective prodromal symptoms such as burning,
sau hiperhidrozã cu 12- 48 ore înainte de apariþia stinging, pain, pruritus, warmth and hyper-
leziunilor primare. Manifestãrile clinice sunt hidrosis, 12-48 hours before the primary lesions
reprezentate de noduli dureroºi, care pot persista occurs. Clinical manifestations are represented by
7-15 zile. Ei pot sã se vindece spontan, sã persiste, painful nodules that can persist for 17-15 days.

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 165-181

prezentând recurenþe inflamtorii sau sã evolueze, They may resolve spontaneously, persist with
în cazurile severe, cãtre abcedare.[6] inflammatory recurrences or, in severe cases, they
În timp se pot forma fistule cronice, cu evolve toward abcess formation. [6]
eliberarea intermitentã, a unei secreþii seroase, Chronic sinus formation may occur over
purulente sau hematice, urât mirositoare datoritã time, with intermitent release of serous, purulent
colonizãrii cu ananerobi. Uneori apar ulceraþii ºi or blood stained discharge, and foul odours from
granuloame piogene. Vindecarea se realizeazã cu anaerobic colonization. Ulcerations, pyogenic
fibrozã densã, care poate apãrea ca o placã granulomas could ocasionally occur. Healing is
induratã asemenea cazului 4. Adenopatia associated with a dense fibrotic process, which
regionalã nu este prezentã.[6] may appear as indurate plaques as in case 4.
Leziunile pot fi localizate în ordinea There is no regional lymphadenopathy. [6]
frecvenþei la nivelul pliurilor inghinale, regiunii The afected sites are, by order of frequency:
pubiene, scrotului, vulvei, regiunii axilare,
groins, pubic region, scrotum, vulva, armpits,
regiunii perianale ºi perineale.[11]
perianal and perineal regions. [11]

Explorãri paraclinice
Paraclinical examinations
Analizele histologice au demonstrat prezenþa
Histologic analysis demonstrated infundibu-
hiperkeratozei infundibulare, hiperplaziei
epiteliului folicular ºi perifoliculitei care preced lar hyperkeratosis, hyperplasia of the follicular
ruptura foliculului pilar.[2] epithelium, and perifolliculitis wich precede
Investigaþiile imunohistochimice evidenþiazã rupture of the follicle. [2]
un infiltrat inflamator format din mastocite Immunohistochemical investigations reveals
(pozitive la triptazã), limfocite T CD3+, an inflammatory infiltrate composed of tryptase-
plasmocite CD138+ ºi celule dendritice cu factor positive mast cells, CD3-positive T-lymphocytes,
XIIIa prezent, în zona perilezionalã. Leziunile CD138-positive plasma cells, and factor XIIIa-
aratã un influx suplimentar de leucocite ºi positive dendritic cells in the perilesional area.
neutrofile. Ulterior celulele CD20+ ºi CD79a+ The lesions show an additional leukocyte and
devin mai frecvente.[12] macrophage influx. Later, C20-positive/CD79a-
Citokinele pro-inflamatorii cum ar fi positive cells become more frequent.[12]
interleukina IL-1β, IL-10 ºi TNFα sunt crescute Pro-inflammatory cytokines such as
semnificativ în þesutul lezional ºi perilezional.[2] interleukin (IL)-1â, IL-10 and tumor necrosis
factor-α (TNFα) are markedly increased in
Diagnostic lesional and perilesional skin.[2]
Diagnosticul pozitiv se bazeazã pe prezenþa
urmãtoarelor criterii: Diagnostic
1. Leziuni tipice: noduli dureroºi profunzi, The positive diagnostic relies on the presence of
abcese, fistule, cicatrici, comedoane deschise. the following criteria:
2. Topografie tipicã axilarã, perinealã, 1. Typical lesions: deep-seated painful
perianalã, fesierã, pliuri infra ºi intermamare. nodules, abscesses, sinus tarcts, scars and open
3. Cronicizare ºi recidive.[13] comedos.
Diagnosticul diferenþial, în funcþie de regiunile
2. Typical topography: axilla, groin, perianal
topografice afectate, se face cu abcesele comune,
region, inframammary region.
furunculoza, bartholinita sau chisturile
3. Chronicity and recurrences.[13]
epidermice inflamate, limfogranulomatoza
Differential diagnosis, depending on the
venerianã, scrofuloderma, actinomicoza, acneea
nodularã, chistul pilonidal ºi boala Crohn.[6] affected topographic regions is made in regard of
the following conditions: carbuncles,
furonculosis, infected Bartholin’s gland, infected
epidermal cysts, lymphogranuloma venereum,
BV evolueazã cronic, cu frecvente recurenþe, scrofuloderma, actinomyces, nodular acne and
urmatã de mai multe complicaþii. pilonidal cyst, Crohn disease.

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 165-181

Severitatea se apreciazã cu ajutorul clasificãrii Evolution

VD is a chronic disease, having frequent
I. (Forma uºoarã): Formarea abceselor, unice
relapses and beeing followed by several
sau multiple fãrã fistule sau procese cicatriciale
Severity grading is assessed by using Hurley
II. (Forma moderatã): Abcese recidivante cu
fistule ºi cicatrici, unice sau multiple.
Stage 1 (Mild form): Single or multiple
III. (Forma severã): Afectare difuzã, cu fistule
abscesses formation, without sinus tracts and
ºi abcese multiple interconectate la nivelul
fibrous cicatrisation.
întregii regiuni.[13]
Stage 2 (Moderate form): Recurrent abscesses,
Conform acestei clasificãri, trei bolnavi au
with tract formation and cicatrisation. There may
prezentat BV stadiul II, iar pe cel de-al patrulea l-
be single or multiple lesions.
am încadrat în stadiul III. Stage 3 (Severe form): Diffuse or near diffuse
involvement or multiple interconnected tracts
Complicaþii and abscesses are observed across the entire area.
Foarte rar pot apãrea complicaþii infecþioase [13]
acute, cum ar fi celulita sau infecþii sistemice.[11] According to this classification, three of our
Complicaþiile bolii de lungã duratã, netratatã, patients had stage II VD, and the fourth was stage
sunt reprezentate de: obstrucþia limfaticã cu III disease.
limfedem secundar, elefantiazisul scrotal, fistule
rectale, vaginale, uretrale, peritoneale, vezicale Complications
dar ºi complicaþii sistemice precum anemia, Acute infectious complications such as
hipoproteinemia, amiloidoza, sindromul nefritic, cellulitis or systemic infection are very
artropatia, dactilita, poliartrita, complicaþii care unusual.[11]
astãzi au devenit excepþionale.[2] The complications of the long-standing
Depresia este o complicaþie frecventã a BV. untreated disease are represented by: lymphatic
Onderdijk A.J. ºi colab. într-un studiu pe 444 obstruction with secondary lymphedema, scrotal
pacienþi (211 pacienþi cu BV ºi 233 cu alte elephantiasis, fistulae formation in the rectum,
afecþiuni ca eczema, psoriazis, neoplasme vagina, urethra, peritoneum or bladder and
cutanate sau alte afecþiuni cutanate) au folosit systemic complications such as anemia,
chestionarul DLQI pentru aprecierea calitãþii hipoproteinemia, amyloidosis, nephritic
vieþii ºi scorul MDI (Major Depession Inventory) syndrome, arthopathies, dactylitis, polyarthritis,
ca instrument de diagnostic ºi ca scalã de complications which nowadays have become
apreciere a severitãþii depresiei. DLQI a indicat o exceptionally rare.[2]
alterare profundã a calitãþii vieþii în lotul Depression is a common complication of VD.
pacienþilor cu BV faþã de grupul martor (8.4 +/- Onderdijk A.J et al. in a study of 444 patients (211
7.5 vs. 4.3 +/- 5.6), iar MDI a arãtat cã depresia VD patients and 233 controls with ecema,
este mai frecventã ºi mai severã în rândul psoriazis, skin tumors and other skin diseases)
pacienþilor cu BV, 9 pacienþi cu BV prezentând used for quality of life assessment, the DLQI
depresie severã vs. 4 din grupul de control. [1] questionnaire and MDI scores as an diagnostic
Carcinomul scuamos reprezintã o altã instrument and as a depression rating scale. The
complicaþie care de obicei este observatã la DLQI was significantly higher in VD cases than
bãrbaþii cu BV inghinalã. Riscul apariþiei in controls (8.4 +/- 7.5 vs. 4.3 +/- 5.6) and MDI
carcinomului scuamos pe zonele cronic inflamate has shown that depression is more common and
este de 3%, dupã o evoluþie de 20 ani. În aceste more severe in patients with VD, 9 VD patients
cazuri diagnosticul este tardiv, iar prognosticul presenting with severe depression vs. 4 patients
este rezervat. Tumora prezintã agresivitate localã, in the control group.[1]
metastazeazã frecvent, iar mortalitatea este Squamous cell carcinoma is another
ridicatã. [14] complication that is usually observed in men

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 165-181

Tratament with inguinal VD. The risk of developing

squamous cell carcinoma on chronically inflamed
Tratamentul local se poate face prin aplicarea areas is 3%, after an evolution of 20 years. In these
de comprese calde cu clorurã de sodiu sau soluþie cases the diagnosis is delayed, and the prognosis
Burow ºi utilizarea topicelor cu antibiotic (de ex. is poor. The tumor is locally aggressive,
clindamicinã, tetraciclinã, amoxicilinã, frequently metastasize, and have a high
rimfampicinã, penicilinã M). [15] mortality. [14]
Se mai pot folosi steroizii intralezionali (de
ex. triamcinolon 5-10mg) cu obþinerea rapidã a Treatment
remisiunii în 12-24 h. [4]
Tratamentul general se poate face cu Topical treatment include application of
antibiotice care reprezintã medicaþia de bazã warm compresses with sodium chloride solution
pentru mulþi clinicieni. La toate cele patru cazuri, or Burow solution and antibiotics (e.g
clindamycin, tetracycline, amoxicillin, rifampicin,
noi am controlat puseul evolutiv prin terapie
penicillin M). [15]
sistemicã cu antibiotice, iar local am apelat la
Intralesional steroids (e.g triamcinolone5-10
soluþii antiseptice, incizia ºi drenajul nodulilor
mg) can also be used, followed by a rapid
fluctuenþi. resolution after 12-24 h. [4]
Iniþial, utilizarea antibioticelor s-a bazat pe General treatment includes antibiotics wich
faptul cã BV are o patogenie similarã cu acneea are, for many clinicians, the mainstay of therapy.
conglobatã. Pot fi folosite mai multe tipuri de In all four cases we controlled the flare with
antibiotice cum ar fi: Eritromicina, Claritro- systemic antibiotics, and locally we used
micina, Tetraciclina, Doxiciclina, Minociclina, antiseptic solutions, as well as the incision and
Metronidazol, Clindamicina ºi Rifampicina (în drainage of fluctuant nodules.
formele cronice se poate folosi asocierea The use of antibiotics to treat HS was initially
ultimelor douã menþionate timp de 10 based on the belief that HS shared a similar
sãptãmâni). [15] pathogenesis with acne conglobata. Various
Van der Zee ºi colab. într-un studiu antibiotics can be used such as: erythromycin,
retrospectiv pe 34 pacienþi trataþi cu clarithromycin, tetracycline, minocycline,
Clindamicinã ºi Rifampicinã câte 600 mg/zi au metronidazole, clindamycin and rifampicin (the
gãsit o reducere a scorului severitãþii bolii. [16] last two can be used, in combination, in chronic
Un studiu în care a fost comparatã eficienþa disease, for 10 weeks).[15]
Tetraciclinei orale 500 mg, de douã ori pe zi cu Van der Zee et al. performed a retrospective
Clindamicina topicã, de douã ori pe zi, timp de 3 study on 34 patients who received clindamycin
600 mg and rifampicin 600 mg daily and found
luni, a arãtat cã medicaþia oralã nu este
clinical improvement in the severity of the
superioarã celei topice. [16]
disease. [16]
Combinaþia Amoxicilina cu ac. clavulanic
A study comparing the efficacy of systemic
poate fi cea mai eficientã dacã este luatã foarte tetracycline 500 mg twice daily with topical
devreme, în prima orã de la apariþia simptomelor. clindamycin twice daily for 3 months showed
Recent s-au prezentat rezultate favorabile that oral tetracycline did not prove more effective
dupã terapia cu anti TNF alfa în BV. than topical one. [16]
Sunt studii care susþin eficienþa inflixi- Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid association
mabului, etanerceptului ºi adalimumabului, dar may be the most effective regimen provided that
rezultatele pe termen lung s-au pãstrat doar în is taken very early, within 1 hour since the first
cazul infliximabului ºi etanerceptului. [15, 16] signs.
Datoritã efectelor adverse, terapia anti TNF alfa Recently TNFα inhibitors have been used to
este folositã astãzi în special în cazul eºecului treat VD successfully.
tratamentului standard al BV. There are studies that support the
effectiveness of infliximab, etanercept and
Toxina botulinicã adalimumab, but long-term results have been
Folosirea toxinei botulinice a fost menþionatã preserved only for infliximab and etanercept.[15,
pentru prima oarã de cãtre O’Reilly ºi colab. în 16]

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 165-181

anul 2005, când un pacient în vârstã de 38 ani a Today they are to be used specially in case of
fost tratat cu 250 unitãþi de toxinã botulinicã, iar failure of the standard treatment of VD due to the
în scurt timp a apãrut remisia bolii. Ulterior, un adverse effects.
alt caz a fost raportat cu aceleaºi rezultate. [17]
Botulinum Toxin
Hormonii ºi modulatorii hormonali The use of botulinum toxin in the
Tratamentul cu ciproteron acetat în management of BV was first introduced by
combinaþie cu etinilestradiol, fie etinilestradiol în O’Reilly et al. in 2005 in treating a 38-year-old
combinaþie cu doze mici de norgestrel, poate patient with 250 units of botulinum toxin, and the
îmbunãtãþi în mod semnificativ evoluþia bolii, în patient was able to achieve short-term remission
special la pacienþii cu forme uºoare de BV. Totuºi of symptoms. Subsequently, another case was
de multe ori acestã afecþiune nu rãspunde la reported with the same results. [17]
tratamentul hormonal. [16]
Hormones and hormone modulators
Într-un studiu publicat în 2005, Joseph ºi
colab. a evaluat eficienþa Finaseridei la 7 pacienþi Treatment with ethinyl estradiol or ethinyl
cu BV, iar rezultatele au indicat cã folosirea estradiol with low doses of norgestrel, can
acestui tratament între 8 luni ºi doi ani de significantly improve the course of the disease,
monoterapie 5mg/zi a dus la vindecare pentru 3 especially in patients with mild VD. Quite often,
dintre pacienþi ºi la ameliorare pentru alþi 3 however, this condition does not respond to
pacienþi.[19] hormonal treatment. [16]
In 2005, Joseph et al. explored the usage of
Laserterapia finasteride in 7 patients with VD and found that
Începând din anul 1990 mai multe studii au after 8 months to 2 years of monotherapy, 5 mg
demonstrat eficienþa laserului YAG Nd de 1064- per day, 6 patients improved substantially with 3
nm ºi a laserului cu CO2. [16, 13, 19]. of them experiencing complete healing of
Highton ºi colab. într-un studiu pe 18 pacienþi lesions.[19]
cu leziuni în douã regiuni diferite, a folosit
Laser therapy
lumina intens pulsatã (IPL) de douã ori pe
sãptãmânã timp de patru sãptãmâni. A fost Începând din anul 1990 mai multe studii au
tratatã o singurã regiune, iar cealaltã a servit demonstrat eficienþa laserului YAG Nd de ºi a
drept control. O îmbunãtãþire semnificativã a fost laserului cu CO2 Since 1990 several studies have
observatã, dar nu s-a obþinut vindecarea. De demonstrated the effectiveness of 1064-nm Nd
aceea, autorii au ajuns la concluzia cã IPL ar YAG laser and CO2laser. [16, 13, 19].
putea fi adãugatã arsenalului terapeutic din BV, Laser CO2 excision is used in mild to
în special pentru pacienþii care refuzã intervenþia moderate disease with good results. It has
chirurgicalã. [19] minimal complications and cure is usually
achieved in 4-8 weeks. [20]
Terapia fotodinamicã (PDT) Highton et al. in a study on 18 patients with
În timpul PDT se produce acumularea sporitã lesions on two different regions used intense
de metaboliþi porfirinici în foliculii pilari ºi în pulsed light (IPL) twice-weekly for four weeks.
glandele sebacee. Capacitatea acestei proceduri One region was treated and the other one acted as
de a reduce pilozitatea ºi producþia glandelor control. A significant improvement was noted
sebacee a dus la speranþa cã ar putea fi utilã în however no definitive cure was achieved.
tratamentul BV. [21] Therefore, the authors concluded that the IPL
could be added to the therapeutic arsenal of VD,
particularly for patients who refuse surgery. [19]
Utilizarea retinoizilor în BV a fost derivatã
din eficacitatea lor în tratamentul acneei Photodynamic therapy (PDT)
conglobate. Din pãcate, datele nu au fost la fel de During PDT an increased accumulation of
încurajatore. Absenþa hiperseboreei în BV poate porphyrin metabolites occur within hair follicles
explica diferenþa faþã de acnee. [16] Noi am and sebaceous glands. The ability of this

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 165-181

obþinut rezultate mulþumitoare, dupã 3 luni de procedure to reduce hair and sebaceous gland
tratament, la unul dintre cei doi bolnavi care au production has led to the hope that it might be
primit Isotretinoin. Ambii bolnavi prezentau ºi helpful in the treatment of VD. [21]
acnee conglobatã.
Tratamentul chirurgical The use of retinoids in the treatment of HS
Excizia chirurgicalã reprezintã unul dintre was derived from its efficacy in treating acne
cele mai vechi tratamente. conglobata. Unfortunately, data has not been
O vindecare permanentã poate fi obþinutã nearly as encouraging. The absence of
prin excizia chirurgicalã largã, dar o asemenea hyperseborrhea in VD can explain the difference
intervenþie se face numai în stadiile avansate al to acne. We have obtained satisfactory results to
BV. one of the two patients with acne conglobata,
Excizia fãrã margini idemne favorizeazã who received Isotretinoin, after 3 months of
recidiva, iar în aceste cazuri examenul cu treatment.
ultrasunete de frecvenþã înaltã sau rezonanþã Surgical treatment
magneticã la nivelul pielii pot fi utile.
Surgical excision is one of the oldest
Când leziunea este limitatã, în cazul
treatments. A permanent cure can be obtained by
abceselor recidivante ºi supuraþiei, se poate face
wide surgical excision, but such intervention may
excizie localã. Aceasta nu este de ajutor în cazul
be done only in advanced stages of VD.
abceselor profunde sau în cazurile cu leziuni noi
The excision without safe margins favors
ce apar în diferite regiuni.
recurrence and in those cases high-frequency
În stadiul Hurley III excizia radicalã cu
ultrasound examination of the skin or magnetic
sutura „per secundam” sau cu grefã este cea mai
resonance imaging may be useful.
bunã opþiune. Excizia trebuie sã fie largã ºi
When the extent of skin involvment is
profundã, atât cât sã cuprindã toate leziunile ºi
limited, in case of relapsing abscess and
toate glandele apocrine dacã este posibil, pentru
suppuration, a local excision can be done. It is
evitarea recidivelor. Mapping-ul fistulelor cu
unhelpful in case of many burrowing abscesses
albastru de metil intraoperator este important.
or when new lesions appear regulary in different
Un studiu realizat de van Rappard D.C ºi
colab. între anii 2005 ºi 2010 pe 57 pacienþi cu BV
In stage III Hurley radical excision and
ºi trataþi prin excizie chirurgicalã sub anestezie
healing with secondary intention or graft is the
localã, cu margini de siguranþã, a indicat eficienþa best option. The extent of the excision must be
tratamentului chirurgical în 66% din cazuri. wide and deep, enough to include all the lesions
Recidivele s-au înregistrat la 10 luni, în medie, la and apocrine gland, if possible, to avoid
23% din cazuri, la nivelul zonei operate, ºi în 11% recurrence. Mapping of sinus tracts with
din cazuri lângã zona operatã. Criteriile de intraoperative methylene blue injection is
includere au fost: abcese sau fistule recidivante în important.
aceeaºi regiune, excizia efectuatã cu margini de A study performed by van Rappard D.C et al.
siguranþã ºi suprafaþa mai micã de o palmã. [20] between 2005 and 2010 on 57 patients treated
În concluzie, excizia localã urmatã de with surgical excision under local anaesthesia,
închiderea „per primam” este un tratament beyond the borders of activity, indicated
eficient la pacienþii cu BV uºoarã sau moderatã. successful of surgical treatment in 66% of the
Este o metodã sigurã de control al bolii, cu cases. Recurrence within the operated field
morbiditate scãzutã, vindecare rapidã ºi o ratã occurred in 23% of the cases, after an average
mare de satisfacþie a pacientului. interval of 10 months, and in 11% of the cases
Peelingul cu rezorcinã appeared near the initial site of surgery. [20]
In conclusion, local excision and primary
În 2010, Boer and Jemec au efectuat un studiu
closure is an effective treatment for patients with
pe 12 paciente cu BV stadiul I sau II Hurley
mild or moderate BV. It is a safe method for
tratate cu rezorcinã topicã 15% timp de minim 12
disease control, associated with a low morbidity,

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 165-181

luni. Eficacitatea tratamentului a fost evaluatã pe rapid healing and a high rate of patient
o scalã vizualã analogicã, urmãrind durata satisfaction.
leziunilor dureroase ºi schimbãrile legate de
Resorcinol Peels
durere ale pacientelor. Rezultatele au arãtat cã
grupul care a fost tratat a raportat o duratã medie In 2010, in a retrospective study on 12 female
a durerii de 3,7 zile, comparativ grupul netratat patients with Hurley stage 1 or 2 VD treated with
topical resorcinol 15% for a minimum of 12
care a prezentat dureri permanente timp de 5 zile.
months Boer and Jemec reported positive results.
Întrucât nu s-au realizat multe studii în acest
Treatment efficacy was evaluated on a visual
sens, investigaþii suplimentare sunt absolut
analog scale, following aspects such as duration
necesare înainte de introducerea acestui
of painful lesions and the patient’s pain-related
tratament în practica curentã. [22]
changes. The patients in the treated group
Zincul reported an average duration of pain of 3.7 days,
În 2007, Brocard ºi colab. au realizat un studiu compared to 5 days in the untreated group.
pe un lot de 22 pacienþi aflaþi în stadiul I ºi II Because there were only a few studies assessing
Hurley, aceºtia fiind supuºi unui tratament cu 90 this type of therapy, further investigations are
mg de gluconat de zinc pe zi. Durata medie de clearly necessary before this becomes a
urmãrire a fost de 23,7 luni. Toþi pacienþii au generalized treatment recommendation. [22]
demonstrat rãspuns clinic la tratament, cu 8 Zinc
remisii complete ºi 14 ameliorãri. Posibilele efecte
In 2007, Brocard et al. in a study on 22
adverse ale acestui medicament includ anemia patients with Hurley stage 1 or 2 VD used as
microcitarã ºi greaþa. [23] treatment 90 mg of zinc gluconate per day. The
Metforminul average follow-up period was 23.7 months. All
Citat iniþial în cazuri izolate, efectul pozitiv al patients demonstrated clinical response to the
metforminului a fost confirmat recent printr-un therapy, with 8 complete remissions and 14
studiu realizat pe 25 pacienþi cu BV trataþi cu improvements. Potential side effects of this
Metformin 500 mg/zi, cu creºterea progresivã a medication include microcytic anemia and
dozei pînã la 1500 mg/zi. Pacienþii au fost nausea. [23]
reexaminaþi în sãptãmânile 12 ºi 24, iar evoluþia Metformin
a fost favorabilã pentru 18 pacienþi, cu o Initially quoted in isolated cases, the positive
ameliorare semnificativã. [24, 25] effect of metformin was recently confirmed in a
Steroizii sistemici study of 25 patients with VD treated with
metformin 500 mg / day with a progressive
Doze mari de steroizi sistemici pot fi folosiþi
increase up to 1500 mg / day. Patients were
pentru a reduce inflamaþia ºi durerea. Ei pot fi
reviewed at 12 and 24 weeks, and the evolution
folosiþi ca o alternativã la dozele mari de
was favorable for 18 patients, with a significant
antibiotic pentru a preveni abcedarea. În cazul
improvement. [24, 25]
abceselor, când leziunea este fluctuentã, nu
trebuie întârziat drenajul chirurgical. Systemic steroids
Dapsona a permis obþinerea de rezultate bune, High doses of systemic steroids may be used
însã acest medicament trebuie folosit cu precauþie to reduce inflammation and pain. They can be
datoritã efectelor sale adverse. used as an alternative to high doses of antibiotics
Radioterapia a fost testatã în cazul mai multor to prevent suppuration. In case of abscesses,
serii de pacienþi, în doze de 3-8 Gray, prezentând when the lesion is fluctuating, surgical drainage
rezultate bune. ªi acest tratament ar trebui folosit should not be delayed.
cu precauþie având în vedere riscul spontan de Dapsona has been used with good results,
cancer la nivelul regiunii gluteale sau but this treatment should be used with caution
intergluteale. [26] due to its adverse effects.

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 165-181

Concluzii Radiotherapy was tested in several series of

patients, in doses of 3 to 6 Gray with good results.
BV este o afecþiune cronicã cu important
Considering the spontaneous high risk of cancer
rãsunet psihologic, devenind uneori invalidantã.
in gluteal and intergluteal location this treatment
Rãspunsul terapeutic la antibioterapie
should be used with caution. [26]
sistemicã de lungã duratã este bun, dar acest
tratament nu este curativ.
Renunþarea la fumat este obligatorie, de Conclusions
asemenea scãderea în greutate a pacienþilor obezi VD is a chronic disease with important
cu BV. psychological impact, sometimes becoming
Deºi multe terapii au devenit disponibile în debilitating.
ultimii ani, tratamentul de referinþã al BV rãmâne Therapeutic response to long term systemic
cel chirurgical. Totuºi, acesta este dificil de antibiotics is good, but this treatment is not
efectuat ºi greu de acceptat de cãtre bolnavi, mai curative.
ales în formele extinse care necesitã excizii largi. Smoking cessation is mandatory, as well as
weight loss in obese patients with VD.
Although multiple therapies became
available in the last few years, the basic treatment
of BV remains the surgical one. However, surgery
is difficult to perform and hard to accept by the
patients, especially in extended forms of VD
requiring wide excisions.

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