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Apelin, a promising target for type 2

diabetes treatment?
Isabelle Castan-laurell1,2, Cédric Dray1,2, Claude Knauf1,2, Oxana Kunduzova1,2 and
Philippe Valet1,2*
Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), U1048, Toulouse, France
Université de Toulouse, Université Paul Sabatier, Institut des Maladies Métaboliques et Cardiovasculaires (I2MC),
Toulouse, France

Insulin resistance is a main feature of obesity and type 2 pathologies. For example, leptin overproduction and a
diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Several mechanisms linking defect in adiponectin secretion are observed during
obesity to insulin resistance have been proposed. Adi- obesity-associated insulin resistance. The role of these
pose tissue modulates metabolism by secreting a variety factors in insulin resistance has been discussed extensively
of factors, which exhibit altered production during obe- in other reviews. In this review, we focus on a new player
sity. Apelin, a small peptide present in a number of called apelin, originally described as an adipokine in 2005
tissues and also produced and secreted by adipocytes, [3], and later shown to have novel and potent effects in the
has emerged as a new player with potent functions in regulation of energy metabolism.
energy metabolism, and in insulin sensitivity improve-
ment. In this review, we describe the various metabolic Apelin and the apelin receptor
functions that are affected by apelin and we present an In 1998, Tatemoto and coworkers purified, from bovine
integrated overview of recent findings that collectively stomach extracts, a peptide binding to the ‘orphan’ APJ
propose apelin as a promising target for the treatment of receptor, a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), now known
T2DM. as the apelin receptor (gene symbol APLNR [4]) [5]. The
identified gene encodes a 77-amino acid polypeptide with a
Insulin resistance and adipokines involvement secretory signal sequence. The C-terminal part of this
Insulin plays a crucial role in maintaining the homeostasis polypeptide that contains the part of the molecule that
of energy metabolism, by coordinating the storage and binds the apelin receptor was called ‘apelin’, for APJ
utilization of fuel molecules in skeletal muscles, liver Endogenous Ligand [6]. The human apelin gene has been
and adipose tissue. Insulin resistance refers to a state in localized on chromosome Xq25-q26.1 [6]. The receptor,
which physiological concentrations of insulin are poorly which was identified in humans in 1993, displays a
effective. During insulin resistance, pancreatic b cells 40–50% sequence homology and shares closest identity
respond to excess plasma glucose by secreting more insu- to the type 1 angiotensin II receptor [7]; however, the
lin, in an effort to maintain normal glycemia and to over- receptor does not bind angiotensin II. The gene encoding
come the decreased ability of some tissues to respond to the apelin receptor was mapped to chromosome 11 and
insulin. Insulin resistance is a major characteristic of type later sub-localized to the locus 11q12. RNA transcripts
2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and is often linked to obesity were first detected in the brain, but it was subsequently
[1]. In combination, these events increase the risk of car- shown that apelin receptor is expressed in a wide range of
diovascular diseases and obesity-associated morbidity, and tissues [8]. In insulin-responsive tissues, apelin receptor is
there is a plethora of evidence pointing to a causal role for expressed in the adipose tissue, skeletal muscles and heart
obesity in the initiation of insulin resistance [1]. Adipose and at lower levels in the liver [9].
tissue releases a number of proteins called adipokines such Apelin, like apelin receptor, is expressed in many periph-
as leptin and adiponectin [2]. It also produces and secretes eral tissues, and different brain regions, particularly the
non-esterified fatty acids and pro-inflammatory cytokines hypothalamus [3,8]. To date, the main active forms of apelin
such as interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-alpha are apelin-13, -17 and -36 and the pyroglutaminated isoform
(TNFa), or the chemokine monocyte chemoattractant of apelin-13 (Pyr(1)-apelin-13) characterized by a higher
protein-1 (MCP-1), usually regarded as adipokines when resistance to degradation [4]. In heart, the described pre-
produced by adipocytes (Figure 1). The production of these dominant form is the Pyr(1)-apelin-13 [10]. Pyr(1)-apelin-
adipokines could be altered with overweight and obesity 13, apelin-13 and apelin-36 have comparable efficacy and
when plasma concentrations of some adipokines may potency in human cardiovascular tissues [10], whereas
either be reduced or increased. Changes in concentrations apelin-17 appears to be the most efficient in promoting
correlate with promoting or delaying obesity-associated apelin receptor internalization [11]. All isoforms originate
from a common 77-amino acid pre-propeptide precursor
Corresponding author: Valet, P. (
(preproapelin) (Figure 2) consisting of a dimer which is
Current address: Institut de des Maladies Metaboliques et Cardiovasculaires,
Inserm-Universite Paul Sabatier UMR 1048, BP 84225, 31432 Toulouse Cedex 4,
stabilized by disulfide bridges linking cysteine residues
France. [12]. The human, bovine and rat preproapelin peptides
234 1043-2760/$ – see front matter ß 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tem.2012.02.005 Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, May 2012, Vol. 23, No. 5
Review Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism May 2012, Vol. 23, No. 5

Disruption of energy metabolism

•Activation of inflammatory kinases in metabolic tissues
•Mitochondrial dysfunction

Fat cell hypertrophy

immune cell infiltration


↑ Fatty acids
↑ Pro-inflammatory cytokines
Adipokines :↓ adiponectin,↑ leptin
TRENDS in Endocrinology & Metabolism

Figure 1. Adipose tissue expansion promotes insulin-resistance. Increased fat mass during obesity is associated with: (i) adipocyte hypertrophy; (ii) low grade inflammation
due to macrophage infiltration; and (iii) increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The altered secretion of fatty acids and adipokines by adipose tissue promotes
lipotoxicity, and/or mitochondrial dysfunction, and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle.



(77 amino acids)


(55 amino acids)


Apelin 17 60 - KFRRQRPRLSHKGPMPF- 77
active isoforms

Apelin 13 64 - QRPRLSHKGPMPF- 77

Pyr (1)-Apelin 13 64 Pyr - QRPRLSHKGPMPF- 77

TRENDS in Endocrinology & Metabolism

Figure 2. Apelin amino acid sequence and maturation. The preproapelin (77 amino acids) is cleaved into proapelin (55 amino acids) by endopeptidases (green arrows) in
rich basic amino-acids sites. The proapelin is then cleaved into various biologically active forms of apelin such as apelin-36, apelin-17 and apelin-13. Apelin-13 can be post-
translationally modified by the transformation of glutamine (Q) in the N-terminal position into pyroglutamine, forming the pyroglutamated apelin-13 (Pyr (1) apelin-13).

share high sequence homology and 100% sequence identity obese mice. Indeed, acute Pyr(1)-apelin-13 treatment
for the last 23 C-terminal amino acids [5,6]. (200 pmol/kg intravenously) of high-fat diet (HFD) fed
C57Bl6/J obese and insulin-resistant mice showed improved
Apelin and insulin sensitivity glucose tolerance, during euglycemic–hyperinsulinemic
It was recently shown that both short- and long-term apelin clamp [9]. Thus, apelin is efficient in improving altered
treatment improves insulin sensitivity in insulin-resistant glucose metabolism, an effect that was found to be mediated
Review Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism May 2012, Vol. 23, No. 5

mainly by an increase in glucose uptake in skeletal muscle resistance [17]. Mitochondria can usually adapt to energy
[9]. The possible impact of apelin deficiency on adiposity and demand and the enzyme AMP-activated protein kinase
insulin sensitivity has also been addressed. Apelin / mice (AMPK) plays a crucial role in activating metabolic pro-
(8 weeks old) fed a chow diet exhibit significantly increased cesses such as glucose transport and FA oxidation, in order
insulin levels, decreased plasma adiponectin concentra- to supply cellular ATP [18].
tions, and are glucose intolerant. These mice also have Chronic treatment of obese and insulin-resistant mice
increased abdominal and epididymal fat mass without dif- with Pyr(1)-apelin-13 for 4 weeks, was shown to cause an
ferences in body weight [13]. Apelin / mice fed HFD and increase in mitochondrial biogenesis and a reduction in the
high-sucrose drinking water were even more glucose and adverse alterations in the ultra-structure of both intra-
insulin intolerant [14]. myofibrillar and subsarcolemmal mitochondria of soleus
Long-term apelin treatment (from 2 to 4 weeks) of obese muscle (electron density of the matrix and loss of cristae),
and insulin-resistant mice has also been shown to improve usually seen in T2DM [15,18]. These effects were associat-
insulin sensitivity in different models [14,15]. HFD-fed ed with increased mitochondrial DNA, and an increase in
mice treated with apelin for 4 weeks have significant lower the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated recep-
blood glucose, are protected from hyperinsulinemia and tor g co-activator 1a (PGC1a), nuclear respiratory factor-1
are less glucose and insulin intolerant, when compared to (NRF-1) and mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM),
control phosphate buffered saline (PBS)-treated mice. Ape- factors that act in concert to increase mitochondrial oxida-
lin-treated mice have also significantly reduced adiposity tive phosphorylation and mitochondrial biogenesis [19].
and plasma triglycerides (TG), whereas plasma fatty acids These apelin-mediated effects were shown to be AMPK
(FA) levels remain unchanged [15]. During the feeding dependent, because they were completely blunted in the
period, apelin-treated obese and insulin-resistant mice muscle of HFD apelin-treated mice expressing a muscle-
exhibit lower respiratory exchange ratio values (RER), specific inactive AMPK (AMPK-DN) mutant [15]. Apelin
measured by indirect calorimetry, characteristic of a effects on AMPK are direct since apelin treatment
higher utilization of lipids. In line with these data, mice increases both AMPK and acetyl CoA carboxylase phos-
with over-expression of apelin (apelin-Tg) possess a higher phorylation in muscle of insulin-resistant mice [15]. The
energy expenditure and are protected against diet-induced higher mitochondrial biogenesis observed in the skeletal
obesity (DIO) [16]. Thus, apelin treatment improves insu- muscle of apelin-treated mice is associated with an in-
lin sensitivity by an overall rise in energy expenditure. crease in complete fatty acid oxidation (FAO), without
any modifications in incomplete FAO (Figure 3). These
Apelin action in insulin responsive tissues effects were abrogated in the presence of a mutated apelin
Skeletal muscle receptor antagonist (apelin peptide F13A) indicating that
Insulin resistance in muscle is characterized by impaired these effects are apelin receptor dependent [15]. The influx
glucose uptake, reduced glycogen synthesis, insufficient fat of lipids in mitochondria is also associated with decreased
oxidation, and, as a consequence, fat accumulation and acylcarnitines levels that represent byproducts of catabo-
cellular stress. Recently, mitochondrial dysfunction has lism substrates arising from incomplete FAO. Increased
been highlighted as a key factor contributing to insulin intracellular acylcarnitines levels have been associated


Insulin-stimulated APJ
glucose uptake GLUT4


NRF-1 β-Oxidation


biogenesis OXPHOS proteins
t i

TRENDS in Endocrinology & Metabolism

Figure 3. Apelin effect in skeletal muscle metabolism. Apelin, via the activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), increases peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor g co-activator 1a expression in the muscle leading to fatty acid oxidation and nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF-1) and mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM)
upregulation. Together, NFR-1 and TFAM promote mitochondrial biogenesis (Mt DNA) and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation capacity (OXPHOS proteins). AMPK
activation also increases insulin action on glucose uptake.

Review Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism May 2012, Vol. 23, No. 5

with obesity and insulin resistance [20]. The lower levels with a tendency to have reduced leptin expression and
of acylcarnitines observed in apelin-treated mice can be increased adiponectin expression. However, plasma levels
associated with improved insulin sensitivity in skeletal of leptin and adiponectin were not found to be different in
muscle, because insulin-stimulated glucose uptake is sig- apelin-treated HFD-fed mice. In HFD-fed apelin-Tg mice,
nificantly increased in the muscle of apelin-treated mice plasma levels of these adipokines were found to be similar
[15]. Finally, the mitochondrial respiratory capacity is also to those of control mice [16]. Thus, the beneficial effects of
increased in muscle of apelin-treated mice. apelin seem to be unrelated to the insulin-sensitizing
In apelin-Tg HFD-fed mice, increased mitochondrial effects of adiponectin.
DNA was found in skeletal muscles, without modification Brown adipose tissue (BAT) plays an important role in
in PGC-1a expression [16], whereas the type I muscle fiber rodents with regards to heat production and mitochondrial
ratio was found to be increased. It is still unknown whether oxidative phosphorylation. It has not been described
this increase is a result of a shift from type II to type I whether apelin receptors are present in BAT although
muscle fiber, or an increase in type I fibers. Nevertheless, chronic apelin-13 treatment in chow-fed mice has been
these results corroborate with the high mitochondrial shown to increase mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1
content and the increased oxidative capacities observed (UCP1) in BAT, body temperature and O2 consumption
in skeletal muscle. Mitochondrial biogenesis was also in- [22]. In HFD conditions, apelin-Tg mice exhibit increased
creased in rat triceps (in chow-fed conditions) after apelin expression of UCP1, higher rectal temperature and in-
treatment [21]. This mechanism involves an increase in the creased oxygen consumption, compared with control
expression of PGC-1b but not PGC1a, and an enhanced HFD-fed mice [16]. However, in obese and insulin-resistant
activity of the enzymes b-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase mice treated with apelin for 4 weeks, UCP1 expression and
(involved in the mitochondrial oxidative capacities), citrate FAO are not increased [15]. Thus, the contribution of BAT
synthase (involved in the citric acid cycle) and cytochrome to the action of apelin should not be neglected, although
C oxidase (involved in the respiratory chain). Increased diverging results have been obtained that were dependent
mitochondrial uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) expression in on the rodent model used.
skeletal muscle has also been observed in different rodent
models treated with apelin or over-expressing apelin Pancreas
[16,22]. Thus, apelin overexpression improves the metab- The effects of apelin on the pancreas initially focused on
olism of insulin-resistant muscles and, considering the the regulation of insulin secretion. Sorhede Winzell et al.
important metabolic role of muscle mass in insulin sensi- showed that apelin inhibits insulin secretion stimulated by
tivity and glucose uptake, it might be sufficient to overcome glucose in vivo in mice, and in vitro in isolated Langerhans
the overall insulin sensitivity although other tissues could islets [24]. Apelin-36 was used in this study and had no
be involved. glucose-lowering effect alone. More recently, apelin-13 was
also shown to inhibit insulin secretion stimulated by high
Adipose tissue glucose concentrations (10 mM) or potentiated by gluca-
Insulin resistance in white adipose tissue leads to an gon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) in INS-1 cells [25]. The intra-
increased release of free fatty acids (FFA), related to the cellular pathway activated by apelin involves a decrease of
suppression of the antilipolytic action of insulin. Thus, cAMP levels in the b cells, by a PI3-kinase-dependent
lipids partition away from adipose tissue and are stored activation of phosphodiesterase 3B, rather than a Gi-
in other tissues such as liver and skeletal muscle. Accu- mediated inhibition of adenylyl cyclase.
mulation of excess FFA within these tissues reduces their Longer-term apelin treatment (10 weeks) improves
overall insulin sensitivity. In addition, changes in the pancreatic islet morphology and insulin content in Akita
levels of adipose-secreted factors have also been associated mice, a genetic model of type I diabetes. Moreover, apelin
with the initiation of insulin resistance [1]. treatment in this model activates Akt, Erk and AMPK-
Apelin / mice have both increased abdominal adiposity dependent signaling pathways and reduces the upregula-
and circulating FFA levels [13]. After re-introduction of tion of IRE1a, and PERK-CHOP signaling, involved in
apelin (apelin infusion for 2 weeks) in these mice, adiposity endoplasmic reticulum stress [26]. The effect of apelin
and FFAs but also glycerol levels are decreased, suggesting treatment on the morphology of the pancreas in obese
a role for apelin in the regulation of lipolysis. Indeed, in and insulin-resistant mice has not yet been studied. Apelin
both isolated mouse adipocytes and differentiated 3T3-L1 not only acts on b cells in mice but is also present in b- as
adipocytes, apelin was shown to inhibit isoproterenol- well as a-cells of different species [27]. In addition, apelin
(b-adrenergic agonist) induced lipolysis, through Gq, Gi expression is upregulated in islets of db/db mouse and
and AMPK dependent pathways [13]. However, in human Goto Kakizaki-rat (obese and non-obese T2DM models,
adipose tissue explants or human isolated adipocytes, respectively) [27]. However, apelin secretion by b and a
apelin had no effect on basal or isoproterenol-stimulated cells has not yet been demonstrated. Since apelin receptor
lipolysis, even though acute apelin stimulation induces exists in b cells, apelin could act as a paracrine or autocrine
AMPK phosphorylation [23]. In response to chronic apelin regulator of insulin secretion and might prevent hyperin-
treatment of obese and insulin-resistant mice, not only sulinemia in order to improve insulin sensitivity.
isoproterenol-stimulated lipolysis but also glucose uptake
and FAO are not modified in epididymal adipose tissue, Hypothalamus
when compared to PBS-treated mice [15]. In addition, The hypothalamus is the target of numerous factors in-
apelin-treated mice exhibit decreased fat accumulation cluding hormones, neurotransmitters and nutrients. The
Review Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism May 2012, Vol. 23, No. 5

modification of hypothalamic neuronal activities induces the beneficial effect of apelin is probably counteracted by
large variations of peripheral glucose utilization. Apelin the downregulation of brain apelin receptor by apelin
and apelin receptor mRNAs have been identified in differ- itself, as described by Clarke et al. in HFD-fed rats [30].
ent nuclei of the hypothalamus involved in the control of The role of central apelin on glucose metabolism has
behavioral and endocrine processes and energy homeosta- recently been studied. Acute icv injection of apelin can have
sis [28]. The presence of apelin-positive nerve fibers in the a differential effect depending on the injected dose and the
hypothalamus implies the existence of apelinergic neurons nutritional status [32]. Acute low dose of icv administered
and thus a dual action of apelin as a circulating peptide and apelin can decrease peripheral glycemia in fed mice, and
a neuropeptide. To date, it is not known whether periph- increase glucose and insulin tolerance in mice. However,
eral plasma apelin can reach the hypothalamus and could an acute high dose apelin icv injection in chow-fed and
modulate apelin levels in the hypothalamus. However, HFD-fed mice increases fasted hyperglycemia. Thus, a rise
hypothalamic apelin levels were found to be higher in in hypothalamic apelin levels, as described by Reaux-Le
HFD-fed C57Bl6/J and db/db mice [29]. Intracerebroven- Goazigo et al. [29], could be involved in the transition from
tricular (icv) apelin injection has been shown to either normal to diabetic status. Both the abolished circadian
stimulate or inhibit food intake, depending of the nutri- plasma apelin regulation observed in HFD-treated mice
tional status of the animals, and whether apelin was and the impact of chronic icv apelin treatment in normal
injected during the feeding or fasting period. Clarke mice triggering insulin intolerance, are consistent with
et al. showed that icv apelin injection decreased food, water this hypothesis [32].
intake and respiratory exchange ratio in control rats, but
had no effect in HFD-fed rats [30]. Recently, acute icv Integrative view of apelin’s effects on peripheral
apelin injection was shown to inhibit food intake in fed target organs
and fasted mice, only during the dark period. The proposed Collectively, the findings from the studies discussed above
mechanism seems to involve the corticotrophin-releasing suggest that apelin treatment during insulin resistance
factor system [31]. Reaux-Le Goazigo et al. have recently triggers several coordinated beneficial effects, such as
demonstrated that apelin-immunoreactive neuronal cell reducing hyperinsulinemia, decreasing adiposity, facilitat-
bodies were distributed throughout the rostrocaudal ex- ing glucose uptake and fuel consumption through FAO,
tent of the arcuate nucleus in rats, and that apelin was and increased skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis
weakly colocalized with NPY (an orexigen peptide) but (Figure 4). The improvement in insulin sensitivity observed
strongly colocalized with POMC, a neuropeptide known after apelin treatment might be due to decreased adiposity
to decrease food intake [29]. Thus, increased hypothalamic and optimized utilization of fatty acids by skeletal muscles. It
apelin levels might be associated with reduced food is likely that apelin treatment improves insulin-stimulated
intake and limited weight gain. However, with obesity, glucose uptake in muscle, as a result of increased FAO

Apelin treatment

Obese and insulin ?

resistant mice


↓ insulin

↓ fat mass FFA BAT

? ↑ thermogenesis

↑ mitochondrial biogenesis
↑ complete fatty acid oxidation
↑ insulin-stimulated glucose uptake

Increased insulin sensitivity

TRENDS in Endocrinology & Metabolism

Figure 4. Effect of apelin treatment on energy metabolism in obese and insulin-resistant mice. In apelin-treated mice, the decreased fat mass of white adipose tissue (WAT)
leads to free fatty acids (FFA) release potentially taken up by the muscle, in order to be oxidized. Mitochondrial biogenesis is also increased as well as insulin-stimulated
glucose transport in skeletal muscle. FFA could also act on brown adipose tissue, in order to increase thermogenesis. The decreased insulinemia observed suggests an
action of apelin on the pancreas. However, the long-term effects of apelin of the central nervous system are still not known. These events combined increase the overall
insulin sensitivity in obese and insulin-resistant mice.

Review Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism May 2012, Vol. 23, No. 5

and limited accumulation of FA intermediates. The liver, due reticulum stress-induced apoptosis [42]. Previous studies
to the weak expression of apelin receptor, does not seem to be have also shown that apelin behaves as a potent angiogenic
the main metabolic target of apelin’s actions. However, it inducer, contributing to the development of the functional
cannot be excluded that during pathological situations, as vascular network in hypoxic tissue [43]. It was recently
reported in cirrhosis, apelin receptor expression could be demonstrated that apelin prevents the progression of cardi-
upregulated and thus, apelin might act in the liver [33]. ac hypertrophic remodeling induced by pressure overload,
Finally, as previously reported for other AMPK activa- by inhibiting reactive oxygen species production, and stim-
tors [34], it can be speculated that AMPK activation by ulating catalase activity. These results support the premise
apelin regulates substrate flux and whole-body energy that apelin is a potent regulator of cardiomyocyte antioxi-
distribution to the tissues. Therefore, even if apelin acti- dant reserve against oxidative stress, in the failing heart
vated AMPK in adipose tissue skeletal muscle appears to [44]. Additional evidence suggests that apelin blunts the
be the main target tissue for apelin, by which fuel con- progression of fibrosis and preserves contractile function
sumption is achieved. Nevertheless, it cannot be excluded during cardiac decompensation [45], highlighting the fact
that additional mechanisms within the tissues studied or that apelin behaves as a critical regulator of functional and
other target organs might be involved. structural remodeling during chronic heart failure. In this
context, the role of the apelinergic system on metabolic
Other potential targets cardiac remodeling in the development and progression of
Blood vessels heart failure is of great interest, and of importance in
Both hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance contribute understanding the potential link between myocardial me-
to vascular dysfunction due to an imbalance between tabolism and cardiac performance. Despite the metabolic
endothelium-dependent vasodilatation and vasoconstric- effects of apelin in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle,
tor effects, involving endothelin [35]. Impaired vasodilata- the role of apelin in the regulation of myocardial fatty acid
tion and consequently reduced nitric oxide (NO) and glucose metabolism in the failing heart remains to be
bioavailability in different vascular beds could affect pe- determined.
ripheral vascular resistance and substrate delivery to
metabolically active tissues. The physiological relevance Relevance in humans
of insulin-stimulated vasodilatation in stimulating glucose In humans, numerous studies have reported changes in
uptake remains controversial. However, it seems that in plasma apelin concentrations (Table 1) and variations of
the insulin-resistant muscle, decreased insulin-stimulated apelin and its receptor expression in different tissues, in
glucose uptake could be partly due to impaired insulin- physiological and pathological situations [8]. In obese and
mediated capillary recruitment [35]. Apelin, like insulin, hyperinsulinemic subjects, plasma apelin levels as well as
can induce NO-dependent vasodilatation [36] and is in- adipose tissue expression is increased [3]. Plasma apelin
volved in the caliber size regulation of blood vessels during levels are also raised in morbidly obese [46] and T2DM
angiogenesis [37]. The apelin receptor is present in small subjects [47]. Non-obese patients with impaired glucose
amounts in endothelial cells but also to a lesser extent, in tolerance or with T2DM also exhibited higher concentra-
smooth muscle cells in vessels. This implies that apelin tions of apelin, when compared with control subjects [48].
might also have vasoconstrictor capacities [38]. Despite Recently, it was shown that increased plasma apelin con-
this, the vasodilator effect of apelin seems to dominate in centration in obese and T2DM subjects is positively corre-
the presence of a functional endothelium [39]. The effect of lated not only with insulinemia but also with glycemia and
apelin on blood flow during insulin resistance is poorly the percentage of glycated hemoglobin [49]. Reduced plas-
documented. However, it has been shown that resistance to ma apelin levels were found in obese subjects with untreat-
diet-induced obesity of the apelin-Tg mice was accompa- ed T2DM, compared to non-diabetic subjects [50]. These
nied by an increase in vascular mass, within the skeletal results could be consistent with the fact that after 14 weeks
muscle [16]. It is not known whether this phenomenon was of anti-diabetic treatment (rosiglitazone and metformin),
due to increased blood vessel number or caliber size, but plasma apelin levels were increased and the glycemic
angiopoietin-1 mRNA expression, a key factor in vascular profile improved [51]. A decline in apelin levels after
maturation, and its receptor Tie 2, were both significantly diet-induced weight loss [52] or bariatric surgery [47] in
increased [16]. The relationship between energy metabo- obese individuals has also been described, showing that the
lism, blood flow and more generally blood vessel physiolo- apelin upregulation can be reversed.
gy, in response to apelin, deserves further investigation.

Myocardial energy metabolism plays a vital role in the Table 1. Apelin action in humans
regulation of cardiac function, in both health and disease Phenotype Changes in [apelin] Refs
Obese and hyperinsulinemic Up [3]
[40]. Apelin may be an important and promising adipokine
Morbidly obese Up [46]
that can help to understand better the link between meta- Obese and T2DM Up [47,49]
bolic and cardiovascular diseases. Apelin has potent dose- Untreated T2DM Down [50]
dependent positive inotropic, vasodilator actions and Non-obese T2DM Up [48]
improves myocardial efficiency [41]. Apelin plays a protec- Anti-diabetic treatment Up [51]
tive role in ischemia/reperfusion by stimulating intracellu- Bariatric surgery Down [47]
lar pathways such as PI3k-Akt or by reducing endoplasmic Caloric restriction Down [52]

Review Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism May 2012, Vol. 23, No. 5

Box 1. Outstanding questions 3 Boucher, J. et al. (2005) Apelin, a newly identified adipokine up-
regulated by insulin and obesity. Endocrinology 146, 1764–1771
 Is the increasing plasma concentration of apelin observed during 4 Pitkin, S.L. et al. (2010) International Union of Basic and Clinical
obesity involved in the delay of the onset of diabetes? Pharmacology. LXXIV. Apelin receptor nomenclature, distribution,
 How does a single daily injection of such a short-lived peptide pharmacology, and function. Pharmacol. Rev. 62, 331–342
promote long lasting effects? 5 Tatemoto, K. et al. (1998) Isolation and characterization of a novel
 Which isoforms of apelin are increased and/or decreased in the endogenous peptide ligand for the human APJ receptor. Biochem.
described diseases and do these changes in concentration have Biophys. Res. Commun. 251, 471–476
distinct consequences? 6 Lee, D.K. et al. (2000) Characterization of apelin, the ligand for the APJ
 Is apelin able to interact with receptors other than APLNR (APJ)? receptor. J. Neurochem. 74, 34–41
 Do the vascular effects of apelin contribute to the improvement of 7 O’Dowd, B.F. et al. (1993) A human gene that shows identity with the
metabolism in muscle? gene encoding the angiotensin receptor is located on chromosome 11.
Gene 136, 355–360
8 Castan-Laurell, I. et al. (2011) Apelin, diabetes, and obesity. Endocrine
Apelin receptor mRNA expression has been measured in 40, 1–9
adipose tissue and skeletal muscle of T2DM and non- 9 Dray, C. et al. (2008) Apelin stimulates glucose utilization in normal
and obese insulin-resistant mice. Cell Metab. 8, 437–445
diabetic subjects, before and after euglycemic hyperinsuli- 10 Maguire, J.J. et al. (2009) [Pyr1]apelin-13 identified as the
nemic clamp [9]. Although basal apelin receptor expression predominant apelin isoform in the human heart: vasoactive
in muscle of diabetic subjects was similar to controls [9], a mechanisms and inotropic action in disease. Hypertension 54, 598–604
significant increase in expression was observed after the 11 El Messari, S. et al. (2004) Functional dissociation of apelin receptor
clamp, in muscles of both control and diabetic subjects. signaling and endocytosis: implications for the effects of apelin on
arterial blood pressure. J. Neurochem. 90, 1290–1301
Thus, it can be hypothesized that this upregulation of apelin 12 Lee, D.K. et al. (2005) Modification of the terminal residue of apelin-13
receptor expression might be associated with increased antagonizes its hypotensive action. Endocrinology 146, 231–236
apelin metabolic functions in skeletal muscles. 13 Yue, P. et al. (2011) Apelin decreases lipolysis via Gq, Gi, and AMPK-
Finally, in humans, studies of apelin and apelin receptor dependent mechanisms. Endocrinology 152, 59–68
14 Yue, P. et al. (2010) Apelin is necessary for the maintenance of insulin
are mostly descriptive and it is now of interest to investi-
sensitivity. Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 298, E59–E67
gate the metabolic effects of apelin administration in both 15 Attane, C. et al. (2012) Apelin treatment increases complete fatty acid
physiological and pathological situations. oxidation, mitochondrial oxidative capacity, and biogenesis in muscle
of insulin-resistant mice. Diabetes 61, 310–320
Concluding remarks 16 Yamamoto, T. et al. (2011) Apelin-transgenic mice exhibit a resistance
All the effects of apelin depicted in obese and insulin- against diet-induced obesity by increasing vascular mass and
resistant mice or by transgenic approaches clearly under- mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle. Biochim. Biophys. Acta
1810, 853–862
line a beneficial role of apelin on energy metabolism,
17 Kim, J.A. et al. (2008) Role of mitochondrial dysfunction in insulin
whereby increased insulin sensitivity and decreased fat resistance. Circ. Res. 102, 401–414
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Review Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism May 2012, Vol. 23, No. 5

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