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Activity 7.

Single-Factor Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Single-Factor Analysis of Variance is used to test the means of independent samples from
more than two populations whether these are equal. The hypothesis is validated with a desired level
of probability or the p-value.

Software: MSWord, MSExcel

Apparatus: Stopwatch, Smartphone, Laptop, Desktop Computer
Scheme: Group

1. Choose 15 students. Request them to type a one-page document with MSWord. Five (5)
students will type using their phones, another 5 will use a laptop computer, and the last five
will use a desktop computer. Record their completion time in the table below.

Phone Laptop Desktop

2. Test the hypothesis that the completion time of the students in the three equipment/gadgets
are statistically equal. Do this by clicking Data on the main menu. Then, Data Analysis to show
the window option for the Analysis Tools. Choose Anova: Single Factor and click OK.

(Sample Screen)

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